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Everything posted by LIVIFOREVER

  1. T That was hell of a good of him, hope he loses his director loan the c**t.
  2. East Fife and Dumbarton, Rankines is still owed money from the sale of Dumbarton and denies having any ties to EF, despite the vid showing him answering the door to reporters at the woman who has shares at EF. Said he has an office in her house and advised her on buying shares but has nothing to do with them. Think it's just Livi they're investigating, don't seem interested in the other clubs despite him allegedly being involved at both before his interests in Livi. Nixon brought it to their attention to get at Rankine right enough, and the club will be hit with any penalties due to these two arseholes.
  3. I stand corrected, just saw that on the SPFL, for failing to advise them on unpaid taxes to players wages a 5 points deduction and 10K fine. Brilliant.
  4. Don't know if there is any case about unpaid tax, Rankine just grassed Nixon up about that so he can use it in their court case over director loans. The embargo was imposed because the tax on players bonuses wasn't paid by Nixon last season, I would assume it would be lifted if the 10K tax was paid but Rankine will bring that up at the court case along with other little treasures he has on Nixon. The not informing of his interests in other clubs is being held on Fri, if it isn't then we'll get yet another hearing for them to f**k around with.
  5. Butcher did neither at Hibs, football was dire to watch and they got relegated through the play offs If McGlynn did walk and we got another manager in then obv the main goal would be to get us up into 9th then 8th but after that we'd be wanting entertaining football played, not 10 men behind the ball and the odd boot up the park to a lone striker,
  6. Ask Hibs fans about Butcher's style of football, would be swapping one hoofball merchant for another. He did a decent job at Motherwell and Caley but the football Livi have always liked played would be out the window.
  7. If he stopped playing for us it would be a bonus, would rather have a clear out and get someone else in though. Knowing our luck we'd get Butcher in with his style of hoofball.
  8. Might be ok at that level, didn't cut it in the Championship. Got booked a lot too.
  9. He did play on when it happened, can't really play after being operated on though, was the same with McNulty after his hand injury last season. Any contact would knacker up the operation and risk a full recovery to his injury.
  10. Apparently broken in 4 places and had an op on it so can understand why he's not playing. Going to be out for 6-8 weeks.
  11. Not that I've noticed, we just seem able to score goals against QoS for some reason. We create chances against other teams but can't take them, dunno why that is.
  12. If by luck he means better finishing, less mistakes in defence and in goals, then yeah I'd agree. We are where we are because we've not been good enough, like Spiggle says, bad luck could've made the difference to another 5 points but that's prob true for other teams too.
  13. I've stopped watching that, can't be arsed listening to the excuses every week when we get beat.
  14. Great when he's actually played. Fell down the stairs in his house and injured himself, was out for about 10 games, first game back and he gets a red card for swearing at the linesman and is suspended for 2 games.
  15. c***s needing to get this embargo lifted tae and get a decent striker in, as well as some loan signings.
  16. Was going to say that. The one where I think it was Mullen was through on goal and the keeper dived at his feet, the ball came back to White who just needed to chip it into the net but he chose to take a full blooded shot and skyed it over the bar, also had a couple of other ones inside the box. Most games though he goes through the motions of trying to win a high ball as we kept punting balls up to him. For a big guy he's not much cope at winning high balls.
  17. If this works I'm putting up a Livi admin tally, and never taking it down..
  18. I'm torn between not believing in that sort of thing/stubbornness, and wanting to see if he scores if I take it down. Ok done, it'll just be a coincidence if he scores though. Lol.
  19. Actually thought we played ok against Alloa, and kept the ball on the ground most of the game. Strikers aren't scoring though so not sure what McGlynn could do, can only work with the shite he's got.
  20. I remember his last season at Raith when we hit you on the counter game after game with Keaghan and Bobby Barr running past your defenders when they played a high line against us, is this one of his characteristics? Noticed on the highlights against Annan we lost our 3rd goal to a long ball hit out of defence and Mensing being the last defender in a high line (seriously, everyone knows how slow he is). He did ok last season when we had better players but with the budget being cut and bringing in journeymen, a guy from the juniors, and some youth players we're not looking too clever with this high ball tactic. In his defence against Annan we started off great playing it on the deck then descended into knocking it long after they equalised. Can't blame McGlynn for that as it was the players deciding to abandon playing it on the deck.
  21. They aren't, that's the problem. White is about 6 foot 5 and is useless in the air but decent with the ball at his feet, we keep hitting high balls up to him and he hardly ever wins anything, or in the 1 in a 100 times he does win a header it goes to an opposition player. Our midfield are also better with the ball at their feet but they've all sore necks every game watching the ball flying over their heads. Danny Mullen is a short arse and our keeper hits high balls up to him when he's got a guys towering over him. We've had the ball played along the backline with Hughes and wouldn't want that either right enough, all it got us was losing possession then losing goals.
  22. Nixon dobbed in Rankine so Livi will get into trouble, Rankine dobbed in Nixon so Livi would be hit with an embargo, and Livi have imposed a self imposed points deduction by playing absolute shite. No need for anyone to punish us further, we're doing enough to ourselves, just need the DBM to start dressing like emo's.
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