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Everything posted by nsr

  1. It must be the same mentality that enables cult leaders to manipulate otherwise normal people into doing the most bizarre things.
  2. You really have to feel sorry for * the poor deluded Bears who think this is just a bad dream that will soon be over, a momentary blip until they are once again competing at the top (sic) with their ugly twin sister. * No you don't.
  3. I would happily front a consortium to launch The The Rangers and name them Celtic Football Club. If I had any money. And reinforced windows.
  4. I hope it's because they know it's doomed and are just trying to pick off the last bits of flesh before the end.
  5. Part of me suspects they will never be allowed to actually go bust and disappear. Somehow it will all drag on and on even without any money to pay for it.
  6. It'll probably only take until the next big controversial incident comes along.
  7. Does their conjoined twin sister getting there some time in the 1960s count?
  8. I was just thinking this today. I grew up in Lanarkshire and go back occasionally to visit the folks. It really is the most depressing place on the planet.
  9. Surprised they didn't paint the grass too.
  10. Just out of interest, would those people who think passive smoking is harmless be happy to leave their newborn child next to a crowd of smokers for say half an hour?
  11. People can smoke if they want but it should be their own responsibility to make sure it doesn't negatively impact anyone else. Ideally they should ask if anyone in the vicinity minds if they smoke, and move elsewhere if someone objects.
  12. Was Murray basically dodgy from the word go? Or was there a point where he was actually a successful businessman?
  13. Sevco supporters' problem is that they've now got an entire generation psychologically dependent on the club having a certain standing which was completely artificial and unsustainable from the word go.
  14. Both clubs' support would drop dramatically if they actually distanced themselves from that nonsense, which is why they don't.
  15. I think there's still a lot of money to be squeezed out before they finally reach the bottom of the barrel of Berrz' stupidity.
  16. Don't Scousers have sheer levels of contempt for basically everything that isn't themselves?
  17. Maybe he needs somewhere to store all the red cards he's going to be holding up.
  18. That is actually a picture of Rangers' trophy room which contains all of the trophies they have ever won in their brief existence. I think Ally McCoist is drinking cheap lager out of the other one off-camera.
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