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Posts posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. 1 hour ago, Jedi said:

    Transport/Green targets and Education. How are they doing on Health?

    Also, if the SNP are getting 'some' things wrong, but still deserve a vote as a 'means to an end', does the same not apply to Labour? Ie poor attitude on immigration and Brexit without a doubt, (and yes, not falling over themselves to enact a 2nd Indy Ref etc) but a 'means to an end' in getting rid of a Tory govt.


    No they don't. The SNP remain the dominant party in Scotland, partly because the opposition are fucking terrible, but largely because they aren't making nearly enough mistakes in power for people to want to vote for anyone else. Labour don't deserve to get into power on the basis of "Och let's give someone else a shot at beating the tories" because we already have a party well capable of repeatedly doing that, and frankly because Scottish voters largely do not trust Labour.

    Like many others I used to vote Labour and did so in 92, 97, 2001 and 2011. However given my line of work since 2013 I'd never vote for a party again which has sat on its hands through the worst excesses of Tory "welfare reform" and indeed brought in several aspects of welfare reform themselves which have hammered the poorest in society. Speculation of course, but i don't think for a nanosecond that a Labour administration in Scotland over the last few years would have made any attempt at things like mitigating the bedroom tax, bringing in Scottish Child Payment, or establishing the Scottish Welfare Fund to replace the shitshow of Crisis Loans. 


    16 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    So you agree that getting rid of the Tories 'forever' doesn't actually apply with Independence.Yes, under current circumstances, can't see then taking 65 seats in the next two or three elections. After that? Who knows.

    Of course a Labour govt can be replaced by the Tories again in 10/15 whatever years.However politics can change rather dramatically depending on circumstances. If anyone had suggested 10/12 years ago that the SNP would dominate Scotland in the way they do now, it would have been considered 'very unlikely' as well 

    The Tories haven't been dominant in Scotland since about the 1950s.

  2. Rather than try to think up match the number of goals to the year (who can really be fucked even thinking of 23 things for this year), I thought it would be better to just aim for 12, rather obviously being an average of one a month, which should be achievable (in theory). Mine are: 

    1. Finish the Munros (32 left, generally all in decent groups with only a couple of outliers).
    2. Cycle 5000 miles in total between Road, MTB and Zwift/Indoor
    3. Kayak a few new lochs and/or rivers. 
    4. Run a 10K event - on the face of it this shouldn't be too hard, but I hate running 😂
    5. Get to at least a couple of Dundee games, preferably including one at a ground I haven't been to - most likely Arbroath in early April
    6. Do better with fitness this year, ie weight back down below 12.5st, and FTP on bike above 250w
    7. Do one of the North Face routes on Ben Nevis (probably Ledge Route or maybe Tower Ridge)
    8. Try some of the MTB downhill runs on either the Nevis Range or Glencoe 
    9. Explore/camp Moidart & Ardnamurchan. It's a stunning area which needs explored
    10. Walk/hike/run a total of 500 miles
    11. Overnight in at least three bothies I haven't been to before
    12. Try to play more golf than last year - shouldn't be hard to play more than 6 rounds 😂
  3. 10 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

    Absolutely agree. I lose respect for anyone who accepts one.


    4 hours ago, TxRover said:

    Might be unpopular, but I’ll disagree with such a broad brush. Marcus Rashford is far from a moron, and I suspect his MBE enhanced his ability to speak out on important matters he cares about.

    I don't blame Rashford for accepting one, however I think it might have made a greater impact had he said something like "I can't in all good conscience accept this from a system which enables the enormous wealth of one family to be prioritised over all others, many of whom are struggling to feed their kids and heat their homes" or something. 

    Easy of course for us to say, we aren't going to have to deal with the thousands of abusive and racist Twitter messages and probably threats he'd receive up and down a country which gave him plenty of that for missing a fucking penalty. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    Can you explain the alias part of the account registered in 2014, with most of my posts believe it or not, not in the Politics Forum, but rather in Random Matches you Are Going To, TV and Film, and incredibly on a football forum   in the Premiership section of the actual football section. 

