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Posts posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. 1 hour ago, Mark Connolly said:

    It will come as no surprise to know he deleted that tweet and put out a more sanitised version about 20 minutes later


    It certainly comes as no surprise that Kerr is far too much of a coward to own his bigotry. 

  2. 32 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

    There’s likely a link with autism and being trans - autistic people are over-represented in the trans community by a factor somewhere between 3 and 6 depending what you read. There’s various psychological theories around autistic people not seeing the world thru the ‘traditional’ lens applying to how they see themselves and their/the concept of gender. Autistic trans people also report difficulties in accessing gender affirming care due to providers not wanting to go near it. The bill passed in Missouri yesterday essentially makes it impossible for autistic trans people to seek care there as you can’t access care if you have conditions other than gender dysphoria - so even a diagnosis of depression, which often goes hand in hand with dysphoria, would scupper you. Kerr’s unwittingly hinting a good point but I’d imagine from the POV that autism is a problem to be fixed or that autistic people need to be white knighted for. 

    Kerr is a sewer-dwelling fucking idiot, but I guess we knew that already. 

    What you say is correct though. I've a couple of friends who have autistic daughters who prefer to be referred to as "they/them". They haven't been indocrinated with tRaNs iDeOlOgY, it's just how they see themselves and how they want to be seen as. The parents have been involved in various ASD groups and charities for years now and your post above is pretty much spot on with their experiences. 

  3. Genuinely don't get why McPake is so bitter. He must surely realise that Nelms backed him to a greater extent than any manager I can remember, both in terms of acquiring players and not binning him, not matter how shite results were. 

    Ultimately Charlie Adam bailed him out of a likely 5th/6th place finish to get through the play offs to the Prem, a gig for which McPake was completely incapable of. He should be thankful he wasn't emptied well before he eventually was. 

  4. 42 minutes ago, f_c_dundee said:

    I'm no great at sleeping tbh, hence a lot of the posting being at night.  You may have missed my recent post about my shit mental health due to not being entirely neurotypical.

    *have a good laugh about it though.

    Controversial strategy here, but maybe try enjoying your holiday rather than concern trolling a thread about Gender issues. 

    Just a suggestion likes. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, StellarHibee said:

    You basically admit that the UK is a complete joke. Yet bizarrely, are very gleeful at the prospect of Scotland never being able to leave. How does a person arrive at that mindset?

    A: Being a self-loathing, trolling loser with absolutely nothing else in life to look forward to other than getting it up a few folk on the internet who think you're a sad case anyway.

    It was a cracking self-own anyway.


  6. 7 hours ago, Venti said:

    Might be a wee bit weird.

    Do you guys hike on your own? Or is there like a group?

    Wouldn't mind joining.


    31 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

    Walkhighlands do meet ups and they have a section of the forum where you can arrange to meet others.

    I think @Benjamin_Nevis has done some 

    Yeah I regularly went to WalkHighlands meets from 2013 until about 2016ish. Covid obviously kiboshed them - I'm not sure if they have re-started or not. The site itself is free to join and there's a thread for meet ups etc. 

  7. Whilst I can theoretically see the attraction of a Tory win in the next GE boosting SNP support, in reality it would a complete and utter disaster, not just for Scotland, but the entire UK. At the moment the Tories know they're fucked, so they're ripping the absolute arse out of it in terms of corruption, horrendous right wing policies and general cuntery. If they somehow win another five years, they'll think they're untouchable and we'll have further erosion of voting rights and brutal welfare reform to look forward to, in fact we'll probably be well on the way to a fully authoritarian right wing government which will be nigh on impossible to remove. Devolved parliaments will probably be completely neutered as well. There is nothing more dangerous in politics than an emboldened Conservative government. 

    As much as i despise what Labour have become over the last 15-20 years, Starmer's diet Tory pish will be still be preferable to the full-fat version. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

    Yea juniors are usually looked down on by the older members. I’m very much of the opinion that the old boys shouldn’t be allowed playing on the weekend. They’ve got all week to play while we are at work. 

    Or at least don't let them out in front of the competition tee priority 😂

  9. 4 hours ago, lichtie23 said:

    Older members are the absolute worst. Obnoxious auld b*****ds as well. 

    Aye absolute bellends. They properly hate juniors as well. We used to get regular bollockings for absolute nonsense like pitching on the putting green (we were practising belly wedges from the fringe) 



  10. 11 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

    That’s criminal Round Kirrie. It’s not like there are any massive walks between greens and tee’s either. 

    Tell me about it 😂

    It always the same group of old guys that hold everyone up, but nothings ever said because they've been members for decades. 

  11. 31 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:

    Something really needs done about the time players are taking to hit their shots. Cantley in particular is horrific, although the Amatuer Bennett ran him close. To see Rahm and Koepka sitting on each tee as if they were down the local park was ridiculous.

    It's definitely trickling down to amateur level too, there's always been slow players but I've definitely noticed it getting worse - a combination of using every bit of technology available to them to work out their carries, distances etc (before chunking it 20 yards down the fairway..) and increasingly elaborate pre shot routines. 

    Apart from just being annoying it's making golf less accessible to people. Playing a fourball that can take up to 5 hours at the weekend, plus the time before and after the round means it's half a day out your weekend. For people with families it's hard to justify being away for that length of time. There's also a sporting fairness issue, I'm sure most people would score a bit better taking 3 minutes to assess every putt, but most people realise that it's not really fair to do that because if we all did a round would take 7 hours.

    I don't know the quick solution, and it doesn't matter that much as a TV viewer because there's other shots they can show you in the meantime. But I think dealing with it more strictly at pro level would start making amateurs think a bit more about their own pace of play.

    It's infuriating and one of the reasons I can't really be arsed with club golf these days. Kirriemuir is a short 18 holer, there's absolutely no excuse for anything over 3.5 hours, yet one of the few medals I could be bothered with last year was a shade under 5. We were waiting on every tee. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

    Question lads.

    Can Rahm do the grand slam?

    Career slam? Absolutely. The actual season slam - probably not. The mental energy and preparation for the majors is enormous, even Tiger and Nicklaus in their pomp couldn't do it. Tiger was miles ahead of his competition, Nicklaus had 2 or 3 genuine rivals at best. There are probably 15-20 players now that are well capable of winning any given major. 

    If he did the slam with a Ryder Cup to be played as well that would be absolute levels above anything any other golfer has done imo. 


  13. 1 minute ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

    Man City - Arsenal is going to be EPIC.

    This is bigger than the World Cup final.

    I kind of hope City go nuts, are 4-0 up inside 20 mins and the game is totally over as a contest with a 70 minute training session to follow 

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