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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. Not that close an eye clearly, if you aren't aware of who the new directors are.
  2. Whatever. Skyline Drifter has given a very probable explanation of how and why the accounts look like this. I'd be quite happy to believe an expert on the subject as opposed to some guy with a giant chip on his shoulder after people rightfully told him off for acting like a prize arse.
  3. They are in the Dundee thread. No because others look to him for insight on accounts, that's why I thought his view was relevant in this case. As I also said, he is neutral which adds additional credence to his opinion. Nothing should exclude you from your opinion though, haven't said that, I just don't take your posts which show your bias, very seriously.
  4. The two are now intertwined in MCL's mind. The perceived small level of debt just before Massone thankfully exited the club can now lead to even more Trust slagging. Given I've only started my course 3 weeks ago and none of my lectures or readings have had a lot to do with financial accounting, I'd have to call upon my Higher Accounting to give an opinion. As you can probably understand that is at a completely different level to the accounts submitted here so I'd rather not give my take.
  5. Because he clearly has knowledge in Accounting and also isn't looking to read the accounts in a negative way to slag off the Trust.
  6. Still reasonable to say he's better placed than MCL to give opinion, that hasn't changed.
  7. Someone better placed to give opinion over the accounts than a man with an agenda like MCL.
  8. Presumably these accounts were finalised in a period just after the club was taken over by Livi 5?.
  9. I've been on companies house and the accounts are still apparently overdue, hence why I haven't ordered them. Perhaps you could point me in the right direction.
  10. Probably liquidated when the HMRC lodged their winding up order, a few days later. Care to post some more of the details?
  11. Of course, it is. However, wouldn't it be more prudent of you to also go looking for answers as to why they are late, in the event that there is a reasonable explanation? As long as I don't meet Gary Bollan down a dark alleyway, I'll take that
  12. I'm sure if you were actually concerned, you could arrange a meeting with Gordon McDougall and he would explain why the accounts are late. I'm not defending the club for having the accounts late, I just see no benefit in your shit-stirring on here, as opposed to actually going out and finding out what the problem is. I've left school, HTH.
  13. Danny Griffin was only on £650 a week. You've been misinformed.

  14. We've been told there are no Director's loans. And yeah, I answered that a few months ago.
  15. As 007 says, why don't you address these questions to the club in a letter or even go to them yourself, if you do believe them to be true? What use is talking on here about it, if you really care and if they are really true?
  16. Aye, whatever. I see the work they do at every game and funnily enough, I've never seen you do any volunteer work for the club. To quote you,
  17. MCL hates the Livi Trust who have two board members on the Livingston FC board. I'm more than content with the job they do before, during and after games to help the club save money. MCL doesn't do anything to help the club and yet is happy to take pot shots at the Trust because he has issues with several members.
  18. Out of him and Keaghan Jacobs who is our other winger, definitely. Not that he's a bad player, he's just had no end product yet while Jacobs has been chipping in with loads of goals and assists. To be honest, I think a full-time pre season will probably do Barr the world of good.
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