    ..or alternatively do you want to just continue with the pathetic alias/troll patter?

    Wasn't this account I was referring to 😂

    Still keep the saltiness going, it's quite entertaining. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Detournement said:

    Natural Asset Classes have been created by Wall St banks but their goal is to transfer ownership of biospheres in Africa, Latin America and Asia to western oligarchs. Australia signed up for it last week but that was basically symbolic as they are already well established on that path. 

    Obviously a Tory government will want to take part in it. As will Labour. As will the SNP. The SNP have sold already sold off Scottish renewable assts to Big Oil for a pittance. It's not about parties. 


  6. 30 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Todd was a decent Hamilton Accies poster back in the day. I realise that's a bit of an oxymoron!

    The Covid thread absolutely all consumed him and he's a very, very different poster to what he was.

    Quite sad to see.

    Same for Elixir tbf. He was at times pretty off the scale but usually pretty decent and put in some magnificent trolling at the height of the "Hibsing it" era. That thread has absolutely melted a few folk. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Detournement said:

    It's not about people flying less or thinking about their carbon output. People (not rich people) will fly less by being priced out of flying or having their flights cancelled.

    The PR firm who run Greta are involved in manufacturing consent for the EU Green New Deal which is a huge privatisation scam which will result in billionaires controlling and charging rent on all the low carbon technology we will require to live in the 21st century. 

    Also look into Natural Asset Classes. Which can be summed up as an attempt to privatize the air we breathe. 




    Seriously, spend a little time outside yer maw's basement. This really can't be healthy. Jesus H Christ. 

  8. 3 hours ago, BFTD said:

    Now now, it's just a newcomer to the site who's signed up to post on the Politics board and ask some very reasonable questions in defence of a poster who's lost their mind a wee bit.

    I am sure that there is no need to be suspicious!

    Looks like wee Jedi has reached the penultimate stage of total breakdown, moving from spittle flecked paranoia, right through to shite alias. 

    Absolutely broken. Beautiful. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, BFTD said:

    I know where you're coming from, but closing it down would just result in it seeping through to the rest of the forum.

    At least now, if someone starts talking about 'plandemics', fascist lockdowns, or the time they refused to wash their hands and everyone applauded, they can legitimately be told to f**k off to the COVID thread without everyone feeling the need to point out what a c**t they are.

    Absolutely this. One only has to look at Todd's contributions on the Politics sub. Probably best he's left to the Covid thread where he can at least feel like he's a big deal. As for the rest, Elixir seems caught in a loop of BROKEN SIMPS and HB is just a forum-wide attention-seeker. 

  10. On 29/12/2022 at 09:36, Salt n Vinegar said:

    It is possible to have a bit of fun with the sort of folk who immediately believe what anyone says if it fits their prejudices. 

    A mate of mine who works in a central belt Council uses two stories quite often. When he meets new folk, and they ask him where he works, he tells them and follows up with stuff about it not being a great place to work but the big perk is that full time employees don't have to pay Council Tax.  That can generate quite a discussion! 

    Can't believe I haven't thought of using that one before 😂

    There are however folk who genuinely believe Council staff getting their own streets gritted as a priority is a thing. The local Council's Facebook page is a total hive of fuckwittery, usually bad weather attracts the greatest level of seethe, closely followed by middle class Facebook maws moaning that their kids should get free school meals - "wHy dO fOlK wHo dOnT wAnT tO wOrK gEt eVeRyThInG hAnDeD tO tHeM??!?!?!!?!!!11111"

  11. On 30/12/2021 at 15:38, Benjamin_Nevis said:

    I haven't seen a thread for this yet upon which to post up my list of predictable failure. Anyway I'll start with this work of sheer (and hopeless) optimism. 

