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Everything posted by LIVIFOREVER

  1. I agree, also we have 300 ST's bought when Massone was in charge, the money for them is lost revenue that can't be included in this seasons budget, so we're minus 300 before you even start counting on what our att is.
  2. Yip and they made Massone the offer for his shares after the first SFL meeting, where they were assured we'd remain a 1st div club. I agree with you on their business plan, i've no idea what it is as i've not seen it, but theres no way we can remain FT even in the 1st div with an att of 1400 (going on last years average att in the 1st Div) let alone what could be 800 att in the 3rd Div. I'd imagine we'd need over 2,000 home gates to have a chance, that plus decent sponsorship, which we have none as yet, with our main sponsor leaving us earlier this year. I'm glad we're still here, but extremely wary and sceptical that we can remain FT, i'm watching with interest over the next month to see where we're heading in that respect.
  3. You didn't quite grasp my point, i wasn't boasting about att, merely saying why keep slagging Livi off about them as we've prob the largets in this Div it makes no sense other 3rd div fans having a go at us for att. I realise that if they're saying it in relation to us remaining FT then that's a totally different matter and does have a relevance.
  4. If it was under normal circumstances then that would be right, but concidering we didn't play last week and had announced we wouldn't be playing this week after launching another appeal, a lot of Livi fans didn't even know the game was on, a few i know had made other arrangements, one even just made the game after only finding out a couple of hours before KO. I'd expect a few hundred more at our next home game and building up as the season progresses, some stability to the club will do wonders for bringing back the supporters.
  5. As shite as our att was it was the biggest in the 3rd Div, i know a few who weren't there as they'd made other arrangements, not expecting us to be playing again, just hope our next game at home shows a bigger att nearer the 1000 mark and maybe grows as the season progresses.
  6. Livi fc had outstanding debt for both the IR and the rent for the stadium when Massone took charge, he said a pay,ent plan had been set up for both, whether he kept the payments up is anyones guess but i've not heard anything about the IR chasing him for money.
  7. Port-ton isn't the best example to take on anything Livi, neither are you if you believe all that pish you just wrote.
  8. lol, i'm quite pissed as it's my birthday, supposed technically if i now went out to my car in the drive to get something and the polis saw me i could be charged with the same thing, you're prob right though, guilty untill proven innocent.
  9. Agree entirely with you on this, it's not about saving a couple of quid surely, it should be about giving the money to the club your a supporter of, i couldn't understand why they would hold it in PGC TBH, seemed all wrong and i've asked several times on a thread about that and had no reply, asked too if they had actually approached Massone to negotiate a deal and got no reply on that either, same about if they had anything in writing from the club agreeing to the players attending, still no one replying, i'd think they'd have put the letter up on the thread backing up their statement if they had right enough.
  10. He was very pro Flynn too untill a certain post from Flynn telling him to remove his head from Flynns arse. I've noticed his articles being blatantly against Massone on the LiviNews forum, thought you're meant to remain impartial and just print the facts to let people comment without prejudice. More than Plug have several accounts or change their names i suspect.
  11. Will be in the papers even more frequently too with non payment stories, maybe Massone is trying psychology tactics to sicken the newspapers off by flooding them with stories.
  12. Wasn't saying it's not true, just that he's been paying them on the last day of the month, so why keep saying they're late when we all know they're getting paid after the last Thurs, it aint news is it.
  13. Would've been more of a shock if the retard hadn't printed the same story they've printed every month, now will it be Tues the last day of the month or are the retard just making up wed for the April 1st joke.
  14. You can hardly contain yourself eh. Which day will it be though, Thurs the 26th or Tues 31st. Papers will be full of it on the Fri no doubt and Massons will as always say it's the last day of the month they get paid.
  15. Him saying he's put thousands of his own money into the club isn't reasuring us that all is ok, it's just proving we're overspending and needing money over and above anything that's coming in, unless he's an Abramovich that's able to punt money in without expecting it back, which he abv isn't going by all the court cases.
  16. WTF are you going on about? Theres been more than 16 businesses this season, theres already been court cases that have taken Livi to court and been paid, i'm not in denial to that or anything else, i'm completely aware of our precarious financial position.
  17. Every month there has been the same stories of court cases etc, players aren't being paid out on gate money, it's the other staff apparantly, the players are about the only ones who've been paid in full, albeit a day or two later than they're meant to be, can't be good them reading all this stuff though. I don't honestly know if it's all coming to a head or if it's just the same as previous months, we've had this media frenzy a few times saying we're on the edge and yet we're still here, according to the media we've been going bust for about 6 months.
  18. Massone was in Italy and didn't attend the court hearing. The Judge ordered Livi to pay the £2,600 bill plus court costs.
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