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Everything posted by CK

  1. What colour of tie should I wear with a black shirt and grey suit?
  2. Would any of the guys studying Politics at Strathclyde recommend it? I'm meeting with my advisor of studies next week and hopefully try to switch courses for next year.
  3. Michael Cole on NXT is brilliant. "I guarantee you this is the first time this goof has been anywhere near a keg."
  4. I started watching WCW on TNT in 1998, around the time of the NWO Hollywood and Wolfpac! First time watching WWE was when I was at a friends house and we watched Royal Rumble 1999 he had recorded the night before.
  5. Everything is going along smoothly apart from Haskell
  6. They don't give exemptions in second year anymore! I've got five exams in January. In first year I was exempt from all my January exams but had two in May, one of which was multiple choice.
  7. Is there an age restriction on paying for petrol? I filled my car up at the Marks & Spencers petrol station next to Broadwood Farm and the woman behind the counter asked me how old I was before I paid for it. First time this has happened to me.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCgGdBuB_3A...feature=related B)
  9. I would like to know why first aiders/stretcher bearers at football games wear hard hats.
  10. Has anyone else watched this weeks RAW yet? Possibly Santino's best moment so far!
  11. CM Punk vs Kane?! What a dull match for a PPV!
  12. This was the first Wrestlemania I watched. I bought it on VHS last year for $1 in a yard sale in Canada
  13. Doncaster easily the best team, Sullivan superb, Leeds and Beckford are shite! lol at the cheats.
  14. Leeds should have had their last sub sent off for assault, and the additional stoppage time in which they got their goal was ridiculous.
  15. They should be deducted another 15 points for having the audicity to appeal. Cheats.
  16. I can assure you 'Tomas' isn't an alias in the sense that he is another poster posting under that name. He isn't Pompey either.
  17. I've had my warning level increased to 10% for 'not getting a haircut'
  18. I hope they had somebody looking after their other kids whilst they were at press conferences.
  19. I've failed Maths and Physics so far, and Computing, where I got 69/140! Still, it wasn't as bad as the person who got 5/140!
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