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honestly united

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Everything posted by honestly united

  1. Question for anyone thats read the comics, but is the Constantine in Sandman suppose to be the same one from the DC comics (that had his own series and appears occasionally in the arrow-verse) just changed sex? I've not read them but appears to be the same character, just now a woman.
  2. That was some pop for Omega, given he was the biggest heel when he left. He looks well off the pace at the moment so a trio's run with the Bucks should do until he's fit enough. On Punk / Moxley I just realised that Spears has been off air this entire time along with MJF. I've seen a few rumours that he is due back on air soon, so I can see him causing a DQ setting up a 3 way for the PPV. Im all for an MJF run, heel punk as they look to ramp up the viewing numbers ahead of the new TV deal
  3. Just based on numbers, at the end of last season, the current 10 clubs had 34 players on loan, at present its 12 in for this season so its not like everyone else has loads of players on loan yet, having Kirk we are bang average on numbers
  4. At least its the first stage, It becomes even more of a farce when its a week or so in and teams have already lost riders to crashes etc so getting the numbers over the line to stop the clock is even more of a challenge
  5. Goodwin at Aberdeen has stated that after signing 10 odd players there will be players leaving over the next couple of weeks, not sure on who they have that will fall into that category. Im assuming a lot of the Prem teams will be in the same boat, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee Utd all seem to have signed a lot of players so would expect a bit of a clear out before the window shuts
  6. Are you saying we should have paid a fee to get players in rather than waiting a few weeks to get them on free's / loan? Or that we should have signed more players on free's earlier?
  7. I had thought so but you just never know with Flair!
  8. IM sure a just saw an advert for Flair's last match 2, a death match against Nick Gage. Not sure if it was legit or not?
  9. Ah your right I had thought they had joined earlier when we were way worse than we are now, but they didnt join until Glasgow had started winning
  10. I agree on Blackadder, I thought he was living off his name as a player more than his coaching abilities. Seems to have done OK without ever setting the heather on fire. 7th is a decent probably finished above Glasgow and Edinburgh as we were woefully at the start of the Pro 12
  11. Its probably due to him not being Blackadder or some of the other names being banded about. Not sure as a headcoach (as I hadnt heard of him before coming over to Italy), but given that Italy are streets ahead in developing young players getting his input cant be a bad thing. Was he in charge at Benetton when they were decent?
  12. Ben Afleck uses it in the first "Jay and Silent Bob" movie so lets not give VT the credit for that!
  13. Looks like our type of signing, 11 different clubs and free'd by a non-league team in England
  14. Im the same, started well with some good signings, dipped with McInroy and Adeloye not signing, then has been downhill with lack of signings and dreadful formations. And the league season hasnt even kicked off yet...
  15. Just looking at purely numbers of players if you take out Moff and the youngsters (but include Hewitt, Smith, Ecrepoint and Bryden as likely to be first team) we are sitting at 20 players, we lost 10 players over the summer and replaced with 6 new signings, however as McAlister and MIller were out on loan thats maybe only a difference of 2 or maybe 3. As the 2 we have not replaced are McInroy and Adeloye surely there is money in hte budget for at lesat 2 dcent signings. IF we get some of the fringe players out on loan that would maybe boost numbers also
  16. we can sign free agents up to end of March I believe, emergency 90 day loans the same i think but may be wrong, but definitely outwith the window though
  17. The issue with loan signings is that you only get guys like Kai Kennedy early as the parent club know they are never going to make it as first team players so are happy to get some off their wages off the books. You have then the real youngsters that the clubs are happy to farm out to get game time which usually happens around now for the first game of the season. Then the last lot is usually as the clubs finalise there squad there are usually a few decent players that are deemed surplus to requirements once all the targets are signed so go out on loan to reduce the wage bill. ie the 4th choice striker that gets bumped down to fifth by the last minute signing. There has been quite an overhaul at a few premiership clubs (ie Aberdeen signed 9 players so far) so hopefully we start to see the trickle down, you might get someone like Smith who asked for his release in August as he didnt think would get any first team appearances and signed for us i think in September. Obviously doesnt help going into the Abroath game though
  18. The players we kept and signed screams 4-3-3, yet we've not played it yet this season
  19. In non Scotland news, Chile have beaten the USA for a place at next year's world cup. First new team for a while and 3 south American teams. USA can still qualify through the repachage
  20. The under 20's in the Super 6 is nonsense, as anyone playing outside Scotland wont be available, and anyone playing in Scotland will in all likelyhood be playing for one of the sides already. It'll just weaken the rest of the teams, to give a Scotland u20 b team a few games.
  21. Away from GT's inability to pick a decent side, looks like young Dobie will spending his summer with Bay of Plenty in NZ https://www.rugbypass.com/news/it-was-a-no-brainer-when-scotland-suggested-i-spend-the-summer-in-new-zealand/
  22. Is the disciplinary hearing today for Elgin? Just wondering as was waiting to celebrate our win for the season.
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