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Everything posted by LIVIFOREVER

  1. SFL rules are anything they fucking please, they are open to interpretation as they are extremely vague. Tell me this, do you truly believe letting games go ahead and then teams that will lose 3 points if they vote in Livi's favour wont prejudice an appeal, because even though i'm biased to Livi i certainly don't. Edit to say, i actually wished we'd played anyway as i knew we'd be fecked over a barrel if we didn't, not saying it wasn't right not to play, just knew what was right didn't matter as i knew we'd get shafted by the SFL's law unto themselves set up.
  2. So would i but the SFL are a bunch of chunts, to relegate a team 2 Div is fucking outrageous, anything after that isn't a surprise.
  3. No, they should do the same as the SPL and give a point deduction instead of demoting 2 Div, if it's good enough for the top league in Scotlandf, it should be good enough for the fizzy pop league......no?.
  4. We've just got rid of a high earner from the wage bill, so the 3K fine is easier to swallow than a points deduction which ever way you look at it, cost us over 200K in revenue being relegated to the 3rd, think that in itself didn't do a club coming out of admin any favours for survival.
  5. Thought it was absolutely shocking to relegate us 2 Div so what's new, a points deduction in the first place when we were in the 1st Div would've been the correct punishment, why is it ok to do that in the SPL but not in the SFL!! It isn't the same as you refusing to play, your reasons had no similarities to why Livi refused to play, were you relegated 2 Div and told to play when it would prejudice your appeal? But now everyone is just being vindictive wanting further punishment, so can't expect any other reaction from impartial fans such as yourself.
  6. If you're truly concerned about the effect a fine has on our finances then wanting a 15 point penalty goes against that, as the consequences of a points deduction far outway a £3,000 fine, making sure we stay in the 3rd Div for at least another season would cost us far more than £3,000, and we all know the SFL only do what they concider to be helpful to Livi's, like relegating us 2 Divisions proved to be.
  7. Give it time, the resident self righteous pr1cks haven't been on yet.
  8. Bollocks, any court case can be argued on extenuating circumstances, this is no different, especially after it going this far, if Livi representatives are attending they'll be arguing their decision was based on EdinLivi's points, which are extenuating circumstances.
  9. Couldn't have described yourself any better could you, fuckwit, tosspot, bawbag, c**t, are a few expletives you may concider adding to your CV though.
  10. You could always take your own advice and GTF away from any Livi threads. B)
  11. You tell us, have you had the news that you've a fatal illness?
  12. Obv important enough to spend as much of your time on here though.......scumdee twat.
  13. That still wouldn't appease the cocksucking tossbags on here.
  14. Over 800 at our last couple of Sat home games, 961 against QP and 815 against Berwick , Airdrie should've signed Robbie right enough as they're in the 1st Div with crowds of less than us for their last game (756) wonder if they're living within their means.
  15. Going to be FAF if we don't get a points deduction, you lot will bust a blood vessel, or with a bit of luck break a couple of fingers bashing away at the keyboard in anger.
  16. Yeah cause once is acceptable ya hypocritical scumDee b'stard. *Edited as forgot the scumDee bit.
  17. Hopefully fuckall amd let us get on with winning the league.
  18. I think ScumDee should die first, they've seniority on being cheating scum.
  19. Really, i find this thread fucking hilarious, the amount of Livi kicking from supposed moraly upstanding posters showing mock rage, it was fine to start with from genuine posters but now it's turned into a parody of mock rage especially when Dundee fans come on, how fucked up is that when fans of a club that screwed their community for millions come on here and have a go at Livi, because we've done it one more time than them it gives them the right to hold the moral highground.
  20. Behave, he can't afford drugs (he's still at the sniffing glue stage) unless he's away mugging pensioners then coming on here being all moral about Livi doing it through the council.
  21. Yip, Shire getting a 15 points deduction for refusing to play Livi on the rescheduled game.
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