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Posts posted by ginge123

  1. I think that my post has been misunderstood. I didn't meant to assert that the pilot definitely made a mistake. I don't know if he did.

    My point was that jock said that he shouldn't have gotten a "state funeral" until we knew what happened. A. That's going to be a bit of a wait and it doesn't provide closure to the guys family. B. It shouldn't matter because short of deliberately crashing the helicopter, which is unlikely, he still deserves to get the funeral he would have gotten if it had been a malfunction. As I said people make mistakes.

  2. Again, what mistake did he make and the facts to back it up please

    If it wasn't a fault with the helicopter which is what I've seen people saying then it must be a mistake. I'm not having a go at the guy.

    Admittedly, I should have added to that post that I was working on the basis that the lack of a mayday means that it wasn't a fault with the helicopter. Cool your jets.

  3. I don't think the hype will ruin him, he seems to be very level-headed.

    I agree that he seems to be level-headed. I suppose he doesn't seem to have the same neds around him that Riordan had.

    I think it was on The Scotsman's website this morning that Manchester United had bid £3 million for him. For me he has to go anywhere but the Premier League.

    ETA: When I use the Riordan comparison, I don't mean to say that Riordan was ever level-headed.

  4. Not to sound selfish but I'm not having much luck keeping promises to my girlfriend.

    Dragged her to an hour and a half of Kraftwerk during the summer when Mumford and Sons were on. Said I'd buy her tickets to see them next time they were here. They went on hiatus pretty soon after.

    She's always asking to go to this place as well. Said to her last week I'd take her next time we were down in Glasgow.

  5. I think that it's hard not to want him to play when he's so young but there is always the risk that all this hype could eventually ruin him. It's also good to see him say he wants to move to Europe rather than just the Premier League.

  6. My Dad works in the building trade and a few years ago worked with someone who's nickname I like to think helps to show the ignorance of Harthill 1970 - present.

    He'd lived in South Africa as a kid and when he came back was referred to as Abo. As in aboriginal Australian. The guy had tried to correct them but no one would listen.

    Oh yeah, "Abo's" workmates were called "Stinky" and "Poo".

  7. Saw Dick Gaughan at Carnegie Hall in Dunfermline on Saturday night. Really good but the place was only about half full at best.

    Booked Frightened Rabbit's Sunday show in Glasgow in November and I'll be getting tickets for Anderson, McGinty, Webster, Ward & Fisher when I get back to Aberdeen.

  8. It looks a bit more like it in that picture but up close the houses aren't in the right place I don't think. It's 20 years on from GTA:SA and all the houses look as if they could be that old which makes me think they could have had the same ones. That said, I got a we bit emosh when I ended up there.

  9. What does everyone think of the micro transactions being used for the online mode? Not a fan of them at all.

    It depends what they are I suppose. I haven't seen what they'll be so I'm not sure how I feel about them. If they're totally necessary to progress in the game then it'll be annoying but if it's for extra money or you can use real money to buy guns instead of earning the money through quests etc then that'll be pretty bad.

  10. The vehicle doesn't matter that much really. All you have to do is blow up a garbage truck then drive away in the vehicle you choose, with no wanted level.

    Haha, yeah that was my point. I'm long past that now but at the time it was so annoying

  11. Spent ages looking for a car that had the right balance of speed and handling that I could mod and use, I mean literally a good hour or two driving around stealing and testing cars. Picked one up that I thought was perfect and spent a ton of money adding stuff to it to bring it up to speed. Drove it back to Michael's and parked it in the drive. It was gone when after I saved. OK, I thought, I'll just have to do the same again. Went through the whole rigmarole again. It was for the mission where you have to stash the getaway vehicle for Franklin.

  12. Trevor is just bat shit crazy, best part is switching characters back to him, you never know what your gonna get but it will make you laugh.

    I switched back to him earlier today and he was chasing someone down the motorway on a scooter shouting " SCOOTER BROTHERS, WE'RE SCOOTER BROTHERS!"

  13. Lost most of yesterday morning to this. My girlfriend left to go shopping with her parents sand returned to me still sitting in my boxers playing this what felt like 20 minutes later. It had been nearly 3 hours.

    Michael's trip was immense.

  14. I told myself that I wasn't going to f**k about until I have all three characters unlocked but I find myself in a blimp crashing into skyscrapers.

    Judging by the storyline, not long until I get Trevor.

    I've ended up with all three characters without really exploring but it's only because I don't know what to start with. There's just so much to do.

    I still haven't used my blimp code so maybe when I've got that I'll do some proper exploring.

  15. Driving is brilliant IMO. As has been said previously you need to think about what you're doing. It also makes it a bit more like in the films which is pretty good for me.

    I still haven't really explored the map yet but I've played the tennis game, which was as good as any actual tennis game I've played.

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