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Everything posted by LIVIFOREVER

  1. With us looking lightish in midfield, decidedly lacking in defence with no RB and Mensing injured, and having only Mullen up front I feared we'd not bring in anyone decent enough to strengthen those areas. Also feared Rankine was just wanting as much as pos before chucking it with Livi and wouldn't spend anything to bring in players that would keep us up. I'm delighted with Gallagher though and White has potential to do well, starting to get a wee buzz of optimism for the season.
  2. Can't be that average at league 2 level scoring 23 goals for Stirling last season. Obv wont get that in the Championship but Beany scored about 15 in the Championship after getting 20 odd in the 2nd div so hopefully white can as well.
  3. McGlynn is still looking to sign a few more, we had a huge clear out so will be needing as many as he can sign. I don't think we can rely on kids for cover as we've not really got that many left that could step up to this level. TBH it's more than I was expecting from our signings, quality, and potential from a few to do well. can't believe Gallagher signed, with Mensing being out till Jan with an injury I am delighted to get someone with his quality to step into that position. With McNulty gone I wasn't expecting anyone in that could hit 15+ goals but White may just surprise us and get close, even 12 goals would do as I think wee Mullen could hit 10+ and hopefully Ogleby will chip in with a few. Really was expecting us to be favourites for 10th place but I'm optimistic we can compete with Raith again for 6th or 7th place.
  4. We heard the same patter from some Morton fans when Iain Russell signed for us. Jordan playing alongside wee Mullen who is quick and never stops running could turn out to be a really good partnership.
  5. Hmm, not sure about him, was very shaky in the first few games and seemed to panic under pressure, hardly hit a decent pass either. Wasn't bothered when we let him go.
  6. I like him, thought he showed great improvement after coming back from a spell out on loan. Got played at RB when we were short of cover and wasn't great there but at CB I thought he did well. Imo has potential to be a good no nonsense solid CB.
  7. Now up on the OS: http://www.livingstonfc.co.uk/news/news_20140704_1. Declan Gallagher (Defender) David Robertson (Midfielder) Michael McKenna (Midfielder) Brad Donaldson (Defender) Rob Ogleby (Forward) Jordan White (Forward)
  8. Think we used to when we ordered bespoke tops, now we just take off the peg ones and get as near as pos to the colour. That one looks very yellow right enough, *there was one a few years back was the same, blinded the opposition with the glare. *Season 2008/09 http://www.livingstonfc.co.uk/history/strips_livi.php
  9. Not much to talk about till McGlynn gets back from his holidays, all transfers have been put on hold.
  10. Ferguson is the only striker I know of that we're interested in but they're saying he's a winger so can't be him we've signed. So nope no idea.
  11. We've plenty midfielders and no right back so I'd hope he'd be played there. We usually have to stick a CM or CB in as cover to RB at some point when our one and only RB gets injured.
  12. RB has been a problem area for us for years, he couldn't be any worse than the players we've had playing there.
  13. Looks good, just need word to spread to get the numbers up. Only thing I would mention is hopefully old baggage gets left behind so the new forum doesn't become like the old one. Fresh start for everyone would be good for it to be a success. With all the crap over the years with bampot owners and admins there's been too much in fighting between the fans, maybe this is just what was needed.
  14. You do realise when we release him at the end of the season Raith will sign him up.
  15. Oh joy, we've a Liam Fox replacement. For Robertson sake doesn't have the same ring to it.
  16. We've only 3 midfielders left in the team that played regularly last season and another couple that made the odd appearance, they aren't all CM either. We could do with some wingers though, unless Keaghan is going back on the wing we've got none.
  17. I think he was meaning to Robertson having signed for us, haven't seen it announced anywhere official.
  18. So far less than a handful have slagged off Robertson. Can't actually remember any Ton fans sticking up for Russell when he signed for us. Wilkie did ok for us last season, wouldn't have minded him staying on with us.
  19. Slagged off Iain Russell too, who went on to get our record for most goals scored in a season. I do fear for us this season though, in a season where most clubs will take advantage of higher gate revenue by increasing their playing budget Livi are still cutting back on ours. Pretty ironic really considering our history of throwing money about.
  20. He must be cheap, we're going with players who will play for next to nothing this season. We'll prob be joining Morton in div 1 next season.
  21. Cheers, was wondering if it was just my laptop blocking the site or something. been like that since yesterday. Wonder if the site has been hacked again.
  22. Is anyone else not able to get on LL, I just get "this page can't be displayed" when I try to go on it.
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