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dirty dingus

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Everything posted by dirty dingus

  1. Karen is sound and she'd probably kick yer c**t in for that sort of talk.
  2. As Bert Racoon said Irvine Welsh character Freddie Royal in Lorraine goes to Livingston is Savile, Jerry Sadowitz was blackballed for calling him out on TV. He was definitely protected within the BBC as I'm pretty sure they covered up him groping a lassie on TotPs. I agree to that it was more accepted back in the day look at Jimmy Page he had a 13 yr old girlfriend in Lori Maddox which seems to get the ah well he's a rock star treatment.
  3. Andrews antics only came to light because it was the FBI doing the investigating. It's obviously still excused here after all the shite last week celebrating the life of a woman who shelled out £12m to make the noncing allegations disappear. Now we have a king who was besties with Savile and actively tried to help beasty bishop Peter Bell.
  4. Or maybe he knew where the bodies were buried concerning the people who make the laws and silence the critics. We've had PM nonces, Royal nonces and faith leader nonces. So no doubt they'll be plenty more in the establishment.
  5. Was that naw Bill Wyman? Ronnie Wood was into mature ladies as he only ran away with an 18 yr old Russian lassie.
  6. I just watched the UN live debate as you do with a cargo. Cleverly was the Brit talking head who kind of said nowt except calling out the Ruskies for going to the bar during his live speech. Diddy guy from Belarus was all over the place, German was a Wid and the guy from Lithuania representing the Baltic States called Putin a c**t in his dialect. The young Ukrainian guy looked like he was taking on anyone in a student full of cheap bevy. kind of way. I feel a lot safer now.
  7. Aye a reckon at least 3, not seen any of them since that quadrophenia tour, sad when folk you appreciate turn out to be c***s. Still quadrophenia still in my top 5 albums.
  8. Don't know about bio weapons but they've certainly got a new weapon and it's targeting a certain football food and beverage page. Always knew this site was a pro capitalist western backing sock puppet page. You just have to read the rabid establishment views on the politics forum
  9. f**k knows what Frank done maybe he played the Lesley Ash role. Trevor done the brighton news reading, Daniels was Jimmy, Ade edmondson was ace face, glitter was the godfather in punk and the godfather. https://fb.watch/fHTQfjl8Ux/
  10. I was at that gig in Hyde park. Prince's trust thingy. Tickets were really cheap and Dylan was shite, we left when old slowhand came on. Quadrophinia was amazing with an all-star cast including glamnonce Glitter,June '96 day before the Euros final.
  11. An 18 year old intern? Interns is such a modern term, we used to call a young apprentice/helper in the yards a "go for" there is a rumour circulating that Schofield used to take his gopher into a broom cupboard and ram his hand up it's arse.
  12. General chit chat on News here. If Putin deploys a nuke there will be a immediate and massive nuclear counterstrike on Russia from Ukraine or it's western allies. Are there nukes in Ukraine? Also saying 5,937 "Russian" soldiers pan breid. Does that include soldiers from Chechnya, Dagastan and the Ukrainian separatists?
  13. I've only got France 24 to watch and already the presenter is saying she wasn't our queen and how fucking stupid the whole circus is/was and pushing the story of India and Modi telling the royals to bolt. Vive la Republique.
  14. Anybody died in the queue yet. That would be top minter stuff?
  15. The starting gun has just went off and he's already took the lead in the met commissioner bauble chasing egg and spoon race. Thankfully I'm now in Thailand and the only thing at halfmast will be the Ladyboys knickers.
  16. Oh my heart breaks for Lizzy the Grate, I'm so sombre I cannot masturbate, you killed Diana to stop the family unravel, taking advice from your good friend Savile. Oh Lizzy the Grate what a wonderful mother rearing misfits and lecherous buggers.
  17. Now all the supermarkets are getting it in the neck to shut as Lidl is closing all stores. I suppose the German supermarket giants are hurting as Lizzy was one of their own.
  18. This shit is nuts,throwing people out mid holiday.
  19. Here is my reply to the baiting master trying to get bites. I've redacted the bits that may lead to time on the naughty step.
  20. I for one am sure the right wing free speech/cAnCeL cUlTuRe grifters will be quick to condemn this arrest. Funny enough racist ginger bin fire Sophie Cochrane is defending her right to hold the sign. Her timeline is full of yes it's ok to protest bit now is not the time gammons.
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