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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. I still find it strange that every single episode of Sportsound, available for download an hour or so after each evening show and usually condensed into 30 minutes (ish), has been available without problem - except of course, the show where Chick was contradicting himself from the night before. Just seeing the article there that barrysnotter posted, reminded me that I listened to a wee bit of the pregame coverage on 5Live yesterday - Pat Nevin, Roddy Forsyth and (I think) Mark Saggers. Forsyth was outstanding, Nevin was trying to put the point across that the football financial bubble is cyclical so MUST burst at some point, and Saggers was terrible. Absolutely having none of it, was incredulous at the thought that English football could even be remotely at risk, and in between times, was madly peddling the line "look around you Pat. I mean, look at this scene. There's no way this can't survive". Forsyth raised one point that I couldn't quite get my head around - he must surely have it wrong - but in 2008, when Rangers and Zenit contested the UEFA Cup final, the combined debt of the two clubs was £33m. The same season, Manchester United and Chelsea were in the CL Final - and their combined debt was £1bn+.
  2. I doubt Chick will be interested, especially in Alex Thomsons blog. After all Thomson is just a War Correspondent. Indeed, he's CHANNEL 4'S War Corresponent.
  3. This. Just listened to Brian from Bridge of Don, and the mumbling fool that is Chick Young. I listened to it about an hour ago, and I still can't believe that English and Young openly stated, that they print what they print and run what they run, to keep both sides of the OF sweet. We all know that it goes on, but to hear it from a supposed top journalist like English and a media pundit/buffoon/laughing stock such as Young is a bit startling.
  4. Rumours circulating around twitter this evening that Jocky Wilson has died. A couple of the decent BBC journalists have posted it.
  5. Can't remember who tweeted it earlier (think it may have been the journo Gerry Braiden), but they said something to the tune of Glasgow City Council being a confirmed creditor, to the tune of 90k+. I'm sure it said that this was a debt that's been accrued since admin started.
  6. Yip, that's what he said. The way he was building up to it (the usual flannel, about people donating from all around the world including Dubai, Canada and Northern Ireland), I thought he was going to say something in the millions, but no. 120k. It should be double that in the next few days though, apparently.
  7. He also said they could still bring in good European pros, using Carlos Bocanegra as an example.
  8. The bit that got me is that the people who supposedly "wanted involved in things", i.e the guys who wanted fans on the board, indeed I'm sure it was the Fighting Fund guy - sounded utterly fucking clueless as well. Chapman - "if you had a fan on the board, what would you want from them?" Hannah - "Um, err, ahm, erm honesty - and erm, ehhh, cough, erm transparency wibble". Jesus fucking christ, is that the best they can do? Never mind the fact that the worldwide fanbase that is the glorious Glesga Rangersnthat, that would pledge millions, has raised the sum total of £120k. About a tenth of the months SAVINGS they need to make. Also - when will this line about Rangers would won the Champions League if Marseille hadn't cheated be put to fucking bed - by the same token then, how many would Celtic have won in a row if RANGERS hadn't fucking cheated? Thank christ Mark Daly got wired in about Smith at the end. Hearing that clown say "nobody knew. Craig Whyte knew, that was it. Well, the people who should've been paying the bills, they knew. And Craig Whyte - but that was it." When around half an hour before, when asked about profits over the course of a season, he said it "was plainly apparent that when we didn't qualify for the Champions League, the owner started to panic". So, what's it to be Gordon? Are you lying, or just contradicting yourself? Utter, utter, car crash stuff.
  9. Been really impressed with the Chelsea side, far more than the United one. Lovely strike from Feruz too, he's certainly got ability, no doubt about it.
  10. Is it just me, or is Anderson beeling that Whitlock is getting booed at the doubles? Or is he angry at how he's playing?
  11. My hopes have been dashed a fair few times in the last couple of weeks regarding these fuckers, but when I read stuff such as I can't help but think that the net is closing in on them. And it's joyous. Jim Spence was interviewing Sandy Jardine on Sportsound last night, and when he was asked what HE thought with regards to people saying that liquidation is still a possibility, still on the cards (you know, seeing as the Administrators have said it, Dave King has said it, some of the more esteemed members of the press pack have said it..........................) - Sandy, rather indignantly, described it as "a lot of absolute rubbish". I don't care who it is that does the interviews, whether it's the BBC, hell even Chick Young himself - I hope they keep giving fucking PLENTY airtime to stupid auld clowns like Jardine, and Spearmint chewngum thickos like Billy Dodds - it'll make it very, VERY sweet to see these stupid erses faces when it all come crashing down.
