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Everything posted by GypsyTillIDie

  1. Guillem Balague, the bloke that's on SSN from time to time?
  2. No can do amigo. I was drinking at a pals house - no bottles in my room. I'm going to either hold it in and hope for the best, or pish myself.
  3. Urgh, in a bit of a tricky predicament right now. I desperately need a slash, but if I go to the toilet I'll wake my folks up and by the length of the piss they'll know I've been drinking (something I told them I didn't do) and my head is banging like f**k. Downing a bottle of Magners in 20 minutes = not smart. Nor was firing into a lassie my pal really likes, and now I'm gong to look like a p***k and a half. It's also like 3am and on my iPod touch posting on an Internet football forum as everyone I know is asleep. Been up since like 7 as well so I'm dog tired. What the f**k am I doing?
  4. I woke up at about 7 this morning with my full right arm completely numb. I can laugh about it now, but it was the oddest feeling in the world, just waking up looking at my hand, not being able to move it. Turns out I had been sleeping on top of it for a good 5 hours and had mega pins and needles after my arm had woken up. And Clyde are playing at home today. Boo.
  5. Was planning a quiet Friday night (even contemplated switching my phone off) and in the space of the past half hour I've sent about 50 odd texts, thinking my plans for tomorrow night were cancelled. S'all good now, though.
  6. If you didn't realise that I was taking the piss in my first post then fair enough, but after reading my second and still not appreciating my tone means that something is drastically wrong with you. Seek help.
  7. My sister got one at the dancing this weekend. I'll mind and tell her not to spend it, though, and give them to me. Although upon inspection it's half-ripped.
  8. This is twice in two days that my patter has been dissed. WHAT'S YO BEEF BITCH.
  9. Been invitied to someone's 'gaff' on Saturday night but it's way over in Blantyre. fml. Taxi bound it seems. I think that's the first time I'll be going to a party and back via a taxi. Boy I'm growing up fast.
  10. Aye, obviously. There's something about them, and they're quite rare to see, but once you do, it stays 4 lyf. Why have I always used those shitty headphones Apple give you when you buy an iPod? I've got a massive pair of Sony's on right now and they are the dog bollocks with regards to the quality of sound. Amazing, utterly pwns those rubbish ones I used before.
  11. Chris may have dabbled in illegal drugs from time to time but a full litre of vodka was unheard of. Seems like this DarkBlue62 character's taking this level of mentalness to a new level. I'd stay well clear from your posts as they could have a very bad influence. Women and young children read this you know. Anyway, I saw the hottest milf in the world this morning and she smiled at me. Sounds pathetic but it were amazing at t'time.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h_WyIx7Q2Q The Supremes - Keep Me Hanging On
  13. Staying in tonight and am going to watch the third series of Skin as I'm going to be watching this new series, and am not wanting to be lost. Should turn out to be a rtbc if it's any good, but sort of a pttgoyn as I'm staying in on a Friday night. Ach well.
  14. Aye, I was probably just behind you as I was pretty much in line with Jamie T for the full gig, well that was until the third song when everyone just decided to go absolutely mental and I got pushed to the right, but soon moved back into the middle. Anyway, I really hope tomorrow's game's on, even if it is Methil of all places. Fingers crossed.
  15. I just washed my shoes two weeks ago, but now they're manky as now regretably. The kids were annoying to begin with, but you could tell they were getting tired when they calmed down about halfway through the set. Where abouts were you?
  16. There was an large amount of drunk under-agers there last night acting the chunter, but the majority were all pretty sound I thought, especially where I was which was slap bang right in the middle. It was a bloody excellent gig though, although my t-shirt is well and truly ruined.
  17. Aw, Jamie T was spunkingly good last night. The support act (The Cold Ones I think) were absolutely atrocious, but Jamie was terrific. Ending on Sticks n Stones was epic.
  18. Urgh, got hit in the face numerous times last night at Jamie T and my face is all swollen up, along with my braces keep cutting my gum. Gah.
  19. Aye, only a couple of hours now. Should be good.
  20. happy birthday, lad :D


  21. I don't remember feeling as bad I do now for years. I won't go into details or anything vulgar like that but I'm really, really unwell - totally un-alcohol related as well. Urgh, doctors tomorrow - ya dancer.
  22. I've just been sick and am about to start playing GTA 3 for the first time. It always seems to be at weekends that I get unwell, if my memory serves me right that's two out of the past four weekends I've been sick/not feeling good. I hate it.
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