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Posts posted by ginge123

  1. I don't think there's a bad episode of Sunny. It's probably the best American comedy to come over here in years.

    ​The last episode when they're going through all the sayings like "wiping the slate clean" and then literally doing them had me in tears of laughter.

  2. Sometimes text in spoilers shows up in the mobile app timeline bit so I'm just trying to bump it off.

    Just watched the last episode there and it's definitely been one of my favourite shows in a while.

    The last part of the show wasn't as good as the rest of the series for me. I don't know exactly what I wanted but that wasn't it, it was a bit of a heroes ride off into the sunset kind of ending which wasn't the way I hoped it would go but I'm being a bit picky. I'm very glad that Cohle wasn't the killer though. I think that would have been to obvious a way to go.

    Like someone else said, it seemed a bit rushed at the end as well.

    Other than that I thought it was amazing.

  3. I don't think that the name of the club is really the issue.

    The locals aren't invested in the club because they're invested in other clubs and it's very difficult to persuade them to change. I'm "lucky" that I'm young enough that right as I was beginning to watch and understand football, the club moved to Livingston so they became my team. The problem for the club is that they wanted to attract a group of people who already had somewhere to go, be it one of the Edinburgh clubs or one of the Old Firm. Whilst we've been able to pick up a few people from these clubs for whatever reason and the odd person, like my grampa who took me to the games, who wasn't really that interested in a team in the first place, it's not enough to base the kind of growth that successive boards have wanted on.

    We're still only on the first generation of fans. When that first generation start having kids and start taking them to games and get them invested in the club then maybe attendances will increase and the club will become sustainable. The trouble is that the club becomes so toxic and unappealing that those kids decide it's not for them.

    Sure try and market the club but it's only going to make a minimal difference. It's more of a waiting game than anything. The trouble is that we're going to lose a waiting game because of how the club has been ran since day 1.

  4. The replay thing annoys me more than the celebrations. I'll usually just hit A from the time the goal goes in until the restart so the game can keep going unless it's a particularly weird goal then I'll maybe watch it once. There's a direct correlation between people with all EPL teams and this watching every replay behaviour.

  5. Anybody got any idea how the Scottish boy Jack Harper is getting on at Real Madrid? I think he was playing for the junior B side or something, he must be 17/18 nowadays?

    If I remember correctly, he signed a 5 year contract about a year ago. There are people that have high hopes for him but you never know with Real.

  6. Saw Mogwai at the Usher Hall last weekend and Remurdered has to be the best thing I've ever heard live. Different class.

    Off to see Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit at Oran Mor in May, should be good.


    1. I think they did, that was the only one that you saw. Or at least I think so. Either that or he was the lead man, if he fired, the others did too, the fact he didn't make contact maybe meant that they didn't have to do anything.


    2. He had predicted it, that was presumably one of the 13 scenarios. Albeit he did say he wasn't expecting it. I'd assume he had some way to deal with Moriarty, knock him out/kill him, or something along those lines. Though you are correct, if Moriarty was still alive the plan would never have worked. Either that or Mycroft had another man on another rooftop with crosshairs focussed on Moriarty, which is entirely plausible.

    I thought he had more than one plan that he could have actioned depending on what happened with Moriarty. Moriarty killed himself so Sherlock sent a text saying "Lazarus" meaning that they were to action the Lazarus plan rather than any other plan they might have had.

    Although typing this out I think I'm getting mixed up about all the explanations that it showed you.

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