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Wee Bully

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Posts posted by Wee Bully

  1. 7 minutes ago, Slim Charles. said:

    Can't say I agree with the banning of Detournement here tbh. Sure, he can often take annoying contrarian positions on topics and enjoys sticking on a tinfoil hat now and again but that shouldn't necessarily result in a ban. I could see it if he was constantly trolling or spamming but I wouldn't class his posts as that.

    Doesn’t look like he’s been banned. Account still looks active. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

    I think as a society we need to protect women from predatory males and people operating under false pretences to target vulnerable women.

    But enough about 1320 Lichtie

    What is it about absolute dangers like @1320Lichtie that they want to vilify trans people?  Is it just deflection, or do they think that everyone is as dodgy as them? 

  3. 1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

    Don't remember the tank. I was thinking more of the rubber dinosaurs.


    Absolutely agree on the effects, but it is a cracking story and the acting is top notch. I think it is massively underrated. 

    I’d love to see a version with redone effects. It would be an instant classic. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

    Why is that?

    He was correct about all the nonsense that was spouted about Covid.

    If we had had no lockdowns we would have been in a much better financial position with the same number of deaths.

    It was like trying to hold back the tide.

    Never a good idea.

    Utter fantasy nonsense.

    He will always be remembered for declaring it over as a public health emergency in August 2020.  

  5. 4 minutes ago, fatshaft said:

    Awful lot of now ex-SNP members have debunked over to Alba, the fact 9 still went against the whip shows the level of discontent there. At least one MSP has admitted to voting for GRR solely because the party asked him to 

    What is “an awful lot”.  I’m an ex-SNP member, and there is no way I would touch Alba with a barge poll.  I don’t know of any other ex-members who have any time for Alba either.  I suspect they only appeal to the Gammon wing of the independence movement, which is happily pretty small

  6. 13 hours ago, strichener said:


    number 3, I am not sure what point you are trying to make however since the bursary was increased in 2019 there has been an increase in 5% in nurses undergoing training.  The comparative figure for England is an increase of 17.5% so I am not sure that we are seeing any benefit from this additional investment in bursary funding.

    The comparative figure is £5000 in England, and £10,000 in Scotland. 

    The point is that you said you would do the opposite of Yousaf. So, would you scrap the bursary and cut Doctors training numbers?  Or if you wouldn’t, what is it you would do differently? 

  7. 22 hours ago, scottsdad said:

    Just finished Planet of the Daleks. It was great, and really a second part to Frontier in Space. 

    Very much enjoying both Pertwee as the Doctor and Delgado as the Master ("You will obey me...") 

    Good to be back in space again. 

    The Draconians are up there as one of my favourite races in the Whoiverse. 

  8. 35 minutes ago, strichener said:

    No anybody that thinks keeping a person in place when he is clearly incompetent is the idiot.  Let's be honest here, the guy has proved to be useless in every ministerial appointment he has had.

    As for answering the question on who should replace them and what should be done differently, I am sure I have already answered this.  I can't help it if you don't understand why it doesn't fall to someone with no experience in government to put names forward for ministerial positions.  As for what to do differently, surely the answer is the opposite of whatever has been getting done as it is undoubtedly making the situation worse as I have already pointed out but which you have studiously ignored.

    What makes the incumbent the right person to transform the NHS?

    Well, that is frankly amazing.

    What should be done is “the opposite of what ever is getting done”?  What does that mean?  Does that mean:

    1. Refusing to negotiate with nurses?
    2. Cutting rather than increasing new doctors training?
    3. Removing the nurse training bursary?

    What exactly do you mean?

  9. 10 minutes ago, strichener said:

    It's equivalent to wanting rid of a football manager as he is shite.  It isn't the fans (nor taxpayers) responsibility to appoint a competent person or decide on the tactics.  However 18 months is clearly enough time to have an opinion on competence.  Just ask Aberdeen fans.

    And with that awful analogy, I can see there is no point discussing it further with you.  Anyone who thinks running the NHS in Scotland is akin to managing Aberdeen is frankly an idiot. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, strichener said:

    I Shuggy will be happy to know that he has a shorter waiting time but is more likely to die.

    I suppose you would prefer him to have longer waiting times and still be more likely to die?

    Generational issues with heart disease in Glasgow (as an example) aren’t going to disappear overnight, although they are decreasing.  Shuggy (sadly) has always been more likely to die.

  11. 1 minute ago, strichener said:

    Here are the achievements of the current Secretary for Health sine he was put in post 19 months ago.

    1. Waiting list increased to the longest on record.

    2. Near permanent month on month fall in meeting A & E targets.

    3. Increase in cancelled operations.

    4. Increase in ambulance response times.

    5. Increase in delayed discharge.

    6. Words cancer waiting times in the last decade.

    Abject failure and seemingly unaccountable.


    So, answering neither of the 2 questions.

     Who should the new minister be, and what should they do differently (and how would they fund it?)

  12. 2 minutes ago, strichener said:

    Any evidence yet that the Scottish NHS is better than England and Wales?

    Shorter waiting times, more GP’s per head of population, nurses and ambulance staff not yet striking.

    Health outcomes may be worse in places, but the gap is actually closing

  13. 1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

    Who would you appoint in his place and what changes should the new Minister make?

    I’m not entirely sure what they want him to do.  Is he meant to:

    1. Hold the sheet over the doorway, or
    2. Reverse Brexit on his own, or
    3. Invent borrowing powers, or
    4. As Jedi initially suggested, cut 20% from the police and fire budgets to pay nurses a 15% pay rise?

    Never any suggestions other than “resign”

  14. 42 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    Transport/Green targets and Education. How are they doing on Health?

    Also, if the SNP are getting 'some' things wrong, but still deserve a vote as a 'means to an end', does the same not apply to Labour? Ie poor attitude on immigration and Brexit without a doubt, (and yes, not falling over themselves to enact a 2nd Indy Ref etc) but a 'means to an end' in getting rid of a Tory govt.


    How are they doing on health?  Better than all the other parts of the UK.

  15. 3 hours ago, Jedi said:

    Which policies are you 'critical' of, or which areas do you think they have got wrong?

    Take the point on 'have to vote for someone'....why not the Greens or Alba then?

    Policies I’m critical of:

    1. Transport - A9 dialling is taking far too long and CalMac is a fiasco.  
    2. Drugs policy - stop blaming Westminster and go for the health option (safe consumption rooms etc).  I know it is reserved, but with control over the Crown Office, they could just refuse to prosecute.
    3. Housing - they should really kick on with social housing, and deal with homelessness. 

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