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Posts posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. 31 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

    Godley posted that as a screenshot shortly after she announced that her cancer had returned and many thought that is what Fraser was responding with. However I believe that Fraser had posted that more than a year ago in relation to Godley being dropped from an SNP campaign  after racists tweets she had made years earlier emerged. So it is all a bit messy and conflated but Fraser does not appear to have posted anything about her illness or posted anything recent about her. 

    Imagine that being the only positive thing that can be said about you.


    This is actually quite a decent tactic, and one that detritus like Fraser have long been more than happy to employ. She doesn't actually say that Fraser posted this in relation to her cancer returning, just allows folk to get that impression, which is absolutely fine. Indeed I'd like to see more of this gloves-off stuff from the pro-Indy side. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

    A good friend of ours is seeing a surgeon today privately because she can barely walk due to requiring a new hip.

    She is NOT well off but waiting 2/3 years on the NHS is not an option at the age of 80.. If she opts to go ahead this will cost her £15 to £20k, a good part of her life savings.
    What is your idealistic socialist solution for her, today?

    Given the the 99.8% certainty that this situation, like everything else you've ever posted is totally made up, I'm struggling to care tbh. 

  3. On 18/12/2022 at 19:43, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

    There are a number of us that watch out for his sick shit.

    Some of his previous posts have been, quite frankly, deplorable.

    This is delicious, I mean absolutely fucking sumptuous. To think I've ruined some absolute loser to this extent is superb. My money's on Kincs. 


    11 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

    Good news.

    Oh look, the most predictable post in the history of P&B. 


    10 hours ago, King Ian said:

    Fantastic stuff.

    The quicker the treacherous route across the channel is disincentivised, the better.

    Oh christ another one 😂

  4. On 15/12/2022 at 19:40, Dundee-FC92 said:

    This popped up randomly on youtube and is well worth a watch. 

    If the Bonetti era could be summed up in one highlights package it's pretty much all covered. Looking dominant and Nemsadze skinning boys left right and centre. Lobbing the ball out of defence without a care in the world from the defender and Cannigia making it look easy. 

    Ultimately though two penalties missed by Sara and we lose a late free kick at the second award for a fifth defeat in a row. 

    Madness of the time encapsulated all in this. 

    Thank you. 

    I was at that one. Everyone was screaming for Giorgi to take the second one. There was another game Vs them during the Bonetti era where the first half was played in a blizzard during which they scored 3 times, and finished in glorious sunshine. 

  5. On 13/12/2022 at 18:28, Wee Bully said:

    1. You told us on the Covid thread that you were going to vote Tory, and every viewpoint you put forward is a Tory one.

    2. Your “focus” is the same mealy mouthed one which is trotted out by Tories trying to defend this shit.  

    Just own it!

    And lastly - what is wrong with economic migration?  We bloody need it!


    On 13/12/2022 at 18:38, Wee Bully said:

    1. You said you weren’t a Tory.  I pointed out the contradictions

    2. I also addressed your mealy mouthed “focus”

    3. What “legal routes” are those then?  As an example, tell me how someone moves here from Nigeria to better their living conditions?

    Face it, you are just a poundshop Darren Grimes


    It's always chucklesome when the Covid thread's self-appointed expert leaves the comfort blanket behind and makes a c**t of himself somewhere else 

    "I'm not a Tory"

    *** Evidence that he'd vote Tory ***

    "Waaaaah that's not relevant"

    Fud 😂

  6. 1 minute ago, virginton said:

    Inverclyde and West Dunbartonshire (the Tweedledum and Tweedledee of diddy councils) are already exploring the 'rationalisation' of payroll and management. Which tbf is far preferable to closing down the central library or switching off street lights overnight* like it's the 1991 Soviet Union. 

    * These are legitimate, cost-cutting proposals. 


    Although until Inverclyde has paid a large accountancy firma few hundred thousand pounds to identify savings, only to then can the idea because they got ripped to shreds for it, losing even more money, I'm afraid you'll struggle to wrestle the tinpottery crown away. 

    We also implemented a vastly unpopular system of parking charges, and did it really badly, resulting in another hilarious probable six figure loss. 

