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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. This guy Clark is as slippery as Craig Whyte, IMO. I doubt I'll get much more from this.
  2. Reading a wee bit about what Celtic have seemingly said (regarding not needing Rangers), and the financial figures they've posted. Given what is going on there, by all accounts being financially prudent with their projections etc, and when you compare that to the absolute clusterfuck of affairs at Ibrox - then how can anyone come out and say that Celtic are wrong? I know all the nonsense about reduced TV deal, reduced crowds etc etc - but I'll tell you what, if that was to happen, I'd rather have the Celtic boards way of dealing with it (or indeed Motherwell, or St Johnstone) than whats been happening at Ibrox.
  3. Delayed by 15 minutes, and it's only one hack per media organisation apparently.
  4. Sky Sports news reporting that Craig Whyte has assured players they will be paid this month, and that he hopes they will be out of admin by the end of next month. I daresay he and the administrators are having dialogue etc, so this may sound like pedantry, but should those kind of statements not be made now by the administrator? I was under the impression that it's now the administrator was running the club, no-one else?
  5. Dodgy mates or no dodgy mates, are they actually allowed to do be seen to be doing that? If they act in the interests of Craig Whyte first and foremost, would that not be because of his status as a secured creditor, rather than him being bedfellows with them? How does "secured creditor" staus get assumed? I only ask because it seems as though Ticketus will be due >>>£20m, HMRC are due >>> £9m - is the Ticketus debt alone not higher than what Craig Whyte is due?
  6. I don't know if this has been cleared up earlier in the thread or not, so forgive me - but I've read a few posts today about football creditors being paid in full, that they get priority. Is a football creditor basically, a football club or a player? I've been reading that Burnley are due money on the Lafferty transfer if he plays 100 games (he's on 98 apparently), and the well documented cases of Dundee Utd and Dunfermline being due money for recently televised games. So should they be alright? I was also wondering - surely to f**k £9m wouldn't be their actually standard tax bill for 9 months?
  7. It was, aye - TdF winners since WW2. They didn't really have much of a clue, they guessed Lance Armstrong and Miguel Indurain - couldn't remember Contadors name.
  8. New episodes as of Monday, according to Richard Osman - I have to say, I wasn't aware the ones on just now were repeats. I love this show.
  9. The fella on the right - it's either Romanov with a tash, or...................... it's Kiwififer during Movember.
  10. Cheers for this X. I'm definitely going to phone them tomorrow, but I have my doubts as to what they can do. I have to say though, and I say this with zero technical know how at all - but I can't help thinking there must be something wrong with the line. I've been on Sppedtest.net every day since we got the Sky BB installed, and just yesterday I noticed that I could check previous tests; it transpires that back in August last year there were occasions when I was receiving over 5Mbps. It tumbled down to under 1 Mbps in September, and hasn't been above 1 until the first day with Sky last week. I do vividly remember it being far faster than what I'm receiving now, and I also remember phoning Orange on various occasions and getting short shrift. I've read a few things online about line noise, attenuation (sp) etc, but I've no idea how to check these and whether or not they'd be a factor.
  11. Just a wee add on to this - I got Sky BB installed last Tuesday, and on the first day my speed jumped from the abysmal 0.74 Mbps I was getting with Orange, to............................................ 1.42 Mbps . Since last Tuesday it's went down to 0.91, and it seems pretty constant at that. All the documents I got from Sky said that over the first ten days they would start low, then increase the speed until day 10. This doesn't seem to be happening. Anyone any idea how I can check and see if there's something wrong?
  12. Haven't seen much of this years BDO, but absolutely delighted to have seen that. That was outrageously good darts there from O'Shea - 50% on his doubles, over 7 sets? That's incredible. And the 170 was brilliant.
  13. Think I was being a bit frugal with my dates, the Livingston one's been open at least 2 years.
  14. They have one in Livingston. Been open a year or so - poor when it first opened, but quality of service and food has improved markedly.
  15. I'm moving ISP's later this month (Orange to Sky, for money saving purposes), and the speeds that Sky have said I should get are way better than what I've been getting with Orange. I notice from SamKnows, that my Sky is one of the LLU services at my local exchange. Should this make a difference to my speeds?
  16. Utter meltdown in the Mozam household. Can't believe what I've just witnessed. I've got a braw collection of hats, and I tip all of them to Lewis' darting ability, and his ability to come back. Leiws sounds magnanimous for all of twenty seconds, then resorts to p***kery.
  17. So it's going to start back in 5 minutes, breeze or no breeze?
  18. I thought the pantomime season was finished? Wade is playing Lewis like a cheap fucking moothie here, and it's glorious.
  19. This is just absolutely sensational stuff. Hamilton starts like a train, falls away - Whitlock starts slow and then finds his groove. THEN Hamilton gets back into it. It deserves to be a 5-5 really. Praying for Whitlock to see this through now, but it's been an absolute pleasure either way.
  20. Tremendous seventh set from Whitlock - although there was a coupla shaky moments there in the leg when Hamilton hit the 180 from nowhere.
  21. I'm not a huge fan of the guy, in fact I cannae stand him, but Hamilton is playing some fantastic darts here.
  22. I think Part is a tremendous commentator. Far better than Mardle and Harrington anyway. I agree with what H_B said earlier in the thread - the commentators aren't really going to criticise the crowd, they're not going to bite the hand that feeds them. Although I have to say, Dave Clark did kind of stray away from the party line the other night - he said something akin to "Not everyone here is here to watch the darts, we all know that, I suppose it's just part of the monster that's been created".
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