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Posts posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. 1 hour ago, eez-eh said:


    Unionists dishing it out but refusing to take it back? I never!


    Kincs is the first to start wailing about abusive "natters" before spending hours dishing out childish nicknames, borderline racism and plenty of misogyny. He's a confirmed bigot who has previous for overtly starting "protestant" countries are better run than "catholic" countries, because reasons. 


  2. 2 hours ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

    What on earth is the utter garbage about social, cultural and political homogeneity about? Is it just a random selection of words lifted from a sociology book?

    He gets pished, self loathing kicks in and manifests as spiteful hatred of anything Scottish. I used to think it was a bit tragic but it's actually quite funny to see a lonely bigot in his 60s howling at the Politics sub into the wee small hours of most mornings. 

  3. 1 hour ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

    Because historically, culturally and in terms of nationhood, I feel British.

    I don’t see any need to divide up the country, and am more than comfortable having the same chance as everyone else to vote for an MP, in a system where in terms of population, Scottish constituencies are actually over represented.

    I’m a right-wing capitalist, although not of the free-market type, which puts me at odds with the Government.

    Anything that’d take us down a more socialist road is a big No No from me.

    In the event of an independent Scotland, we’d lose important, long-standing and wholesome traditions, which would break my heart 💔


  4. 2 hours ago, Glen Sannox said:

    But I thought these “left leaning” types were all for rehabilitation and giving people a second chance.

    I suppose the least surprising thing in this entire thread would be you trying to be an edgelord and go to bat for a rapist. As anyone knows, even abject simpletons, rehabilitation usually comes after someone admits and recognises their wrongdoings. Goodwillie of course has done nothing of the sort. 


    30 minutes ago, GTee said:

    But maybe a Holyrood Tory party would be different to a Westminster (Eton type) Tory party. 

    Nah, they'd still be absolute vermin.

  5. 2 hours ago, alan862 said:

    Personal abuse look at above what nationalists are saying about me. If you want to actually talk about personal abuse. Its aggressive the red dotting aswell on a post that there is nothing to disagree with as well is just as bad

    Are you seriously getting into a state over coloured circles on a football forum?

    Good lord. 

  6. 1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    Is being a feminist a problem to you?

    You'd get along fine with potential date fiend @1320Lichtie

    Not to mention his hero, the well known rapist, David Goodwillie.


    25 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    I’m almost 100% certain he used to post as AlanCamelonFan before getting banned over his staunch defence of rapist David Goodwillie over multiple threads. So that combined with the ‘juniors’ thing and we’re all more than justified in immediately disregarding their opinions.


    22 minutes ago, alan862 said:

    Can't talk to people on here. I didn't defend him I just didn't like the vigilante stance and Herd mentality which explains a lot judgiing by whats said on here. enjoy


    Let's hope a mod doesn't notice this and empty his new account. That would be a dreadful shame. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Scary Bear said:

    It’s fairer apparently.

    My gas and leccy bills are mental, I can’t get a doctor or dentist appointment and the roads are falling to bits. Maybe that’s fairer or I have my rose-tinted specs on but that’s either no change or a bit less fair.


    1 hour ago, Scary Bear said:

    Yes, yes I do. On the same imaginary scale that she uses for fairness.


    1 hour ago, Scary Bear said:

    I disagree with her statement that Scotland is fairer now than it was in 2015. Nicola picking some metrics she thinks shows fairness doesn’t mean I have to agree with her. Is that clear enough for you?


    40 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

    Misgendering people?

    I don’t recall defending my club signing Goodwillie. Signing rapists is never a good look, but I’m not about to give up on Raith Rovers. Just like all the people who were really vociferous at the time, but who are now back supporting Raith Rovers.

    What an absolute child 😂

  8. 5 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

    And, all facetiousness aside, I’m fairly sure one of Boris’s initial directives when everyone was told to stay at home was to get the road crews out to sort the motorways that couldn’t otherwise be tackled in normal times without serious disruption. 

    Looks like that was as well-organised and as harmonious as one would expect:


  9. 10 minutes ago, Binos said:

    That's what I was thinking 

    Ferries,  a9, recycling scheme, gender laws, renewables sell off


    7 minutes ago, Binos said:

    Proposed drink advertising ban

    The policy and delivery coming out of her stewardship were honking 


    (You get one for each post)

  10. 14 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    Many of the arguments are the same when homosexuality was decriminalised - it is quite simply bigotry.

    The good old British tradition of punching down on those who are either poor, marginalised, "different" or combinations thereof. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    I think that when the A9 was upgraded it was agreed to not build standalone service stations as it was thought this would take business away from the towns and villages on the route.

    There's no need. There can't be many stretches of over 10-15 miles between towns that are pretty much on the A9 for fuel, scran and a shite. 


  12. 14 minutes ago, RH33 said:

    I tore my mother a new one last night, she was like oh 16 too young. I asked her if she'd therefore stop people going to fight with the army and why would she be against people who have probably suffered for years changing a piece of paper.  Doubt she's changed her mind but she had no argument.

    You never will. People have those prejudices ingrained. They're the same folk you'll gurning about "WHAT ABOUT A STRAIGHT PRIDE DAY" in the comments sections of the papers. There's zero point in debating the matter. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Highlandmagar said:

    You can see the Scottish electorate swinging back to Labour enough to hurt the Independence cause and then see us still lumbered with a Tory Westminster government. 

    Folk would probably not bother voting before going back to Laeburrr tbh

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