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Posts posted by glasgow-sheep

  1. Official answer - UEFA have said the time slots are advisory and you'll still get in regardless
    Unofficial answer - You might not want some w**k of a G4S steward deciding whether you get in or not.
    Volkswagen Mobility Makers I think you'll find
  2. It's been a really underwhelming day for the Greens after the chat of 12 or 13 possible seats.  The unionist types have clearly been much smarter with tactical voting than the independence side.
    Looks like folk mistaking manky jaiket for the Greens could have cost them a seat in Glasgow and possibly the South of Scotland
  3. Ok I've prorated all the parties votes for 9 seats and my initial inclination to ignore the SNP on the list looks to have been correct.
    Looks like a disappointing result for the greens. There vote is up every where but mostly by less than 2% and they will be nowhere near the 10% they were polling nationally. Glasgow Kelvin and Cathcart still to come and they will both have strong green votes but probably not enough to let them grab a second seat.
    Probably grab am extra seat here and there but not many
  4. Tory vote down a good bit on the list in Edinburgh.

    Edinburgh Central (Lothian) List Vote:

    SNP ~ 12476 (29.9%, +3.6)
    Con ~ 9766 (23.4%, -5.7)
    Green ~ 7604 (18.2%, +1.2)
    Lab ~ 6866 (16.4%, -0.8)
    LD ~ 3075 (7.4%, +1.4)
    Alba ~ 639 (1.5%, +1.5)
    AFU ~ 279 (0.7%, +0.7)
    Others ~ 1071 (2.6%, -1.9)

    #SP21 #BBS21 https://t.co/DLzMqkJDW6 https://t.co/a1RwVQXqZ2

    Edinburgh Southern (Lothian) List Vote:

    Labour ~ 11128 (24.5%, +2.6)
    SNP ~ 11053 (24.3%, +1.1)
    Con ~ 9357 (20.6%, -8.6)
    Grn ~ 8605 (18.9%, +2.1)
    LD ~ 3373 (7.4%, +2.3)
    Alba ~ 611 (1.3%, +1.3)
    AFU ~ 250 (0.6%, +0.6)
    Others ~ 1050 (2.3%, -1.4)
    #SP21 #BBS21 https://t.co/DLzMqkJDW6 https://t.co/G2PtUkOPoF

  5. Are there any links to list votes other than Fatima Joji who is tweeting the NE list results? It would be good to see some analysis of how the Unionist vote is diverging from constituency votes to see if there is any likelihood of the SNP picking up any tailend list votes based on the higher differential turn-out. That would probably mean squeezing out the Greens who don't look particularly high in the NE.
    Think Ballot Box Scotland said he was going to be doing something
  6. The majority was always going to be highly unlikely. The entire system is set up to stop a party getting a majority. The likelihood is we will see an unprecedented 4th term for the SNP and an independence majority in the parliament with the greens. More than enough of a mandate for indy ref 2. Bring it on
    It's not set up to stop a majority, it's set up to deliver a proportional parliament which it will. SNP won't have 50% of the vote on either ballot.

  7. On that topic. I know there is a clear lack of talent in the party but how much longer does Willie Rennie stay as leader? Obviously not entirely his fault but they are looking at being 4th again by a fair few seats, while their leader has built a brand of being a joke figure. Surely some within the party want to be taken seriously up here, which they will never be whole Rennie runs around playing wizards and posing with giant deck chairs.
  8. Who is the rumoured high turnout good for? A lot of yoons turned up to vote in the referendum despite hardly ever voting in elections so I suspect there is anti-SNP tactical voting going on
    Was it not the case that a large number of working class voters came out for the first time and voted Yes?
    Turnout may be up but will still be below 60% and a lot less than any UK election
  9. Panelbase for Sunday times:
    Showing recovery in constituency vote for SNP, Alba dropping. SNP majority of 2.
    YES also ahead 52/48
    Also should be another poll from BMG today
    Apparently John Curtice gets slightly different seat numbers to Ballot Box Scotland. Guess predicting the spread of the Alba vote is finger in the wind stuff
    Seats projection (with changes from 2016 election): SNP 65 (+2), Conservatives 28 (-3), Labour 18 (-6), Greens 9 (+3), Liberal Democrats 6 (+1), Alba 3 (+3)
  10. NEW #SP21 POLL [emoji1313]

    Constituency / list (+/- vs March 19 - 22):

    SNP - 49% (-1) / 39% (-7)
    Tories - 21% (-3) / 22% (-2)
    Lab - 21% (+4) / 17% (+2)
    Green - 1% (-1) / 10% (+2)
    LD - 6% (+1) / 5% (-)
    Alba - - / 2%

    YouGov / The Times, f/w April 16 - 20

    2nd #SP21 poll of the day [emoji1313]

    Constituency / list (+/- vs April 2 - 7):

    SNP - 46% (-3) / 38% (-2)
    Tories - 25% (+2) / 23% (-2)
    Lab - 20% (+2) / 17% (-1)
    Green - - / 7% (-2)
    LD - 6% (-) / 5% (-)
    Alba - - / 1% (-2)

    Savanta ComRes / The Scotsman, f/w April 16 - 20

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