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Status Updates posted by Muggy

  1. I've left it long enough mate. I understand Deelighted is hard to get along with, etc, but the constant insults, etc is extremely annoying. He's been banned as well. All the best!

  2. You're right. That dart school is impossible. How the hell did you do that... I'll beat the archery one though!!!!!!!

  3. How do you know he's got a wee cock?

  4. It's Georgios Efrem. I'm going to change it though.

  5. Thanks, Adam. x

  6. Twenty Seven?

    Enlighten me, Adam!

  7. Why are you stalking me?

  8. Just thought I'd drop by and say an official, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.


  9. lol. It's still cool, but not as cool.


  10. Kev, what have you done with the name? :-O

    Get Sir Kevin of Kilsyth back, promptly.

  11. Happy Birthday to a felow Dee.


  12. Hello. :)

    You are am alias, aren't you?

  13. Happy Birthday, thruthenight.


  14. Congratulations on reaching a century.

    Happy 100th.


  15. It's good to see that you're so obsessed with the first division. Don't worry, we'll be in the SPL next season, passing St. Mirren on the way.

  16. I will never trust any of your links again. :P

  17. Happy Birthday Madton :D

  18. Thanks very much BluebirdTon, that means a lot. I really appreciate that comment, cheers m8 ;)

  19. Happy Birthday Torpedo ;)

  20. No, I was not taking the piss lol ;) You'r a sensible poster, and we could be doing with more people like yourself on this forum. ;)

  21. Hi, welcome to P&B, I have rated you as 5 stars :D

  22. Hey, I think your a great poster, who talks a lot of sense, therefore, I have rated you as 5 stars :D

  23. Happy Birthday Bundesliga Boy :D

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