  12. Don't know if it's been posted before now, but Paul Clark of Phineas & Ferb says he "can't see how Craig Whyte will profit from Rangers". Link
  13. They did, and I think I'm right in saying they also received any parachute payments that they would have been entitled to receive upon relegation. Thing is though, with Rangers leaking money left right and centre, that kind of pay out probably wouldn't cover a month or two's losses. I was under this impression too. The bullshit and bluster from some of the medias finest regarding Rangers being "too big" or "too grand" to go under has reminded me of that fact that it's almost one hundred years ago exactly that another thing went down, with everyone saying "this thing is too grand to sink".
  14. It's been said all along that the Administrators have been talking to potential buyers - indeed Paul Murray said as much on talkSport this morning. So this whole "we need somebody to come in NOW" must be nonsense, to make PM look like the saviour if/when he does take over - or he has been told by the Administrators "don't buy the business, it's a pup". It's also been said that whoever buys the club, doesn't want tp hand over a brass ha'penny to Craig Whyte, if he is the main secured creditor - this is something that the Administrators have said all along they were trying to work out was the case or not. So - do they know? Is CW still the main creditor? Because if so, surely the Administrators legal equivalent of a star strikers "come and get me" plea is going to fall on deaf ears? And this business of "if we don't cut the players, we don't fulfill the fixtures" - doesn't make any sense to me. As has been said, they could cut the squad down to boot boys and stand sweepers, who would play the remainder of the games. I can only assume that where the problem lies, is that even if they DID that, then other problems would come into play - i.e policing for games, leccy for the floodlights, security, insurance for players etc.
  15. For anyone who's interested, here's the interview with Paul Murray done on talkSport this morning. Keys & Gray & Paul Murray At 4:50, he says that in the court of public opinion, which he says in some ways is the most important court (), Craig Whyte should be nowhere near Ibrox. Wonder if he'd agree with the Court of Public Opinion that says Rangers should be, once this is finished, nowhere near the SPL, or indeed the SFL? I know that it is never going to happen, but just once, I'd like to see the reaction from Rangers fans and indeed other clubs fans if one of these "Blue Knights" (which is as fucking pathetic a name for a consortium as I've seen anywhere) were to come out and say that they've fucking cheated, lied and deceived for the last god knows how long, and that if the punishment is demotion from the SPL to who knows where, then they'll take it on the chin?
  16. King making big noises about Liquidation being inevitable, and in the same breath talks about the club not being in Europe next season - is it not the case that a NewCo (which is what will probably happen after Liquidation) won't be eligible to play in Europe for 3 seasons?
  17. This guy Dingwall on STV - he's living in cloud cuckoo land. He has just said that the players who haven't agreed to any deal "are quite right to haggle, they can't be seen to being walked over, if not for them, then also their fellow pros". Does no-one with any interest in this whole farce, who has an ear within the mainstream media, read this forum? In every other admin that I can think of, cuts have come quick, and have been far more swingeing than what is happening here - and I'm sure there's been fucking zero negotiations with the administrators. Lets get one other thing right - any "deal" that these guys are trying to obtain, are ABSOLUTELY to suit their own end, they won't be giving their fellow pros a second thought.
  18. So, according to Charles "Gulp" Paterson on SSN, Wylde and Cellik are two of FIVE players who have asked to be released from their contracts. So still no redundancies, as such. Unless the other two (assuming Goian is the other) are on astronomical wages, then this won't be a drop in the ocean towards the £1m pm cuts needed. EDIT - 200 pages!
  19. I don't want to put you on ignore wisbit, so is there any chance you could change that avatar? It's absolutely fucking repulsive.
  20. Rangers and Portsmouth are in talks regarding having a friendly to raise funds.
  21. This is the case in England I'm sure, but not here. I'd imagine Thompson at Dundee Utd, and I daresay Hearts as well, could have something to say if they don't get the money due them but Dunfermline do. The more that happens (or doesn't, as the case is here), the more I think that this is an administration in name only.
  22. From Raman on twitter - Fraser Wishart: 'players voted to accept significant salary deferrals..administrators indicated... highly unlikely they'd accept proposal'
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