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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. Hmm... MCL has disappeared but that's understandable after the arse he made of himself posting "GIRUY!" after the first hearing. I haven't seen Swampy for a while either. I would have imagined he would have been sticking the boot in, right about now. banjo player has seemingly pissed off along with Livi, also. There are 25 posters with over 100 posts in this thread for the record...
  2. How sad is it that I've read all of the almost 10,000 posts so far... Deary me, I need to get out more.
  3. They're on both. I'd assume though that SPL games will generally be on SS3 and SS HD3 for Sky and just the normal ESPN and the ESPN HD channel for ESPN.
  4. Apparently the safety inspection is tommorow and there "shouldn't be a problem."
  5. I'm aware it wasn't a "bloody joke" but irony usually comes with a bit of humour, doesn't it. Lucky I'm not from Livingston then
  6. I've heard Rab Douglas is looking for a new club (the smell has finally got too much for him). I've budgeted everything out and I've worked out that if we pay him £10k a week, we'll still be making profit. He'll obviously have to take a wage cut but I feel he will know it's best for him. And hey, if he doesn't work out as a goalie we can pair him with Kevin James to scare away the other team.
  7. We're talking Ghostie FC here - we pay all our bills on time.
  8. Do you reckon we can afford the whole of the QOTS crew? I reckon their hilarious antics could top Sammy the Tammy.
  9. I believe that is only for the relegation/promotion case, he said that for. You seem to be going on the opinion that your interpretation is correct, which is debateable.
  10. Our case would be based on the SFL going against their own rules by telling us to play before the 10 days to appeal were up.
  11. We just want football, to be honest. However, we should go to the courts if we get expelled.
  12. I'm still in a state of whoosh - can someone let me in on the joke?
  13. Angus W is a Dunfermline fan, I can assure you of that. Turbo100, I presume is a Livi fan or someone on the wind-up, more likely the former.
  14. If we can keep hold of the good youngsters for now, we'll be alright. It's the fringe U19s, I'm worried about. Was it the ginger defender who mucked up for your winner? He had a mare against Albion as well.
  15. It's a disgrace quite frankly. They cannot go about like that before the decision has been made.
  16. I think Ross County are likely to vote for us as well due to Siegel's threat of suing if their game wasn't played. I realise it was played but there could still be a feeling of animosity there.
  17. I also think that any team who is struggling financially will support us at the risk that they could face relegation as well.
  18. East Stirling would support us as well from what Spencer Fearn is saying.
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