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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. Has to be designer for me to wear it. You'd be as well in the imposter club if you're going to go out without wearing a label #totesembars
  2. ThanQ, Lexi. Just make sure you watch me dive. Give them a shot, birds love them from my experiences this year #solid7average
  3. Changed my avatar to give Club DECE members a true look into EL. Picked up a solid 8 from Lulu's 3 weeks ago. She was abso dying on a shag but I got cockblocked from her mate #v #undece. Thought the opportunity had passed but a few days later she twitterstalked me and, needless to say, soon after the deed was done. Anywayz, I noticed after she'd followed me that she'd chatting away to her mates about how I look like Ryan Gosling. Was a dece egoboost despite my solid average this year. So going to have to disagree with Lexi and endorse stubble for enticing the birds. Oh, and red chinos. Always red chinos. #iftheyaintredgotobed
  4. Not posted in the thread and I'm still in the club #decestofthemall #dontbejelbereem #unlucks Only joking, round of decebombs on me guys x
  5. Average. I don't think there's much between him and Mensing abilitywise but I certainly hope we'll be better organised with the latter's experience.
  6. Ah, gutted I didn't see this earlier! Decent game. Civil service were dire so it was hard to gauge how good Dumbarton were. McGinn at right-back looks like living up to the hype.
  7. Brilliant weather in the beautiful North West of Edinburgh, this is what you dream of when someone mentions Summer football.
  8. What day is the Civil Service game on? 10 minute walk for me so I might pop down.
  9. No danger he can play centre-half. Good player but too shaky a left-back for me, I'd have him left midfield.
  10. I have no idea why you are all so sensitive. Gary Bollan did twice, what your apparent messiah has done once (diddy cup that nobody cares about aside). Namely, winning a league with a huge budget that any manager could have done. He then had us comfortable in this division until he was emptied to get Hughes & Collins in. I don't know who you are expecting as a replacement if you're turning your nose up at him.
  11. Gary Bollan - 2 diddy league championshipsAllan Johnston - 1 diddy league championship Sorry, Gary Bollan is more than good enough for a team like Queen of the South.
  12. Gary McDonald signing for St. Johnstone apparently.
  13. Calum Elliot will get goals, I'm sure of it. Scored a barrel-load in a much better division when he signed with us originally on loan and has since matured. Fucking shambles from our point of view.
  14. Can't believe how many of the absolute throbbers on this board are Partick Thistle fans, even in a promotion season. So many simpletons with utterly shite banter or unbelievable stupidity. Gone very quickly from one of the best set of fans to the worst.
  15. Called attention to his shite chat and he's VERY angry about it.
  16. 3 good signings, I'd say. Barr's a step-up from huddies like Rutkiewicz and McLaughlin.
  17. Depends who you're watching but as I say, Division 2 is shite. I'd be confident in all of the 1st Division teams (except Airdrie) winning that league no bother if Rangers weren't there and in the case of the full-time teams, by at least 15 points.
  18. Both huge step-ups from the level below, particularly in the latter case.
  19. You'll notice I said it after the game. Division 2 is utter shite. If Rangers weren't there, Dunfermline would skoosh it over a season, much like ourselves and Queen of the South have recently.
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