    And spent north of half a million fighting a local dickhead property developer to be able to pull down a shitey old leisure centre. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

    Angus were quite early adopters of getting rid of senior management. In my time there they moved from 7 to 5 to 2 directorates.

    I think we we will end up with another iteration of the regions.

    TBF no earthly reason why Angus, Dundee, PKC and Fife need their own HR, payroll, senior managers etc That could all be consolidated 

    I think those numbers have crept back up. Apparently we have more Chief Officers than Aberdeenshire which is fucking mental when you consider the geography involved. Housing has basically fallen apart since a disastrous restructure was implemented and HQ has an all-too-large cohort of fuckwits who seem to think they work for Google. It's a total shambles of a place.


  8. 3 minutes ago, virginton said:

    Inverclyde Council were explicitly warned by their financial officers back in February that their budget had a yawning black hole in it. Not one party group even raised - never mind explained - how they planned to address this crisis, prior to the council elections in May. In which several councillors were returned because nobody else stood in their multi-member wards. Now the elected council are guilt-tripping about the brutal cuts, that they knew fine well would be coming down the chute before they got their four year pay cheque. 

    While there's no doubt that the local authority settlement is fucking them over, the complete absence of transparency or democratic accountability is risible.  

    Similar here. Councillors by and large are utter morons and monumentally out of their depth. I found myself watching a youTube vid of a recent full Council meeting where they were told about the financial fuckdom incoming and no one had a clue on how to address it (BTW I only watched it because one of the fucking buffoons had a complete tantrum and stormed out 😂)

    Our new intake was less awful than last time. Let's face it, NOT having the ever-useless Braden fucking Davy is always a bonus. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

    Problem is VR /VER is a false economy. Saves LAs money in the short term but the posts and by extension the services are lost.

    We're non-statutory although we've been in a strong position for years because local CAB provision is shite and they don't provide appeal representation anyway. Indeed after nicking the funding from LAs for Universal Credit Help to Claim, the cheeky b*****ds are just running it as a phone line. We're fucked anyway unless there is massive change at the top and they'll be hanging on for dear life until they're pensioned off. 

    They been holding info sessions for employees looking for ideas. Colour me stunned that ideas involving trimming the number of Chief Officers aren't part of that conversation. 


  10. 6 minutes ago, Aufc said:

    I also see the Scottish government are under fire for overstaying the actual cash terms increase in the budget. It’s not just a Scottish government issue to be fair but a UK wide reporting issue. By the sounds of it, councils are going to have to make some hard decisions regarding funding for some public services. Instead of a 1.9% increase it’s a 1.6% decrease

    Quite a few local Councils will be going into special measures in 2023 imo.

    Mine has to find £27million in savings in the coming financial year and £71million over three years, which is pretty much impossible. Frontline services will be cut to the bone or simply not provided any more. To be fair this isn't (in our case) solely down to government underfunding. We've been chronically mismanaged by an utterly hopeless Chief Executive(s) and Directorate since about 2008. 

    There will doubtless be shouts for volunteers for ER/VR. I'll be taking VR as soon as fucking possible. I'll quite happily trouser a large redundancy payment and should pick up an equivalent post in the third sector without too much of an issue. 

  11. 12 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

    Somehow managed to get through and up the big hill at Kirrirmuir in the downpour. Cars sliding all over the place whilst I held my breath and careered through at about 2mph in 2nd gear.




    Me upon passing the useless fucers


    Just seen a rant about it on FB. Apparently a wee crash. Was it you? 😂

  12. 5 hours ago, Abdul_Latif said:

    Fucking hell, are we actually at the point of vilifying say a single parent senior nurse with two kids?

    £45K is not a large salary and sums like that should be kept well out of the conversation when talking about high earners.

    Apologies, the above was so ridiculous I couldn't tell whether or not you were being serious. 

  13. 59 minutes ago, Goomba said:

    Why did you change your name from Day Of The Lords mate?

    Why are you on about your 15th alias account? 


    56 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

    Was it the bad language which was the clue?

    Sit down Walter. 

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