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Posts posted by ginge123

  1. Thanks for all the advice guys, a lot to take into consideration, especially about things like HRM's and Garmin's. I'm not sure how seriously I'll take running after London so I might leave it until then before I look at picking one up.

    I'm thinking about going to the Parkruns as well, I think it'll be good to get used to running with other people.

  2. I'm the same although the swings aren't quite as pronounced. Usually for 5km's, I'll often set off like the clappers and then get progressively slower until the last km when I'll bomb the last few hundred metres, then collapse in a heap.

    Since I listen to music anyway, I use Runkeeper and set it to tell me my time every 1/2km. This way, I can ensure I keep to a steady pace. I'm sure there are other ways of doing it though!

    Have you tried endomondo as a run tracker? If you have, how did it compare to Runkeeper? I'm not totally convinced about endomondo yet.

  3. Hello, ginge. What did you do to kick off your training? What sort of level of fitness do you have as a starting point? Feel free to ask any number of questions, and between us we'll be sure to chuck in our tuppence-worth.

    I've been doing 5km runs so far, I've done 3 since Sunday.

    I'm fairly unfit at the moment, I used to play a lot of fives but that's died down so I'm not where I would like to be. I've felt better than I actually expected tbh, but that's not saying much.

    I do have one question, does anyone have any tips for getting a steady running pace? My km's a really wildly different. I did my first and fifth km's in about 5:30 but my middle 3 were closer 6:30, 7:00 & 6:40. I was keeping an eye on my pace while I was running and it was all over the place from, at one point, about 3:30 to 7:00 on the 6:30 laps.

  4. So, I should probably start visiting this thread a bit more since I've entered London Marathon for next year for a charity that my girlfriend has fundraised for previously. I have little to no experience with running so I've almost certainly made a terrible decision. I started my training this morning and it was pretty bad but it was more down to preparation than anything else.

    I'm purely doing it for the experience and for the charitable side of things. I'm under no illusions that I'm going to even make a decent time but it's just one of those things to cross off my bucket list.

  5. I know next to nothing about cricket but have decided now.is the time to take an active interest in it.

    Now I vaguely understand the scoring but on the BBC website there was a comment saying that realistically England had to score circa 300 runs, I can't remember off the top of my head, my question is, whit's that aw about? Do runs carry-over from the last test or something?

    Have fair enjoyed following it this year, even the last test.

  6. Missed out on Sun Kil Moon tickets but got tickets for The Twilight Sad at the Barras and Billy Bragg at the Academy.

    Should be good, although very disappointed not to get Sun Kil Moon tickets.

  7. Yeah, I loved it! I don't think JTE has a great voice really anyway but at times it was really poor although I think he noticed the times where he was going off-key and managed to save it most of the time. Don't think his guitar constantly going out of tune helped though. Thought Can't Hardly Wait was phenomenal though. Niehaus' slide was excellent, his backing vocals on whatever tune it was were dreadful though I thought!

    How was J Mascis? I was thinking of going but had Slipknot last night!

    J Mascis was sensational. Hardly said a word all gig and just went from tune to tune.

  8. Justin Townes Earle on Saturday which should be amazing, then being dragged by my girlfriend to Slipknot on Sunday. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised by the latter, but not expecting much.

    Was at JTE as well. Was quite disappointed with his voice which at times was terrible. Everything else was brilliant though, Paul Niehaus' slide in particular was something to behold. What did you think?

    J Mascis tonight which should be quality.

  9. There are the two standard options. Either every result is expunged from the record books, or every result for the season is given as a 3-0 win for the opposition.

    It will be interesting to see what their Trust does (or can do) as they were pretty much Nixon's best pals. It may not matter as the Trust itself effectively folded during the early part of the year.

    That would explain why, when I was looking at joining the trust at the start of the season the site, the twitter account and the Facebook account all seemed to have been abandoned.

  10. I'm wouldn't be surprised if McGlynn waits it out to see how Friday goes. It can go 1 of 2 ways for him, either we get a point deduction that essentially guarantees relegation and McGlynn can say "well, if it wasn't for that point deduction" and maybe saves a bit of his faltering reputation and he gets paid a wage for the duration of his contract or there's little or no deduction on Friday and we're going to be relegated with no asterix next to our name. The first option means he stays, the second option means he quits.

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