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Posts posted by nsr

  1. 4 hours ago, The Moonster said:

    Googles her symptoms instead of seeking expert medical advice. Last night she convinced herself that she had skin cancer as a small lesion has appeared on her foot (she got sun burn on holiday recently). I said everything you'd expect a caring boyfriend to say - "it's probably nothing, don't worry about it", "I get wee spots like that appearing from time to time, it's probably just that", "Even if it is cancer I wouldn't worry, you'll only go bald for a bit" but still she wouldn't calm down. A whole night of worry with stupid questions such as "if I need to go to the hospital for surgery will you come with me?" have today been confirmed as completely unjustified by her doctor. Sent on her way with some steroid cream, doctor hasn't even taken a skin sample for testing, such is her confidence that it's f**k all to worry about.

    Countless times she's googled her symptoms and every time I've told her to ignore it and see a doctor. Every time she apologises for worrying so much. Utterly infuriating.

    Mine does that too. Since her mum died of cancer she's convinced that every little thing that feels a little bit weird and has no obvious explanation must be the same thing happening to her.

  2. My first ever job was stacking shelves in the meat aisle at Sainsbury's in Edinburgh. The only other applicant that day was a vegetarian who walked out the moment she found out what she'd be doing. I, apparently by virtue of being (a) present and (b) alive, was then "guided" through my interview by the helpful HR lady who happily wrote down nonsense answers for all of the "give me a time when you..." questions. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Ron Aldo said:

    I once had 2 job interviews on the same day and managed to get both jobs mixed up when I went for the first interview.

    Interviewer: "Tell me what you know about the role."
    Me: "Speaks about a job that i'm being interviewed later that day."
    Interviewer: "Nope that's not the job at all."

    Was it good practice for the second one?

  4. As the senior programmer at a fairly small software company I was often asked to do the technical side of interviews while the boss' father-in-law ( a very senior former director of Greggs) did the HR side. I took an unreasonable amount of joy in "welcoming" bubbly and enthusiastic young graduates with a deadpan, emotionless demeanour that would make a serial killer look friendly.

    One of them to whom we actually gave a job was mildly astonished to find out I wasn't actually like that every day.

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