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Posts posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. James O'Brien did a decent piece on Lineker and the furore against him yesterday. Basically Lineker is one of a handful of celebrities probably well off enough and powerful enough not to have to give a shite about attacks from the sewer-dwellers in the mainstream media and vermin like Suella Braverman. 

    I'm surprised no one's pulled up Lucy Frazer for her blatantly using her grandparents in the row either. She stated they'd fled Nazi Germany to come to the UK so Lineker's comparison was insulting. A year ago when writing a submission for International Women's Day she'd stated they'd fled Russia. These hopeless fuckers can't even get lies about their own families straight. 

  2. 7 hours ago, DC92 said:

    Not sure I buy the idea that Salmond had broader appeal than Sturgeon.

    Firstly, the SNP got more votes in 2016 and 2021 than they did in 2011. Slightly so in percentage terms, significantly so in raw numbers. The majority in 2011 was a fluke caused by the distribution of support between other parties and the vagaries of the AM system.

    I'd argue the relative struggles in the north-east were an inevitability after the realignments in 2014 and 2016, regardless of leader.

    Yes got thumped in the SNP's rural heartlands in 2014 with Salmond in charge and the Tories went on to completely absorb the sizeable pro-Union Lib Dem vote in Aberdeenshire by 2016. Brexit then saw a direct loss of support to the Tories in places like Moray/Banff & Buchan. These have always been Unionist areas where the SNP previously benefitted from fractured pro-Union vote and independence/Brexit not really being salient issues or even credible prospects previously.

    Even then, the SNP won Moray, both Perthshire seats, both Angus seats and 2/3 Aberdeenshire seats at the last election. They've not exactly collapsed.

    I'm not saying they haven't lost votes in those areas that Salmond would have kept, but those losses have been more than offset by gains in the central belt where there are more people and more seats.

    Also, didn't Salmond literally lose a seat himself in the NE? Not the greatest argument for him having broader appeal tbh 😂

  3. 2 hours ago, Londonwell said:

    Swinney? He’s facing some of his own problems which would make that impossible. 

    I think some blame really does have to lie at NS door tbh. Complete failure to prepare people for the job of leading a government and then deciding she’s had enough at the drop of a hat and leaving the party in a bit of a shit show.

    TBF to NS she's had years of relentless abuse both personally and an absolutely hostile media, and more recent the Alba nutbags howling for her to resign. Now that she given them their wish, they're howling there isn't a decent successor. As far as i'm concerned Alba have played a considerable part in poisoning the well and indy isn't happening for a good few years now in a best case scenario. 

    Forbes is nowhere near as smart an operator as i'd thought and might struggle against Sarwar at FMQs. Ross of course will still be roundly humiliated every time he speaks. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Dunning1874 said:

    While it's easy to point to this as a failing of the SNP, and there have been failings, they could have maintained a flawless strategy over several years that pushed support to consistently 60%+ and this would still be the case regardless. If you have a UK government absolutely set on intransigence no matter what by simply saying no to a referendum regardless of how undemocratic that stance is, it's wishful thinking to suggest the SNP can somehow strategise their way to independence from that position if they simply change their tactics.

    Until such time as there's a hung parliament with the SNP having the seats to be kingmakers, this isn't changing.

    I think we've effectively gone from a faint hope to absolutely none, obviously a new leader devoid of charisma is a large part of that, but longer term I think the Alba nutbags have poisoned the well somewhat also. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Satoshi said:

    The English media really sticking the boot into Conte. If you want a modern day example of xenophobia look how that contrasts with the protection Potter has been getting with a far, far worse record.

    As for Spurs, there's some amount of dross in their team - Oliver Skipp Vs Sandro Tonali will only ever have one winner.

    Yup, Phil McNulty leading the charge on the BBC. He's achieved exactly what literally anyone with an ounce of footballing knowledge would have expected. Spurs are are basically mid-table fodder with an exceptional centre-forward who fortunately for them appears totally devoid of ambition. If he gets that dismal outfit into the CL spots he'll have done well. 

