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Posts posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. 14 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

    Glas Maol is a boring pointless lump from Glenshee but from Glenisla it's much more interesting. Went up over Monega and Little Glas Maol today.

    Love Caenlochan, it's like Corrie Fees big brother.










    Definitely the best way to do these hills imo. I've been meaning to go back but walk right into Caenlochan Glen. There looks to be a ruin at the end of the track and an old path which heads up to the plateau near Tom Buidhe. 

    ETA: Did you do the loop via Creag Leacach and the intervening lumps? Monamenach is a total killer at the end but gives a fine view of the rest of the walk. 


  2. 5 hours ago, Abdul_Latif said:

    At the risk of playing devils advocate, many may not have been aware at all of the situation as it didn’t get much coverage.

    They can’t be blamed for not being aware of an issue they didn't even know of.


    This is abject pish 😂

  3. On 26/01/2023 at 08:11, Gnash said:

    Just got an email about the new Scotland world in Zwift.  Why do they think the Giant's Causeway is in Scotland?

    It's going to be twee shortbread tin shite with castle in ridiculous places and bystanders in kilts. And probably wee terriers cutting about playing bagpipes. 

    16 hours ago, Gnash said:

    More in hope than expectation... does anyone know anything about pedal power meters?  I'm looking to get a duel sider that's Shimano SPD compatible, but the only one I can find that exists at all is the Garmin Rally RS / RK 200, which is close to £900.  

    The Favero Assioma looks good and is £300 cheaper, but is only Look Keo compatible.  I don't want to have to change my entire set up to go with Look Keo.

    Any thoughts?

    I've got the Favero Assioma which has been absolutely faultless over the last year. I got the set for £589 iirc. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

    I accept your point but if the individual has not yet received a GRC certificate then surely the individual must be classed as male bearing in mind that the individual still has male genitalia and male sex chromosomes.

    Guidance would be appreciated.

    Fair fucks for trying to out-creep all your previous contributions with this effort. 

  5. 4 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Isla Bryson really did come along at the right time didn't she.... making Sturgeon look like complete fanny who's all over the place (shock). Why shouldn't she be going to a woman's jail she's a trans woman and trans woman are woman!!!!! Isla said so herself. Sturgeon must be a TERF or a Transphobe? It must be the only explanation, surely?!

    The fact that this is happening and has already happened with other people in Scotland is a total farce without even thinking about this GRR bill. Things should be getting dialled way back not getting even crazier and making it easier for people like that. 

    People can do what they want and live their lives how they please but when that starts infringing on the rights of other people, especially the people who are truly the most vulnerable then they can take a step back and f**k right off. Keep men out of woman's and little girls toilets and changing rooms and out of women's sports and prisons. 

    Making it easier for absolutely anyone to access these spaces and get a free pass based off what they ID as is fucking mental and anything but the progressive cause a tiny loud small minority of people seem to think it is. 

    People can shout about it on places like here (mainly fully grown men by the way, so weird) and twitter and abuse anyone who disagrees all they want but thank f**k there seems to be some sensible people in the room at the places that matter and this shite has rightly been called out for what it is. 

    What a hill to die on 

    Jesus christ. You're actually creaming yourself because you think a rapist has crashed and burned the GRA reforms. 

    Where do you stand on predatory males' parents plying girls with drink so they are vulnerable to a barely consensual shag later on btw? 

  6. I quite liked her argument against unions being that the majority of folk on strike earn three times as much as her state pension. Hilarious because:

    • They actually work for a living
    • She votes for the very party that make decisions on her shite pension
    • I thought Tory voters didn't want State Benefits to be anywhere near the levels of working wages 

    Fuckin' moron. 

  7. That's an incredible statement 😂

    I genuinely can't believe he's survived the results since the World Cup break. They're quite something.

