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honestly united

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Everything posted by honestly united

  1. It's hard to miss when most wrestling sites have headlines of Paige and Alexa Bliss photos leaked online
  2. Would gray not be in for most tackles? Ireland destroyed Italy as it looked like the couldn't be bothered to tackle in the 2nd half so not surprised most tacklers beat was high
  3. Apart from the Wyatts I cant really think of any other gimmicks of the last 15 years that have been nearly as good. All the others are usually generic heel / face with maybe a catch phrase thrown in, but there has not been any with the same thought and the same work to stay in character. Oh and Alexa Bliss photos are online as well, aparantly
  4. As long as we avoid NZ and Argentina, I would be confident of getting out the group against anyone else. We always seem to do well against Aus, granted we have lost the last 2 but have been close games, and we won the 2 before that, we have just beaten Ireland, and we are due a win against England. Im hoping we get some new teams at the RWC, but cant see it being much different. 12 out 20 we already know, of the other 8 2 out of Fiji, Samoa & Tonga (in that order I would think) with 3rd place heading to the repechage. This was one of the worst acts of protectionism ever, lets guarantee all 3 PI's a place (whoever doesn't qualify direct will win repechage) and took a place of Asia 1. Granted Asia 1 wont be that great, but why take the tournament to a new continent, but only have the hosts playing in it? And why the closed shop of those 3 playing themselves to qualify, why not include the other oceania teams? 2 out of USA, Canada & Uruguay with the 3rd place heading to the repechage. Uruguay will win CONSUR, with Brazil 2nd (could do with America's 4 as Brazil have beaten both US & Canada in the last to America's 6 nations). I wouldn't be surprised if Uruguay beat Canada, as Canada have been dreadful the last year and are going backwards quickly and Uruguay beat them this year. Europe 1 will more than likely be Romania or Spain however I wouldn't rule out Russia or Germany just yet. Europe 2 is the winner of the play off of the runner up of those 4, vs Portugal (as the RET winners), if Portugal get past the qualifiers from the lower tiers. Africa 1 probably Namibia as they play there 3 hardest games at home in the qualifiers (6 teams in the 2017 Africa Gold Cup) but Kenya and Zimbabwe both have a chance as have been improving recently and Uganda showed up well in the 7's earlier this year also Asia 1 will come down to either Hong Kong or South Korea So the pots will probably be pot 4 USA (Americas 1), Romania (Europe1), Fiji (Oceania 1), Namibia (Africa 1) pot 5 Canada (Americas 2), Samoa (Oceania 2), Tonga (Repechage 1 (Tonga vs Russia)), Uruguay (Repechage 2, Hong Kong vs Cook Islands, plus Uruguay, Kenya and Russia) All very predictable, and you can argue you always want the strongest teams, but your looking at having the same teams qualify as last time, and no new teams except for potentially Hong Kong, Cook Islands and Kenya for the last Repechage position.
  5. Georgia are using the rec to develop young players as they don't need to qualify for the world cup. They are not at full strength as they are trying to build up a bit of good will with the French clubs for when they need the players. The have given debuts to a hole host of players the last few week's
  6. Im all in favour of having a play off its just how do you schedule it, with the new ruling on the test window, countries will have their fixtures booked way in advance - this year back in November we had the tour to Aus & fiji planned, if we had finished last we would have had to cancel to play a relegation play off, everyone else in the same boat. Also if you play outside the test window you have issues getting players released.
  7. Tbf Georgia don't get 10 games a year vs top.teams to be playing at that standard
  8. Seems bizzare to start with Gilchrist, although its maybe more so that Swinson can cover the back row as well, which I dont think Gilchrist could. Saying that the boy seems to be made of chocolate. Was he not due to be Scotland capt at one point before his run of injuries? Also the BBC states " The inclusion of Hogg, Seymour and Wilson remains subject to the Glasgow trio completing the progressive head injury protocol. " If they dont make it will be interesting to see who is called in.
  9. Last 3 for me were Invictus, which I thought is a solid 8/10, probably one of the best sports movies I have seen, Morgan Friedman is excellent as Mandela (and probably looks more like Mandela than Nelson did!!), and does give a good insight into some of the issues the country faced with being to indepth. Good balance between the political and the sporting story Prometheus 6/10 solid sci-fi fare, about the creation of humanity, hadn't realised it was supposed to be part of the Alien cini-world until the very last scene. Did lack originality in that a lot of the scenes had been used in other films previously so there was a feeling of having seen it before. Sing 5/10 - solid enough animation and story, but just lacks the big characters to make it memorable
  10. At the moment the european season ends the end of May (except France which is later usually) then the players go with their National teams for the June tests, have July off and are back in August for pre-season. Non national team players have June off and are back in July for Pre-season with thier clubs.However if you give the national team players June off, they are then going on tour in July unfit. It does look like players are only going to get a couple of weeks end of July / start of August off and maybe end of May / start of June depending whether their club sides make the league playoffs or European finals. The leagues are not going to move on their schedules so its the players / fans that are going to suffer, by being burnt out, or even more club matches without the top players being involved.