    Also, not only Potter. Lampard was far worse than either yet still gets a pass for his Chelsea shitshow 

  6. 32 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

    Was trying to think last week of who it was Forbes reminded me of, and aye, right enough, it's Kezia Dugdale. She just gives off the same vibe of being liable to land herself in a shitstorm of her own doing every single time she opens her mouth, and being nowhere near astute enough to recognise when she's being dragged into pointless, petty bunfights she'd be better off avoiding altogether.

    Humza still inspires no confidence really, but I agree with the earlier sentiment that spending another few years standing stock still and going nowhere is still infinitely preferable to potentially losing a huge chunk of your vote because your party leader is an easily manipulated loose cannon.

    She could learn a lot from Nicola Sturgeon, specifically that rather than entertaining much of the pish thrown at her by the media and political opponents, trying to explain and justify the reasons for your disagreement often just serves to legitimise the pish itself, and it's often far more sensible and expedient to just shut it down by ridiculing the premise or replying with a unambivalent and concise one word answer.

    She'd be an absolute fucking liability. That's something like three times now she's turned in a clown/minefield performance and that's without even factoring in opposition politicians. 

    I can't believe we're at the stage where Humza is considered s shout because it will be the least disastrous of the three options. Either way i think we can safely confine independence to the bin for at least 7-10 years. 

  7. 1 hour ago, MazzyStar said:


    Total silence from remainers about the EU using drones and turning its borders into mass surveillance zones to stop immigrants, but they had plenty to say about todays horrible Tory policy. Rank hypocrisy from people that are no better than the tories they love to berate. 

    That’s not to mention the reaction to Yvette Coopers speech today. Of course, Yvette Cooper voted for the Iraq war and then consistently voted against any investigations into the war, and also introduced the horrendous Welfare Reform Act in 2009 whilst she was the Secretary of State for work and pensions.

    None of this actually matters to remainers and many have gone as far to say they “can’t wait until Yvette Cooper is Home Secretary”.

    What a vile country the United Kingdom is. 


    It's as if Detournement never left 😂

  8. On 05/03/2023 at 23:06, Bairnardo said:

    Nigel Farage convincing working class bigots that he is just like one of them, and that other people (not him) are the big bad "elites" is up there with the greatest tricks ever pulled. 

    You only have to look at the c**t never mind listen to him, and yet he has these fuckers eating out his hands. 

    He quickly figured out that right wing voters are generally pretty stupid people and fairly easy to grift. You only need to look at the sheer amount of money that a thick football hooligan like Yaxley-Lennon has made from these losers to see how easy it is. 

    Trump and Johnson also became masters of this shit (or their strategists did). Give folk simple three word phrases which are easy to repeat, say nothing in particular but sound good. "BUILD, BACK, BETTER" is completely vacuous shite for example, but it keeps the racist thickos that vote Tory engaged. 

  9. There's pretty much no such thing as overtime at our Local Authority for most employees - we have flexitime which is pretty decent. Although our Chief Executive wanted to take it away because reasons. 

    The only time I've ever been paid overtime was years ago covering for two town hall caretakers who were off sick. I basically had to look after the place etc when local music groups or whatever were in rehearsing at nights, until about 10pm. It was supposed to be time x1.5 and x2.0 on Sunday, however the Service Manager had fucked up and was to be straight time for weeknights and x.15 for Sats and Suns. I worked out that I'd effectively worked any given weeknight from 6-10pm for £20. when i was asked to "volunteer" again my response was a diplomatic GTF 😂


  10. 27 minutes ago, ScotiaNostra said:

    Weighing it up based on the information provided so far, It looks like Yousaf is not telling the truth. Thats not to say im correct just thats the impression I get from it.

    So its a potential mark against him not so much for missing the vote but for what appears to be an attempt to create a false narrative about why. On that topic if that is the case and it was done on purpose due to pressure he received. It then also becomes a question about his leadership quality. Whoever gets the job needs to lead not be lead and it seems here along with other examples thats hes easily lead rather than leads. Also he should be strong enough to explain why he missed rather than attempt a deflect, those sort of situations will occur in future is he going to do same then?

