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Posts posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. 1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

    You have to wonder who's advising her on strategy for persuading the members, first trashing the SNP's record and now questioning if it has the integrity to run a fair election. This after spending weeks trying to dial back on her disapproval of single parents and gay marriage.

    John McTernan imo

  2. 1 hour ago, BFTD said:

    Is this the "your betters will spend this money on private healthcare and leave more NHS appointments available for society's rubbish" idea beloved of parody accounts like Dawson Park Boy?  :lol:

    I see that the DWP have been ordered to release their own internal research that outlined how benefits sanctions are counterproductive, add extra expense, and increase unemployment. That's before you get into the morality of deliberately punishing people for being poor, which isn't a consideration for psychopaths.

    No doubt you're aware that the government's been fighting against releasing it for years - they needn't worry, as egregious cruelty is enough of a vote-winner now that it'll probably give them a wee bump in the polls.

    They've been ordered to release info on many occasions and just point blank refused with absolutely no repercussions at all 😂

  3. On 10/03/2023 at 12:59, Suspect Device said:

    Notice that Fiona Bruce is getting it tight on social media for downplaying Stanley Johnson's domestic abuse "it was a one off" apparently.

    Strangely no calls from the Daily Heil for her to be sacked from the BBC.

    Apart from being an abhorrent comment, it is not even factually correct. Johnson's wife is on record saying that his domestic abuse was a regular occurrence.   


    She's employing the Nuremberg defence as well. Amazing. 

    Looks like she's been told to GTF by a domestic abuse charity as well. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, Stevo Fife said:

    We've got the boat out around 4 times using either the Misty Isle or Bella Jane. They drop us off and pick us up a couple of days later. Last time we did it we parked the car up at Sligachan Hotel and walked in, which took us around 5 hours. Was hell on earth as we were carrying tent, supplies etc. Great walk in/out but wouldn't do it again. Camping at sunset with only the sound of the cuckoos high up in the cliffs is not something you forget. 🙂

    Similar for me. I walked in from Kilmarie when I camped. A fun climb up Sgurr na Stri in hot weather before I got decent lightweight stuff 😂

    Didn't see anyone else at all and just sat at the top listening to a distant waterfall and a ship's bell below. Glorious. 



  5. On 12/03/2023 at 19:50, Monkey Tennis said:

    Obviously not - don't be daft.

    The idea came up because posters were going on about the great holidays teachers get.  As I've said several times, the holidays are indeed very good. 

    However, a couple of factors dent that advantage a little.  

    That's all.

    A pretty sensible summary. No surprise to see one of the chief Covid thread moonhowlers try to turn it into something else tbh. 

  6. None of the candidates are "left wing" and anyone who thinks they are probably shouldn't be leaving the house without adult supervision. Yousaf is a pretty boring centrist, Forbes is a centre-right and Regan is an irrelevant fucking fruit loop. 

    I don't think anything will particularly change whether Yousaf or Forbes wins. Binning any of the so-called "left" policies would be a massive instant own goal, particularly free prescriptions and the likes of bedroom tax mitigation. Binning GRA, or at least leaving it fucking about in the long grass *might* gain some support from a few bigots and Alba moonhowlers, but she's probably lose a bit of support elsewhere. 

    Give it a few weeks and AlbaDas will be demanding she resign because we aren't independent yet. 



  7. 4 minutes ago, StellarHibee said:

    Surely they would have anticipated this and wouldn't be pushing the bill forward if they thought it would be blocked anyway?

    They've done it before with one of the Brexit bills. Lords said f**k off, PM threatened a "review of the house" or something. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, StellarHibee said:

    Distraction over. Almost nobody has talked about the details of the actual policy itself. Good job BBC, Richard Sharp and the Conservative Party. Good job.

    I dunno. Things will get quite fun when the Lords try to chuck it on the fire 

  9. 2 minutes ago, eindhovendee said:

    If it's us v the Arabs I think I might be physically sick.

    I think they'll come straight down. They're absolutely gutless and stuck with a bunch of has-beens/not-interesteds on presumably high wages. 

    I think we'll crawl over the line to top the table, but come back down like a fucking stone the following season with our usual series of late-window panic buys/loans. 

    Ayr to get through to face Killie in a glorious play-off final. Absolutely no idea who would win that tbh


  10. 2 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    You're making my case for me.  The "good stuff" was once free to watch.  Now it costs money.  Blaming that on the BBC is a little unfair.

    Not really. They can't offer the good stuff any more and the remaining content, other than news services is essentially docu series, dramas and reality trash. They're not offering much more than other choice-based subscription services. Indeed I'd argue Netflix pisses all over them for drama and docuseries content. 

    Again, what's the "greater good" we're all apparently paying for? 

  11. 1 minute ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    That's a ridiculous argument.

    It offers something very different from those platforms.

    Other than news output, not really. In terms of live sport they've lost the good stuff to the likes of Sky etc and are left with basically Wimbledon and the World Cup/Euros every couple of years. 

    What's the "greater good" you mentioned? 

  12. 17 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    Choice - a much overrated concept.  

    As I said, it's a tax worth paying for a greater good, even if the good is a bit harder to find currently.

    Nah. There is no greater good and hasn't been for years. If BBC want to argue that the TV Licence is used to fund their "high quality output" then then can follow a similar model to the likes of Netflix and Prime and make it a paid subscription service by choice. 

    Also worth noting that the TV Licence is a licence for receiving a TV signal to your device, not just the BBC. In principle it for receiving ANY TV Signal so includes ITV, C4 and even shite like C5. Does the BBC share it's tax take evenly (or at all) with those companies? 

  13. Genuine 😂 at the BBC for setting fire to their flagship sports programme to appease fragile fucking Tories who will continue hating them anyway. This is going to end hilariously badly for them. I strongly suspect this ends with a fairly humiliating resignation from that fud who loaned the Talking Haystack £800K. 

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