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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. An absolutely glorious player.
  2. I'm not a betting man but I'd bet good money that the club won't see half of that money.
  3. How it made it past the YouTube equivalent of the cutting room floor is beyond me. “Corrupt SD card” should’ve been the order of the day (which would have deprived us of the hilarity I suppose).
  4. Listening to Simon Jordan is your big mistake there. His opinions on Scottish football at whatever level, whether positive or negative, are binworthy.
  5. It’s a certainty. I’m interested in what kind of handover there will be (if any) between the departing members of the trust board and those newly elected.
  6. That’s my headstone sorted.
  7. Apologies, it must have been seeing Gary McAllister at half time that threw me.
  8. On the contrary, I think they absolutely should. You’re not telling me that the suits at other clubs haven’t wanted to call out their support at times. I have plenty issues with JW, but believe me, his railing publicly against the morons on our support isn’t one of them.
  9. Some Livi fans are ABSOLUTE p***ks. He’s not wrong there.
  10. That strike from McAllister was utter filth.
  11. I seem to remember you saying he was nothing more than a tee shirt folder before he joined the club. On reflection that may be more of a dig at the employer as opposed to the employee but either way, it was (I thought) a cheap shot. I noticed the comments from the manager today regarding what happened at the weekend with the Celtic support. Once again, the official statement from the club was decent, and once again it was deemed completely useless because the manager decides to add his own nonsensical spin. If he thinks that a “good atmosphere” is listening to the IRA cheerleaders songbook glorifying murder for 90 minutes, then he can f**k off whenever he likes.
  12. That’s the most “Livingston 2023-2024” goal we’ve conceded yet. Our defence must think that composure was an 80s boy band.
  13. I can't say whether it's strange or not. I wouldn't touch them/him with a barge pole, especially not for a company matter (the use of them/him in that matter has NEVER made sense to me). Only Ward knows why he's used them/him.
  14. Oh the club is fucked. Without question. There's no-one involved who is infallible. I'm a pedant though.
  15. According to some posters on here LFC bungled their own case.
  16. The Trust have an approximate 6% shareholding in the club. I'm not sure what that legally entitles them to. Without wanting to denigrate the Trust in any way (I'm a member myself and I know others who work their fingers to the bone on it's behalf), I think a fully functioning, forward thinking Trust may have had a better insight into goings on at the club. It may not of course.
  17. That myth has been peddled more often than that of the Loch Ness Monster, by Ford, Ward, and anyone else who says it in the Daily Record, on Twitter or wherever.
  18. I was under the impression that it was a one off joining fee of a fiver. I'm a member and that's all I've ever paid. At least I think I'm still a member, because I get (infrequent) emails from them.
  19. It could be, of course. I would imagine there’s more than one John James Ward kicking about though.
  20. Aye, I’ve never got the whole Castle Greyskull reference. If it’s cartoon related, it’s Snake Mountain. Given the state of their support and their royalist leanings, it’ll always be Buckiengham Palace for me.
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