    It certainly isnt cleared up and more questioning on it seems fine by me for someone going into a potential FM role.

    I suppose this is another example of why this is a choice of three fucking dismal candidates.

    Humza, whether he is being honest or not could have dealt with this better, just as Forbes could have. To have two candidates balls up a straightforward situation really doesn't fill me with any hope whatsoever. Ash Regan gives off serious bunny-boiler energy.

    They're all shite and it'll probably be a spoiled ballot next time round for me. 

  11. 14 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

    Yousaf’s friend and lawyer arranges a statement supporting his version of events and we’ve all to just blankly accept it without question? Aye ok. 

    It no more naive than blankly accepting that SleepyCuddles or his mate were telling the truth either tbf. 

  12. I know a few teachers and we deal with them a fair bit in my line of work. Absolutely no danger I'd be touching that job with a 10 foot bargepole, considering the extra work they end up doing on their own time, arseholery from entitled parents and verbal/physical abuse from pupils for a start. f**k that.

    The sheer irony of the Facebook maw brigade moaning about teachers and trade unions then whining about having to use paid holidays to look after their own children in the same breath is quite something as well. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Boo Khaki said:

    Good fucking riddance. The haughtiness of Williams and McLaren with their "we are the racing teams, we know best, who the f**k do you think you are BMW/Mercedes?" was ridiculously short-sighted and one of the most egregious examples of unwarranted hubris I can think of in any sport. The fact F1 has moved on and left these dinosaurs firmly behind is endlessly amusing. It's just a pity insufferable arsewipes like Ron Dennis and Patrick Head are no longer around to be dragged down with the sinking ships, although to be fair, Claire Williams appeared to do her level best to pick up Head's mantle of 'most pompous, self-important twat in the pits' and run with it. Pity for her she had absolutely no discernible ability when it came to overseeing an F1 outfit.

    People think Wolf and Horner are bellends... well, they are both charismatic, engaging, magnetic personalities by comparison to some of their forebears.


    1 hour ago, The Golden God said:

    McLaren doing shite is excellent to see tbh, hope they get worse and worse and get that wee fud Norris out of a drive ASAP

    Zak Brown also comes across as an absolute bellend. It'll be absolutely delicious if Alpine finish above them. 

  14. 23 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

    More trouble for Humza as his similarly puffed up Solicitor decides to intervene…


      Reveal hidden contents

    ousaf's gay marriage vote excuse under spotlight as lawyer intervenes

    1 hr ago
    Yousaf's gay marriage vote excuse under spotlight as lawyer intervenes (Image: PA)

    HUMZA Yousaf is facing more questions about his missed vote on gay marriage after a statement from a lawyer apparently meant to help the SNP leadership hopeful backfired.

    Aamer Anwar today revealed he put pressure on Mr Yousaf to intervene on behalf of the family of a mentally ill Scottish man sentenced to death in Pakistan for blasphemy.

    Mr Yousaf has repeatedly said he missed the gay marriage vote because he was talking to the Pakistan Consul General in Glasgow about the case of pensioner Mohammad Asghar.

    However, Mr Anwar's statement revealed he did not make his approach until weeks after Mr Yousaf had already set up his meeting with the consul, undermining Mr Yousaf’s excuse.

    Mr Yousaf set up the meeting on 16 January 2014, two days after being told to be in parliament for the gay marriage vote on February 4.

    Mr Asghar was not sentenced to death until a week later, on January 23.

    The UK Foreign Office minister Baroness Warsi issued a statement about it the following day, saying: “We will be raising our concerns in the strongest possible terms with the Pakistani government."

    After Mr Yousaf met the Pakistan Consul General on the same day as the marriage vote, he suggested on Twitter the meeting had been unavoidable, despite setting it up 19 days in advance, and cited Mr Asghar's case.

    “Meeting Pakistan Consul discussing Scot on death row accused under Blasphemy Law not one could/want avoid,” he tweeted on February 5 when asked to explain his absence.

    Mr Yousaf has been challenged by both Alex Salmond and former cabinet minister Alex Neil over his account of why he missed the vote, raising questions about his credibility in the SNP leadership race.

