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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. Bizarre. I don't know why on earth Robbie Winters is being picked on for a inconclusive incident in a game with a clear lack of T.V evidence.
  2. Probably, I'm keeping positive though (partly to annoy her ).
  3. You're pretty funny when you aren't all "doom and gloom". I'll see you tommorow on the bus!
  4. I don't know the in's and out's of that sort of thing. I was merely stating that having a football team that has had good success can only help attract publicity.
  5. A lot of the population are morons. Not for this reason, however. It's hardly moronic to recognise football which is well publicised as opposed to 100+ year old history. No, I'm from a public school. I said that it isn't easy cutting jobs in the slightest but the fact that even you in your Livi bashing mood can see is that a lot of jobs are clearly not needed with bureaucray ruling the public sector.
  6. Only diddy teams charge their loyal supporters to watch highlights.
  7. As I said, the public sector employs far too many anyway. Those 20-100 jobs across the board would probably be a waste of time for the council who are already strapped for cash. There would have been many people losing their jobs at the club as well, you are forgetting this fact. I know that a lot of people across the U.K. wouldn't have heard of either town had they not had their successful football teams. I can almost guarentee that the their part in the industrial revolution wouldn't be the thing they are most well known for about 90% of the population.
  8. Regardless of when they started in the league, they are known because of the success of their football team much like us (how the mighty have fallen etc.). I think the figure wiped was £300k. The wiping of the club debt has not been the reason that 1000 people are about to lose their jobs. I didn't say they would invest in the area because of the team. They may have first heard of the town because of the football team If there really are 1000 people being sacked, then I hardly think that a 6 figure dept wipe would have saved their jobs. Unless of course, you are suggesting that they are all on £300 a year. I never said that the club would encourage more business. I said that people may have heard of the town when they otherwise wouldn't have because of its football team who went up the leagues so quickly, competed in the Uefa Cup and won a major domestic trophy.
  9. Let's face it, all councils have several jobs which could be slashed. It's not pleasant to lay people off by any means but to suggest that councils should have too large a work force is ludicrous. Not applicable to the WLC but in Edinburgh 80% of Council Tax goes towards wages, which is quite frankly ridiculous. The club has brought publicity to the town in its existence there, which is worth far more than rent, to attract businesses to the area. It seems stupid to suggest but without our good footballing runs in the past, not many people would have heard of the town of Livingston. It's exactly the same for places like Bolton and Blackburn which would have drowned in obscurity had it not been for their football teams.
  10. I think those wages are wrong. I'm not aware of how much we're paying for Tosh and Hamilton but until January, our highest earner was £850 a week.
  11. Err.. No, it's not. In accordance with the SFL when the first liquidation hearing was heard, the new board were forced to honour all contracts, if they received control from Massone.. It's not coming from Director's loans and the bills are being paid, that's all I know.
  12. I'd generally agree but my two courses are reputable in a good university.
  13. No, I didn't. Try again. Yes, let's talk about some facts. 1. You have no idea how much we are spending per week. 2. You have no idea how much we are bringing in per week. 3. There are no director's loans at the club and we are not being issued with any court appointments. 4. Ged's comment about 99p in the £ was made before the club were dumped into "the arse-end of the scottish leagues" with a 1st division wagebill. Incidentally your status as the P&B troglodyte will have made you fail to realise that in accordance of the SFL, the new board were forced to honour contracts and couldn't lay people off without them having a new job lined up. 5. I'm heading to Edinburgh University next year to study Politics & Economics. Clearly, I'm not a 'complete embarassment and failure of a human being' otherwise I wouldn't have been given an unconditional offer. 6. Your pathetic grudge against the club has blinded you to the fact that while we have cheated creditors, we've also contributed a hell of a lot more to Scottish football than your club in recent years, in terms of youth development.
  14. Where did I claim that? I insinuated it was more exciting for me as opposed to him, which it is. You =
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