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Everything posted by GypsyTillIDie

  1. I've been rumbled. This is the only thread on here that I read and don't post on. I love it, for some reason. When I'm driving (this time next year) I'd be game, but for now, no thanks, not when I'd have to rely on public transport with school the next day.
  2. I didn't even know they were playing tonight. Gutted. Edit: lol wut I looked at the wrong date. Might fancy purchasing some tickets but they're playing during my prelims. Argh. And I've just seen it's a Saturday. Dearie me I need to start reading things.
  3. I've never had the flu in my puff. My immune system is the shiz.
  4. I ain't well. Cold - check. Sore throat - check. Headache - check. And I've got an english essay for Tuesday to do.
  5. A boy in my year was having a party tonight and I didn't get invited. Bit of a wankish thing to do considering he was talking to me throughout the day, and that most people I know were going and he didn't even ask if I would drop in. Thought about crashing it but decided we'd (me and my other pal) look pretty foolish. I then got asked if I wanted to go to the town tonight for a chinese with another pal of mine with his friends that I loosely know, but I was in no mood. Urgh. To be a teenager, eh?
  6. I've got an english essay due for Tuesday and I was going to make a right good start at it tonight, but I gave my pal the sheet with the five questions on it for him to copy (he was off when we got it) and forgot to get it off him. Dearie me.
  7. Ha, very good TP. Not heard one of those about Mr Lithgo before. And another pttgoyn is that I've wrote 36 words for an essay that's due for Tuesday. Gah.
  8. Clyde are losing and I'm not there to witness it. I hate not going to the games, it's only the third time this season that I've missed a competitive game and it's frustrating as hell. Worst thing is that they're down to ten men as well.
  9. Anyone here do Computer Science/Internet Computing at Strathclyde? I initially was wanting to do a finance/accounting degree but I'm kind of steering a bit away from that and want to focus my interests at computers. I'm currently doing five highers in fifth year, and for both courses it's a minimum of BBBB which suits me quite well I think. Anyone that does anything like the above at uni right now or the same course elsewhere's opinions would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Jesus Christ almighty this Miranda show before MOTD2 is by far and away the worst TV show I've seen in years. I don't condone violence but I'd quite happily punch this boot for days on end.
  11. I Love You, Man Watched it last night for the first time since I watched it at the cinema on release and it was still as funny. Probably found it more cringe-worthy the second time arouns as you knew what was going to happen and that made me enjoy it more I guess. Paul Rudd's hilarious in it, but Jason Segel was the stand-out. 7/10
  12. My pttgoyn is that I've got a shit-load of homework to do. Fml.
  13. When you put it like that then I guess I am sort of lucky, but it's absolutely horrible getting teeth out. Last time the dentist was pulling and yanking on the bugger for a good two minutes, and although it was all numbed out, the pressure that he exerted on my face was unreal. And afterwards I kept on thinking, "Oh well, at least I won't have to go through that again." Six/seven months later and here I am again. How long have you had your braces, partickfan?
  14. My teeth are moving too fast with my new braces and I need to get another tooth out tomorrow afternoon so they can get back into line - it's not really noticeable but it's best to get it done so I don't look like a twat in years to come. But of all the days of the week, why the hell does my mum choose a Friday afternoon?
  15. Aye it's OK though. Took a break from it and I'm managing to work my way through it. Lengthy stuff, but thanks anyway.
  16. I've got a chemistry booklet to complete for Friday, and the advice of our teacher to do it was "Er, use Wikipedia, or if that doesn't have it, Google it." And using Google/Wikipedia is of no use as it's using complicated terms that you'd find if you were in uni or something, not Higher. Frustrating stuff to say the least.
  17. My pal dyed his fringe blue and it was an almighty fail. As previously said you need to bleach it first if you've got dark hair. Don't bother though as you'll just look ridiculous.
  18. I'm pretty sure I saw you in the Broadwood Farm yesterday after the game. Anyway, pttgoyn:
  19. Still feel absolutely terrible but I should be able to make the football today to try and cheer me up. This is turning into one hell of a ridiculously bad weekend.
  20. In a foul mood today. Two reasons: 1) I'm unwell for the first time in two or three years. Stomach's been playing silly buggers over the past week and I've just ignored it - paying the price now so to speak. Friday night in it seems; the joys. 2) Fell out with one of my lassie pals today. Only known her for two months and we're really close, but I think we're just getting on each others' nerves right now. It'll tide over, I hope. Fucksake.
  21. Probably because you're stuck in your room, on your computer/xbox and sitting in your own filth, breathing in your own germs. Get some fresh air.
  22. Can't help you I'm afraid - never had XP before. Start a cheeky wee thread in the E-Chat forum, there's a lot of good posters there that'll help you out if it's urgent.
  23. What version of Windows is it? Vista, 7, XP etc.?
  24. My uncle got a computer gaming degree and he's off living the life in America - he was one of the producers on the Family Guy app. on the iPhone/Touch and loves it. Thought you should know that, twisteH.
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