    READ MORE: Alex Salmond queries Humza Yousaf's gay marriage vote excuse

    Although Mr Yousaf, then the minister for external affairs, backed the equal marriage bill’s general principles in November 2013, he was the only minister to miss its final stage vote.

    Mr Neil, who is backing Kate Forbes for SNP leader, has claimed Mr Yousaf had set up the diary clash as “cover” in order to skip the vote, because of “pressure from the mosque”.

    Because Mr Yousaf has suggested Ms Forbes's failure to support gay marriage makes her unsuitable to be SNP leader and first minister, his own action has seen him accused of hypocrisy.

    In his statement today, Mr Anwar praises Mr Yousaf’s actions at the time on behalf of Mr Asghar and says the man’s daughter is also grateful.

    But he also laid out a timeline indicating Mr Yousaf’s meeting with the consul general was not arranged with Mr Asghar in mind, although this may have become its unexpected focus.


    Mr Anwar said: “Once Mr Asghar was sentenced to death in January 2014, the family recognised that it was a race against time and I was instructed to act by the family in February 2014, following the sentence of death being pronounced in a Pakistani court

    “Humza Yousaf’s role as International Minister came at a critical time in the life of Mohammed Asghar, with Humza being of Pakistani origin, it meant his ministerial role was crucial in raising the case with the Pakistani authorities. 

    “One of my first steps on behalf of the family was to place pressure on Humza Yousaf, the Scottish Government and others to intervene, whilst the family were highly critical of the FCO and UK Government who wanted them to remain silent.

    “Humza Yousaf agreed to act after the family spoke out and indeed, he continued to meet with Pakistani officials including the Governor of Punjab in the weeks and months ahead.

    "The matter was raised by the UK Prime Minister and the family were also met with the then first Minister Alex Salmond in October 2014.

    “Over the last two weeks it has been suggested that supporting a man accused of blasphemy in Pakistan was an easier option for Mr Yousaf than turning up for a vote for same sex marriage, the reality is very different.

    “The Asghar family welcomed Mr Yousaf’s support as a high-profile Muslim at a critical time, when others were too scared to speak out and use their influence.  

    READ MORE: Yousaf denies deliberately skipping gay marriage vote

    “Humza knew that Mr Asghar’s life hung by a thread and that every passing minute increased the threat to his life. 

    “Jasmine Rana the daughter of Mohammed Asghar asked me to state that they have always appreciated the role that Humza Yousaf played, it was a critical role, and he was tireless in ensuring that her father Mr Asghar was finally able to return home in 2016 to Scotland, to be surrounded by his family and sadly he passed away in 2017. “

    “Jasmine believes that but for Mr Yousaf’s involvement and support, she doubts her father would ever have died peacefully at home, for that her family will always be grateful.” 

    My Yousaf’s campaign has been asked to explain why he originally set up his meeting with the Consul General on the day of the marriage vote, given he did so before Mr Asghar was sentenced, before his family engaged Mr Anwar, and before Mr Anwar urged Mr Yousaf to intervene in the case.


    Oooft. Major "that uppity Muslim" vibes here. 


  15. 4 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

    Like I said, I'm sceptical of both Salmond and Useless. I don't know which one to believe because I don't trust either of them.

    Forbes has been honest about something which she knew would get her flak so I would trust her (slightly) more.

    I think Forbes is getting too much credit for the "I was just being honest about my bigotry" stuff. I think it was more a case of naivety/political ineptitude.

    I'd hope the next FM would be a reasonably smart political operator, so that was just stupid by Forbes. Unfortunately the other two are shite candidates as well. I suppose damningly for the opposition, whichever one of these clowns wins, they should still have enough about them to regularly get the better of Anas Sarwar and throw DRoss around the chamber like a gym towel. 

  16. 8 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

    Did you?

    I seem to remember most Dundee fans saying that they'd be happy he went to United for cash. If it was anybody, it was probably people like Twinkle trying to be a merchant.

    That reminds me, the DABs don't seem to be so regular in here these days. Can't imagine why 😂

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