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Everything posted by nsr

  1. How come the entire galaxy can't remember the Jedi? Why do Han Solo and that random Imperial officer who gets choked refer to Obi Wan and Vader's belief in the Force as some ancient religion when it should easily be within living memory for both of them?
  2. Anakin kills the children of Tusken Raiders and nobody cares. Anakin kills some Jedi children and it becomes an atrocity beyond imagining. Hmmm. I guess Sand People aren't people? R2D2 was ruined by the prequels. Seriously how many plot devices does he fulfil? He and C3PO shouldn't have been in prequels at all. They're just a couple of standard droids whose basic functions come in handy on a few occasions. They are not heroes or even sentient beings, any more than the Millennium Falcon or Luke's X-Wing are. I agree that Grievous was an unnecessary addition to episode 3. I just spent all his scenes asking "Who the heck is this guy again?". He doesn't have any Force sensitivity as he's basically a cyborg, so why can't Obi Wan just use the Force to rip him apart or shut down his processors or whatever? He can do it to battle droids. Why can't he just rip the lightsabers out of Grievous' clamps? Grievous has no Force powers and no defence against that. Same with the 'droidekas' or whatever they're called from episode 1. The prequels are full of things posing a challenge to Jedi when they really shouldn't. I actually watched bits of episodes 2 and 3 on ITV2 recently and realised I remembered almost none of the scenes from seeing them at the cinema. That's how bad they were.
  3. What about "Menial tasks around the house?". Women can't get enough of those, I thought.
  4. I live in Newcastle upon Tyne. Would he travel? Both suggestions will be considered ^^^
  5. Our local cooncil in their infinite wisdom have decided to only empty the wheelie bins every 2 weeks instead of every week. Scorching hot weather and a wheelie bin full of honking nappies are not a good combination. I hate our local cooncil.
  6. People who have somehow got it into their head that you're supposed to signal right, while in the left lane, to go straight across a roundabout. People who insist on pulling out in front of you, forcing you to brake, then crawl along in front of you when there was nothing behind you. People who hog the middle lane on motorways. People who think that driving safely = driving slowly, which thereby negates the need for trivial little things like observation/indicators/lane discipline/etc I would love driving if there wasn't anyone else on the road.
  7. Dreamed last night I was in the pub with Tim Henman, asking him why Andy Murray was so much better than him, and by how much.
  8. I hate anything people ask you to share. Why can't people recognise a chain letter?
  9. People on the train with really cheap headphones which mean the whole carriage can hear their crappy drumbeat. And they don't even turn it down when you sit and glare at them.
  10. nsr

    Red Dwarf X

    Craig Charles looks to be getting on a bit in that trailer. For me Red Dwarf was only any good in the first couple of series when they were actually on Red Dwarf instead of faffing around on Starbug, and the Cat was actually behaving like a cat, i.e. wandering around minding his own business and refusing to cooperate with anything, instead of just being an idiotic human.
  11. What was the point of abstaining? It was obvious the overall vote would be no. There's nothing to be gained by abstaining, and voting no would at least please the Killie fans.
  12. I'm a mod on another forum (non football related) and we can tell aliases by comparing IP addresses, and ban them straight away. Can't the mods do the same here? Or do they choose not to?
  13. You don't have an 11 year old daughter. That would require finding someone willing to procreate with you, and I think it's pretty obvious that would never happen, whatever gender you are.
  14. Some things are more obvious than others. You being an utter fool is an example.
  15. I guess Barlinnie's psychiatric staff made one when they let you on the Internet.
  16. Supporting a bigger or smaller club doesn't somehow make you respectively more or less worth listening to. Fool. Stop sneaking into farmers' fields to squeeze cows' udders and get a girlfriend.
  17. It's a sad testament to the effectiveness of mob rule that nobody in any position of power is actually willing to just get rid of Rangers.
  18. Anyone else find it ironic that for years Celtic fans have been convinced of a big cover-up conspiracy in favour of Rangers?
  19. For an evil masterplan this has all been a shade incompetent and bumbling.
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