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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. Indeed it is. At least Duncan Freemason has a legit reason for being pissed off. This fanny has been here since the start and has posted only about us and in other finance related threads.
  2. Yes but the new board took control of the club on the 13th of August. I believe it was the previous week we were relegated to the 3rd division. Can I ask why you are still around probing the fans when we generally don't know that much about the situation? I know we are cutting wages and trying to maximise income, that's all. Email McGruther, Nixon, McDougall or Rankine if you want real answers.
  3. What were to stop them? I just said it, the transfer deadline being so close. Correct and honourable to dump players without a chance of them getting a new club before the deadline? I think not. All of our players were available to leave at the end of the window had an offer come in, make no mistake of that. They didn't received many but did sell Armand One for free. I doubt they've increased income with the gates (possibly with functions and hospitality) but they certainly have cut wages from last year.
  4. Indeed, they do. Although, it is more several steps trying to be made at this point. The 99p in £1 promise was made before we got shafted into the 3rd division with a bunch of full-time first division players with only a few weeks to go of the transfer window. I have no idea.
  5. I've got no more to say on the matter of playing the game, I've made that clear to myself that I won't post about it any longer. If you disagree with my views, fine, I don't care. However, I'm getting into no more tedious, repeated arguments when it's clear the views of no-one is changing. Let's get on to other Livi related news finally... Andy Halliday has apparently been offered a trial at Charlton Athetlic according to the Scottish Sun. Also interesting Hearts, Hibs, Celtic, Portsmouth, Bolton and Blackburn.
  6. But they approved it before the Friday morning after saying we would get 10 days to appeal! I think you're being extremely ignorant to suggest that us not playing this game is a precedent for 'anarchy' when it comes to appeals. You made the ridiculous comparison to appealing a red card the other day when it's clear that appealing a decision to relegate a team is clearly a lot different. Ask Spencer Fearn, I'm fed up repeating it. Aye, ok. Provisional? That means f**k all at the end of the day. Had we played the game, provisional or not, an immediate prejudice comes over our appeal. "Oh they've started playing, let's not disturb the league any further" or something along those lines. None of the games involving the teams should have been played and that would have been the case until Dave Siegel at Ross County threatened to sue the SFL. I'm once again advocating the closure of this thread until further notice as it's clear we are going to go over the same arguments with the same views again and again. It would be o.k. if we are getting new stories to divulge over but this is taking the piss. Myself, jimbo, Sir Calum Melville and HibeeJibee must have repeated the same arguments about 10 times when it's clear we're not going to get anywhere because of the different, unchangeable views.
  7. Why are you taking this view when Spencer Fearn is on our side and wants compensation from the SFL for this shambles? Fair enough, if we'd won the return game I could understand you ES supporters being pissed off at us but we got humped.
  8. But the SFL were all in favour of the decision to not play until the Friday morning! Would it have set a 'precedent' if the appeal had been submitted at 8:59 on the Friday morning? The decision would have been completely the same anyway but with the SFL's acceptance. Unless you are seriously suggesting we tried to rile up the SFL by leaving it so late (as opposed to having discussion about it (which we should have been allowed)), that is a ludicrous view to take. We should have been allowed the 10 days to submit an appeal which wouldn't be prejudiced but only got 3/4.
  9. Considering I know what steps the club are taking are to reduce the wage bill, I'm not worried.
  10. It's not a precedent because the situations were completely different. We were appealing and their players were striking.
  11. The whole situation was a farce. The decision was always going to effect East Stirling financially if we scratched the game because they would have paid for things to be used on the Tuesday/Wednesday before the game. The game should have provisionally postponed immediately in the aftermath of the meeting so East Stirling wouldn't have lost as much money should we have decided to. To blame us for doing what we were originally allowed to do (well within the time allowed for appeal, I might add), is completely unfair.
  12. We lost the return game, I don't really see any need for a points deduction. SFL should reimburse East Stirling for their incompetence.
  13. I meant using the word 'dangerous' before the word precedent.
  14. In the same way that Hibee Jibee's example was. It's called using repetition for effect.
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