    1. Finish the munros (again).  I've got 37 left so barring ludicrous travel restrictions, the Black Death variant or further relatives passing away, surely to f**k I can get these finished in my tenth year of walking up these fuckers.  - only managed 5 new ones, loads of repeats and a few corbetts
    2. Climb my 500th summit - linked to No1, including repeats, Corbetts and Grahams, I've climbed about 405 hills. 500 seems a nice number to aim for - only made it to 447
    3. Save £4000 - the last two years provided a good opportunity but weeks and months of lockdowns meant buying stuff online I didn't really need. It's good fun though. 
    4. Kayak/Camp on Loch Maree - My partner and I had a wee day trip to the island son Loch Maree last summer on our kayak - there are a few cracking camp spots, so this is an absolute must do.  - Went for another wee kayaking trip there but didn't camp. Still absolutely magnificent though. 
    5. Summit camp on A'Mhaighdean - another reappearance for this one, but as i'm going to walk this route in May with any luck, it's the perfect time to camp on this munro, one of the remotest and a stunning viewpoint - Not quite. Ended up camping close by on the shores of loch fada due to a shit forecast.
    6. Beat my fastest time for the Loch Ness Etape cycle event - Entered this again for April, I've got 3h43m to beat from 2019. - yup, down to 3h 38m
    7. Get one of my photos published  - managed this last year when TGO Magazine used one of mine on a full page spread, which was pleasing - some american travel mag used one of my Alamy photos of Glencoe.
    8. Improve my fitness levels - I really got into shape in 2020, let things slide a wee bit last year, so i want to get back to 12.5stone and maintain this, plus good general fitness - weight up to 13st 5lb - however definitely fitter and stronger than last year. FTP on the bike is up and i'm getting up mountains without feeling particularly knackered
    9. Run 200 miles next year
    10. Try a Duathlon - I hate swimming so the Tri can f**k off. However there's a decent cycle/trail run duathlon up Glen Clova next year so i'm going to try that and not finish last
    11. Do a decent XC route on the mountain bike - It's been criminally underused in the last 2-3 years so I'd like to do a decent remote cross country route at least once this year. 
    12. Have a bothy night - it's been 2 or 3 years since I've done this due to covid closures or simple laziness. Nothing beats being in the middle of absolutely nowhere with a fire and a few drinks - Has 3 of those (Gorton, Glendhu and Leacraithneach)
    13. Go to some Dundee games again - had intended to do this last year with my old man, sadly he was never well enough and he passed away before we could. Fully intend to get to 2 or 3 games before the end of the season, although I am generally as busy as f**k as weekends. 
    14. Cycle a total of 5000 miles over the year - Nope, 3044
    15. Make more effort to visit family - we've always been a hopeless family for only catching up when someone gets married or dies. I defo need to make more effort with this.

    (Will add to later if I can think of anything else) 

    Yeah a pretty pish effort there 😂

  12. 3 hours ago, Jedi said:

    The 'new' account which as can be seen from my profile was registered in 2014...but clearly a long term alias nonetheless.

    There has been a significant political change in the UK since the last Ref with Brexit, yes. There has also been a significant chance with the Tory govt changing leaders twice in this Parliament without a public mandate Nd there should therefore be a GE in the near future 

    On the question of an IndyRef...there should be one, based on the SNP holding a majority of seats in the Scottish Parliament and having cited that in their manifesto 

    Pro-Independence parties already hold the majority of seats in the Scottish Parliament. Thanks though 😂

  13. 2 hours ago, Don Diego De la Vega said:

    Sweet Jesus 


    It's just attention-seeking

    1 hour ago, Detournement said:

    Tate is from a CIA family. He also uses linguistic techniques that were allegedly employed during MK Ultra. 

    Thunberg was chosen to the 'face' of climate activism by a Swedish PR firm run by a guy called Ingmar Rentzhog. Rentzhog and her parents planned and promoted the initial school strike that made her famous. 




  14. 7 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    Anyone questioning, not even needing to criticise the SNP, but questioning=automatically far right winger/bigoted weirdo. Ironic given that they are a right wing party.

    I have no idea how many folk 'sign up' again and again, but agree that on any forum, that would be sad.

    Folk like to feel part of a crowd and have their own egos stoked and get greened up by simply hurling abuse at anyone not 'in'.It's a tradition which goes back to around Primary 2 and never really moves on from that mindset.


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