    • Abject 0-1 surrender to Celtic
    • Hilarious bed-shitting against Rangers. 2-1 up (at which point I stuck a fiver on Rangers), to shite themselves and lose 3-2
    • An absolute drubbing against St Mirren
    • Losing to fucking Kilmarnock
    • A fairly uninspiring home win vs Saints
    • Losing in marginally less hilariously shit fashion to Rangers
    • An absolute walloping at Hearts
    • Knocked out of the cup by a club who couldn't even get into the Lowland League last season

    Holy actual f**k. 

  8. 46 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

    Got a pic with Javier, absolute gent. Sure he played in the Robertson testimonial at Lochee, seems like a long time ago.

    He's up there with the best wingers we've ever had. He tore the dabs to shreds a few times in both Jocky's last season and the Bonettis first. 

  9. 29 minutes ago, Fifespud said:

    Or in the case of MdM - ‘injured’. 

    He was suspended that often it didn't matter. A completely infuriating player. I remember one particular cup tie at Dens, we were all over them for the first 35 minute. De Marchi looked completely imperious then some Hearts player fouled him so he tried to sly kick him back right in front of the ref. Straight red, we folded, Hearts won. An almost perfect summary of the Bonnett era in one game 😂

  10. 14 hours ago, Vernon gilmore said:

    In De,Marchi tribute to him , he refers to walking through dark times together, I think he means when they were badly treated at dens , frozen out and even attacked in Sandeman street , brilliant player for us , but for me sadly remembered for the treatment he received by the then Dens board , R.I.P Billy 

    Aye that was pretty shite stuff from the Marrs. Pat was a fine player for us, and De Marchi an absolutely superb defender when he wasn't being suspended. 

  11. I went down something of a TTF/Q-Tex rabbit hole on youTube at the weekend and I can now happily contribute modern gig attendees to this thread.

    Compare TTF at the Metro in Saltcoats in the 90s (packed to the rafters, everyone clearly off their tits on various class As and having a brilliant time) to TTF at the 02 in 2016 (hundreds of absolute fannies just filming it on their phones). 

    Absolutely fucking shite. 

  12. A further entry into Top 10 "just some concerns" nutjobs comes from "Police Scotland Angels" who has/have submitted a quite remarkable 860 Freedom of Information requests to various public bodies since September 2022, the vast majority of which relate to LGBTQ+ issues. 

  13. 41 minutes ago, Vernon gilmore said:

    I was saying to the wife with 5 mins to go , get sharp on , he’s not our best keeper but he’s our best shot stopper , 

    I’ve saw this done  before in European shoot outs , we’ll never know  though if Harry would’ve saved more than one , but he would’ve at least tried to save the last one , our keeper never even moved for it 

    Tbf if our own players hit shite pens it makes no real difference 😂

  14. 7 hours ago, Yenitit said:

    Until today Carson had faced 8 penalties for St Mirren and let in all 8. Says it all really. 

    Never at any point in the 120 minutes did we look like we were going to lose the game. Penalties are a lottery, hey ho. 

    I don't totally buy that. They're a test of some skill and more bottle. Us therefore losing a shoot-out is the least surprising thing ever. 

  15. On 19/01/2023 at 09:37, juansebastianvernon said:

    Any of you tried the Tour de Zwift routes? Stage 3 was a killer 🤣

    Aye I've mostly done the first four.

    I made the cardinal error of tackling La Reine the day after a gym sesh and playing football so sacked it at about 2500ft. I was absolutely fucked and frankly bored. La Reine/Vent-top is the shittest long climb on Zwift. La Reine only stops about 1000ft short of the full Vent-top so if you're collecting routes you're as well staying on it. I've been on Zwift nearly three years and done the whole thing once, compared to about 9 attempts on Road to the Sky.

    Did Stage 4 yesterday - the long Surrey Hills is an absolute beast with a "lead in" of 500ft of climbing straight away. I somehow resisted the temptation to bin it off halfway to watch the football. 

    The last TdZ stage is on the soon-to-be revealed Scotland map. It's going to be utterly shite no doubt with cartoon castles and folk in kilts spectating but it'll be interesting to see what routes they actually use. Bealach na Ba would be glorious, but highly unlikely. 


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