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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. I'm personally a lot less positive about tommorow's outcome. If it really is a representative from every club, I personally see there being a lot of bitter clubs who will be out to give us a harsh punishment.
  2. Really? I would have been pissing myself laughing if I were an opposition supporter. On the other hand, I was more like this:
  3. Yes, I am extremely pleased that we still exist. As I've said, me arguing this point isn't for our benefit, it's for the league's. While I am talking about vendettas, I'm not being bitter on that front. I just think that the people saying that we should be looking to give us the worst possible punishment aren't looking out for the league's best interests. I'm happy wherever we're playing next season. As I've said, I'm going to get my season ticket when I get the money. Yes, it wouldn't have happened if we were properly run however, the SFL have decided to save us, clearly thinking it was in their best interest so they have to be consistent and continue to look for the SFL's best interest. That, in my opinion, is a points deduction rather than relegation, if we are to be punished. I think you're kind of downsizing what really is going to happen with relegation. Bare in mind, it's not just the fans but the teams, the thing that the SFL are meant to be looking out for. Airdrie have set up for the 2nd division and will get hammered even worse than we will if they get promoted (guys like Scott Gemmill as their striker) while Ross County and Arbroath are both preparing for ourselves and Airdrie respectively.
  4. No, any loyal supporter will go out and buy the season ticket anyway. We're down to our loyal supporters anyway so I doubt that will have an effect. I am going to get mine as soon as I get the cash. We have no really high earners left, of that I can assure you. All of the £1k a week players are gone now that Innes has.
  5. I'd agree we do have to suffer a penalty but not at the detriment of the league. Hence why a points penalty is the only sensible option now that they have taken their action in saving us. It is their fault that they haven't made clear on what they are going to do after letting us of on Thursday. McDougall seems to think we'll get nothing while others think we'll be demoted, it's farcical. They should have made clear then what they were going to be punishing us with, if at all. No irony, my friend. I've shown below that I realise that McDougall, Rankine and Nixon were apparently putting them under pressure, however there has been totally different messages coming out on that front. Interestingly enough, you decided to delete that part of my post to make me look stupid while keeping everything else in. No, the vandetta that sees us getting as punished as harsh as possible. This may be them championing the right thing but at the same time, it's taking over them so much that they can't see that now the SFL have saved us that they can't see what is better for the league. If we're given a points penalty we're going down anyway, without a shadow of a doubt. If we go down now, it fucks up a hell of a lot of plans that other clubs have made. I'm looking out for Scottish Football more than the club, mate. If I was fucking sensible, I would say relegate us (like the rest of the Livi supporters seem to be saying) so that we have a chance to stabalise on a budget quicker. However, I realise that it is far too late for this to happen so that the only option is to see us getting deducted points so that we limp through the season in last place and get relegated. It will be a shit season but the SFL have acted way too late to consider any other punishment.
  6. You sir, are quite moronic if you would be "happy" with a demotion simply to satisfy what you want. Let's not forget here, we are 3 days until the start of the league season. 3 days. Buses have been booked, hospitality has been sorted and in some cases tickets have been paid for. If the SFL wanted to demote us, they should have made it clear that was their intention from the meeting on Thursday so that Airdrie, Arbroath, Ross County and ourselves knew exactly what the story was and who were were facing the following Saturday. If the SFL decide to demote us, it shows what a farcical organisation they really are who have simply buckled under pressure through this whole saga. No action when Massone was running wild, apparently getting taken in by McDougall, Rankine and Nixon's '1st division' business plan and now collapsing to some fuddy-duddys with a vandetta. The maximum we should get is a points penalty, if the SFL have any sense.
  7. I think someone said the other day that there were another group interested in aquiring our club at the same time as the Italians. Flynn just got a better deal from their proposal.
  8. 1) I presume so because Hegarty said something about not leaving the club until he was completely paid or something along those lines. He has left the club, yes. 2) No idea. I doubt they would if they've seen it as the way forward from Thursday's meeting. I think Longmuir got his words mixed up on the 1st division plans thing because McDougall is still taking the club forward despite knowing that relegation this season is almost certain. 3) Yes but I doubt it will come to that unless the SFL pull a real "doozy" on Wedneday and reinstate Airdrie in the First Division. Even then, it is unlikely.
  9. Any deal with the stadium won't be included in the rescue negotiations with the council, I would imagine.
  10. At the moment there is the car park to the west of the stadium, a big bit of empty land and car park to the north, our astro to the east of the stadium, stairs down from the shopping centre next to the south-east part of the stadium and as you say, the infamous hill, where thousands upon thousands of Dundee fans stood to see their team get relegated by the mighty lions, to the south west.
  11. McDougall certainly wouldn't go off into the sunset. It doesn't matter anyway because I'm 90% sure that the council have said that any purchase of the stadium will come with regulations that it must be used for football for the next x years. It will be about land around the stadium if anything.
  12. Yep. As I've said, I don't mind if we move stadium as long as the club does benefit from the move as well as the owners. Almondvale is way too big for us and a move to a nice wee 6,000 seater (you never know ) with terracing at reduced running costs would beneficial for us.
  13. Exactly, a full-blown shyster. That's why Flynn is not to blame as much (when I say as much, he does deserve blame) because he did actually put money in while he asset-stripped.
  14. "Livi still on the brink", say McDougall At least if we do get punished with points, there'll be no hoo-ha about it.
  15. I was under the impression he was asking for 2 year deals from now? According to Madsone, Griffin and Winters signed for a further 6 months in the summer. I wouldn't usually trust him but I don't really see what's to lie about in that situation. The square root of f**k all. That's why he's to blame so much and not the club.
  16. No idea about the youth players but as far as I know, from the first team squad, only Liam Fox and Joe Hamill are on 2 year deals.
  17. There is a thing called mutual termination, you know. And for the record, I doubt the wages of our 13 man squad greatly exceeds what we can spend. I have no idea who is the highest earner now that Innes has left (I'd imagine Hamill) but unless that's in the high hundreds, I don't think we'll be getting rid of them apart from if they are mince.
  18. Excellent. Believe it or not, I've never been to the Falkirk Stadium. I hope to see you there Duncan
  19. I must say, I've done a bit of trawling through the Gretna Thread and it doesn't seem like Duncan Freemason was claiming he was a creditor.
  20. I disagree with that but whatever. I think St. Johnstone certiainly got a steal for both Davidson and Mackay for £50k.
  21. Flynn ran up debts of £287k which as I've said again and again is a perfectably manageable amount. How that increases by £1.5 million in a year is completely alien to me. I really don't know how he did it with the Celtic game, the sale of four of the best players in the league and the Dorrans money coming in. For a small support in only two weeks, that is a good amount. You're looking at about £700 a day despite the fact there have only been two games and one fundraiser. No, I won't blame everything on Massone, as I've said above though 99% of the blame goes to him for his complete financial mismanagement. Did we really not have a perfectly manageable debt when the slate was wiped clean? Dave Mackay for free, for one. If you saw the crowd yesterday, I don't think you would have said there was only 600 there.
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