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Everything posted by Reignman

  1. You have 3 options: 1. Wear plasters or other nipple shielding devices 2. Wear a non-chaffing top 3. Lose the manboobs
  2. It was something a mate told me a couple of weeks ago, but the way it was reasoned as being even remotely possible was that they now do car insurance, internet etc so that was all included. The synopsis of the video is - a load of Armando Ianucci nonsense about Tesco's taking over Denmark as they had completely suturated Britain, exactly the clip Debbie was talking about. Funny though!
  3. As a crossover with the youtube thread: Edit - As a reply to Swampy's post, somebody told me that an eighth of all conumer spending in Britain is done at Tescos. Thats ridiculous!!
  4. New Pearl Jam album, I love them but I'm a bit disappointed to be honest, a few cracking tunes but on the whole far too much like Vitalogy, which isn't a good thing.
  5. The Gray Album, which as you probably all know is Jay-Z's Black album mixed with The Beatles White Album, by Danger Mouse, now of Gnarls Barkley fame. Still undecided to be honest. Edit - just got to Dirt Off Your Shoulder. Its horrendous.
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