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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. We'll have to wait until the next Q&A to ask him, I guess. Actually, I think there was something in the programme about it but I didn't really make sense of it.
  2. Players on 1st Division wages won't be offered the same money when their contracts expire unless the club can afford it. Before Christmas there had been no offers for the season pros at the club. The reason contracts weren't cancelled was the new owners had an obligation to honour them before they took over the club as stated as a requirement by the SFL. Ged sees us as a full time club next season. We have other avenues to bring in money that other part-time teams don't. We're closer to spending 99p in the £ than the general perception is and the directors aren't shovelling money into the club. Loss for this season. Now have a lower ceiling for wages. One of the main cuts was through the catering. There are no director's loans. None of the guys running the club are looking to fund the club going foward and we will aspire to be what we can afford to be. The ticket scheme for P7s will run for two seasons provisionally. They wanted to just give free tickets to every one but it now has to be on a game by game basis. They are not looking to develop the stadium but are looking to let the Nitespot. They've outsourced a room in the stadium to a physio company Physis. The volunteers have saved the club around a 5 figure sum for this season. You should get down to the club to volunteer as well and save us more money.
  3. Do you worship Tommy Sheridan and his shower of mongs as well?

  4. I'd imagine they will be. They supported us through the decision and are still walking away with the cash they deserve as innocent by-standers.
  5. That means it's only £37000 we are losing this month Interesting note in the programme tonight that we sent a cheque to East Stirlingshire for all of the money that they lost from the game being postponed which I think is a nice touch.
  6. He apparently played in a bounce game against Queen of the South yesterday. Still with us obviously.
  7. It will be Kennedy. He's the only guy who had his finger in the "Hulkamania Tour" pie out of the guys mentioned. Major talent aquisition, that is not. Not that he's bad but it's not major.
  8. Apparently it has happened before. Ged was on Sky Sports News showing what had happened yesterday.
  9. Livi fans and officials wait hopelessly for their knight in shining armour, MCL.
  10. Apparently Massone was trying to buy a Scottish club who are on the market now. Thank f**k, for them, the current board said they wouldn't sell to him.
  11. We've done it for most of our existence, I've got no problem believing it will continue for a considerable while.
  12. I was enjoying ignoring ClassyJL. Don't quote him please "Living the Dream." There's only one Scottish team that I can think that are doing that now and it's not us.
  13. Cover a fair bit of the costs, that's the idea. Hopefully new young players would come through who are capable of the step-up, I'd have my doubts that a lot the players couldn't cut it after they've had a few years experience.
  14. That's good because we haven't hoovered any of the players up, they've come through the system from young ages. Gretna comparison is fanciful.
  15. We were dumped in the 3rd Division with a 1st Division squad on full-time contracts a few weeks before the transfer window. Not much we could do. What people fail to realise is the fact that a lot our squad are youngsters that have come through the system and aren't on much. In most cases they are the players whose contracts are being renewed for the season beyond (Robbie Winters the only exception). These are the players who are easily better than our team and will be sold on for a pretty penny with a competent board in charge. The Gretna comparison is fanciful.
  16. We've been cutting costs since the summer so no, it's not the Gretna model.
  17. Muggles, Jimbob, James Bond and myself are having a serious conversation here, take your immature pish elsewhere
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