  11. Looks like a petty rap on the knuckles for Brown who I think has been good over the course of the championship but had a shocker in the England game, not just the late / tip tackle but some of his throwing was quite poor as well. Im surprised though that everyone that came off with a head knocked that was deemed serious enough to not get back on the pitch has recovered for the game
  12. I know someone who has said they would fill the stadium for anything if they knew going to beat Russia at it!! That said they got good crowds in the Autumn v Japan and Samoa, and would sell out if they ever managed to get a Tier one country to play there
  13. Was just about to post about this. They are going to be head and shoulders above anyone else if this goes through. Seemingly Racings new stadium being a much bigger capacity has triggered it. To be fair looks pretty smart, http://www.christiandeportzamparc.com/en/projects/arena-stadium-92/ Also noticed Georgia's case for inclusion in the 6 Nations is growing, 55,000 in Tblisi to watch them beat Russia, with 4 wins from 4 in the REC with pretty much a development squad for most games
  14. Bonus point would be completely undeserved but hopefully we get it
  15. Our strengths lie were England are weakest which gives some hope, but years of disappointment mean I can't get to excited. As others have said if the scrum can hold up we have the backs to beat anyone
  16. The worst 7's pumping I have had was also my international debut (Im counting playing against an international team as me being classed as an international btw). My club run an annual 7's tournament, and were also hosting the barbados 7's trianing camp ahead of the Commonwealth games (2 of our first team squad were Barbados internationals at the time). I was playing for my club's 3rd team as a fat boys team in the social event. Barbados had 2 teams in the main event so everyone in their training camp could get game time, but my clubs first had beaten both on the Saturday. The Saturday night, had a beer festivals, bands playing etc which was a good night, teams camping overnight etc. Come the Sunday and only 3 of our first team turn up. Our club president is frantic as our 2nd team have all declined to play for our firsts as they were banking on winning the social event as the prize money would pay for the summer ball tickets the next month. Having just played our first game for the thirds, and by now my legs were like lead having played on the saturday which being an overweight 40 something had been hard work, we decided that we would have to step in to save face for the club. Probably not the sort of preparation that the Barbados national team probably wanted, but at least I can now say I have played international rugby!
  17. So same team as against Wales, except Watson in for Hardie and Du Preez on the bench. To be expected I suppose
  18. Just had a look and Grigg is actually a NZer with a scottish grandparent, which is why he was late to the institute of sport
  19. Didn't realise Grigg was just out the academy he looks much older, thought he had a great game, but Dragons were quite poor. Good to get a decent win though
  20. Better end to the 1st half, don't know what the ref was thinking with the dragons try
  21. I think we have been unlucky this year with the foreign guys we have brought in. Kentale has hardly played, the Namibian guy and Peterson have been injured all season, langilangi looked good but he only lasted a few weeks. Grigg and Johnson are OK but hardly world beaters. I know the whole remit is to produce players for Scotland team but we need a core of 3 or 4 players that are not going to disappear during the 6N. We could do with a mixture of either SH guys who are in their 30's and young up and coming guys from the PI's or US& Canada. As has been said we miss Niko nakarawa DTH, Blair cuisiter etc
  22. I was thinking about the fixtures after last weeks game, if Glasgow had Zebra & Trevisio instead of 2 of Scarlets / ulster / ospreys they would be sitting 5th a few points behind the Scarlets. It really is a bit of luck with who you get during the 6N's especially given how many players Glasgow lose (probably hardest hit of all the teams) as to how the league is going to pan out. We still have a shot at 4th, but it would mean winning our remaining 6 games, and hoping Scarlets and Ulster both lose 3 games (although with BP it gets a bit more complicated) Ulster still have Leinster, Munster and Ospreys, Scarlets have Leinster and Ospreys then your hoping one of Edinburugh, Dragons or Connacht do us a favour.
  23. I always thought it was the captain that indicated to the ref and AWJ clearly tells the ref they are going for the posts. As far as I can recall, once you have indicated to the ref you cant then change your mind and Clancey should have made them go for the posts. Also the ref should have told Biggar he had to wait on the touch judge getting back to the side of the pitch (he was on his way back from being behind the posts) rather than him just taking the kick when he wanted.
  24. Zdob si Zdub are a tremendous band, So Lucky isn't anywhere near there best stuff though, Agroromantica and Ethnomecanica are tremendous albums
  25. Stunning performance in the 2nd half, helped by the number of knock ons and dropped balls by Wales. The win should mean we are safe as a top 8 team for world cup seeding. Also makes life difficult for Garland to justify having more Welsh than Scots on the Lions but bet it still happens
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