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Everything posted by mo83

  1. You obviously care because you keep coming back for more you just can't help yourself...
  2. Took 3 points from Raith this season have you?
  3. To be fair Raith have you given you a free run at this league as their rank rotten.
  4. Especially the garbage you spout.....Yes
  5. Holy shit!You boys have won the league(I think) by a country mile and still argue every week on here it's brilliant viewing for a Sunday.Cant wait till next season a league up against better full time team's you will be wanting rid of Uncle Fester by Xmas.
  6. He will no be sticking around with your shower shite next season that's for sure.
  7. Is he free to leave at the end of the season for free or is he signed up for next season?
  8. Has their been any talk at your end of McGuigan leaving? Heard we are after him.
  9. "The Beast" was over the moon when Steven Tweed signed him up.....ended up a complete disaster.
  10. Nonsense.If that was a dirty game in your eyes then deary me I don't think you should attend football.
  11. "Kicked lumps out of our players earlier this season" What Game was this the home or away game???
  12. Anyone heard of Any players we are after ?Not long now till the window closes,was hoping we would have had a striker on board by now.
  13. Was hoping we would have had a signing or two in by now to be fair.Lewis Hawke seems to be staying at queens,Mark Mcguigan talks seems to have went all quiet as well.Lewis Milne is this still a possible option in the window?
  14. Whenever I've seen him play he has been decent,where has he gone?
  15. Likewise at Forfar as well,a lot of Forfar fans thought sp would get a chance with them.The way Montrose Fc as a club has changed over the last couple years is unbelievable.
  16. It's a hard one for Petrie I'd imagine, the pull of full time football and on the training field on a day to day basis or keep your job and be secure at Montrose.
  17. Would think he would be on the short list just hope theirs better candidates than him on it.
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