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Aberdeen Cowden

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Everything posted by Aberdeen Cowden

  1. Aye couldn't agree more but it will take them another six months to decide what to do next. Everything should have been in place to take action yesterday - even my dog knew this was coming.
  2. As predicted many times - they don't know what to do! Ater all this must have been such a shock???????
  3. Give the ns at the SFL a break - after all they would never have expected this!!!!Aye right. Wonder who they'll ask what to do?
  4. You are right the SFL will remain silent. They must be wetting themselves at the thought of making a decision. I still cannot believe that Gordon McDoog will be involved with this lot - if he is Livy will stay in the third division or if they have a good season, the second but they will never see the first again but at least they won't be in debt.
  5. Cowdenbeath in financial trouble? (that's good coming from a Livi fan) Tell us more please - I was just about to renew my season ticket!
  6. I'm sure the SFL will be as efficient as they always are and sort this out by 2020.
  7. One thing you can be sure of with the SFL - positive action is not an an option.
  8. They will you know - a bunch of incompetent muppets. No wonder football is in such a mess.
  9. What on earth is Gordon thinking about ? I do hope he comes to his senses before he gets his fingers badly burned.
  10. This post sums the situation up perfectly - does the SFL have authority do do anything or do they just wait until more people get ripped off? I wonder if any of them even read P&B. They should do.
  11. Good post but you have to feel for the supporters and the players - they shouldn't have to go through this. What a mess.
  12. The quicker they get put into Div3 or kicked out altogether the better. What are the SFL doing? - have they all gone on holiday with their MP's???
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