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Stevo Fife

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Everything posted by Stevo Fife

  1. Wish you lot would hurry up and become shite. This winning/top end of league stuff aint on and i have no reason to visit. Cunts8)
  2. Absolutely Keyser. I quite enjoy being a bitch Look forward to seeing you in Styx on the 31st for a few beers. Any chance of a lift down in the bus like last time? (well if ya don't ask...)
  3. Jeez, found a bright one here! Nice to see the step up from Roy of the Rovers to tinternet hasn't proved toooooooo difficult.
  4. There is more than one Stig. If you paid attention each week you would quite often notice the difference in height and build between the drivers. It's more than likely that the likes of Hill, Hunt etc have all made appearances over the years.
  5. Body of Lies. Surprisingly very good action packed movie without going into overkill. With Leonardo Decaprio and Russel Crowe it's a good movie from start to end. 7/10 Angels & Demons Not quite as good as The Da vinci Code but still worth the effort. 5/10
  6. Paulo Nutini, Dunfermline, this coming Monday
  7. Films i`ve watched in past month Blood diamond - Excellent - 8/10 Deja vu - Excellent - 8.5/10 Next - Very good 6.75/10 The hunting party - very good - 6.75/10 I am legend - good - 6/10 Last king of Scotland - good - 6/10 No country for old men - average - 5/10 Alien v Predator 2 requiem - below average - 4.75/10 (not worth the wait)
  8. Boob, your a top geezer mate. Thanks again.

  9. Razor sharp dude

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