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Everything posted by LIVIFOREVER

  1. Yip, Shire getting a 15 points deduction for refusing to play Livi on the rescheduled game.
  2. You do seem to have quite a lot of it to waste, you ever thought about getting a life?
  3. They'd be as well coming down to games then, cause we'll get their money off them one way or another.
  4. It has no particular relevance to Livi, that's prob where the misunderstanding came where everyone was having a pop at me. Christ i can't even remember how i got started on this and i can't be arsed going back to see. It would have saved us from the way our previous owners ran the club though. Anyway i still think it would be a good rule to bring in, as well as saving some clubs from financial suicide it would create a more level playing field, Platini was the first to come out with this, maybe his motives weren't just for the good of the game as he hates England and their EPL is the one running away with things just now because their big teams operate in this manner, but i think he's right about it.
  5. The rule was on not spending more than a certain pecent of what the club made on players/wages though.
  6. I do hope that the council don't do this, it would be inexcusable. All i want to do is enjoy going down to a game of football in the place i reside, but if this happened i'd find it difficult to still support them, what has happened since 2004 has truly been painful to Livi fans and as fans of football i'd hope you can empathise with that. I try to seperate what owners have done from the actual team, as i'm only an ordinary guy that loves going to the footie. I by no means condone any of our past owners actions, though i have to admit i thoroughly enjoyed Livi's glory days, politics aside i think any fan would've enjoyed the same if it were their team.
  7. I'm not arguing with you about whether clubs can do it or not, i'm saying they shouldn't be allowed to run the risk of it all going wrong, just because they have rich sugar daddies backing them, banks thought they were invincible too.
  8. I'm not talking about business outside the football world, i know you have to borrow to run a business, i never did so myself but had accounts with places that allowed me time to get paid for work i'd done and then could pay said merchants. With football clubs going bust every season, bringing in this rule would prevent that from happening. If you or anyone else doesn't agree then fine, but at least try to give your reasons instead of bringing Livi into it, as it is about a rule that may help out other clubs from following our path and stop the bigger clubs operating in a way to gain an unfair advantage over others. It would also level up the playing field a bit, which can't be a bad thing. On what you saw Livi fans doing, i was at that game and didn't see that, also was at Easter road when we beat Dundee in the semi final and were in admin the day before, Dundee fans were coming past my bus giving the thumbs up and applauding, wishing us luck, so not all fans should be judged by actions of the ones who are twats, we all have our share of decent fans and a few idiots. On chants/songs, Albion were giving it to us tight on our finances but it was actually amusing as it was typical footballing banter that is as much a part of game as what happens on the park. Really, i would like to see a poll done on that one.
  9. You presume wrong, i've ran my own business and never failed to pay anyone. You miss what i'm saying about football clubs, being in the red to 3 quarters of the what they are worth is pretty dangerous, just because they're allowed to do this still doesn't make it right, don't forget banks screwed up and caused this credit crunch so allowing Liverpool and the like to exist like this is no indication that it's the right way to do business. I'm sure i read something dodgy about Liverpool and the bank, were they not a few hundred million more in the red but some dodgy deal was done, same with Real Madrid a few years back. However nobody is concerned about anyone other than Livi on this thread, lets get back to kicking the stuffing out of us. Oh BTW, for the record, i've never said anything about Livvy, as far as i know they run their club well.
  10. How so, are you claiming other teams aren't in the red and grossly overspending on players to gain an advantage over other teams, this practice is the norm for quite a few teams and needs to be stopped. I'm not trying to make any excuses for Livi's past financial dealings, just because Livi have done it doesn't just give non Livi fans the right to have an opinion on the matter, if anything the experience of supporting a team that's went into admin twice gives me as a football fan an added perspective, in that it has been hell for us fans too. What i don't understand though is the likes of Dundee or Airdrie fans who have revelled in our plight, you'd have thought they of all people would know how Livi fans feel to be going through this because of the action of out of control chairmen. I fully understand the likes of DF still posting on here and having concerns about the Livi5's conduct so far, they are not running the club as they said they would with expenditure meeting income, untill we go part time or by some miracle gain 3,000 fans, that will never happen. Some others though are only posting here for nothing more than the fun of it, as Livi are an easy target that they can post on, without much chance to be shown up as twats as who can argue against anything thrown at Livi without everyone else jumping on to kick the crap out of their post.
  11. Edin council sold prime land for buttons to Wimpey to build on, so anythings possible where councils are concerned, wouldn't dare suggest they might have received back handers for it though. These rumours have been going for years, in fact Flynn and Massone were meant to be buying the stadium to make a profit selling it to a property developer, didn't happen though and the rumours still continue onto the new owners. It would make sense to build a smaller stadium, the council would make quite a bit from the old one as it's smack bang in the middle of Livingston, walking distance from the centre. Personally i hope we stay where we are as i like the location for it's easy access to most Livi fans, as they can walk to it from anywhere in Livingston.
  12. If you think just because banks allow clubs to run up hundreds of millions it is ok then it is you that needs to be questioned if you're for real. I understand finance fine, Livi can't run up debt as they have no assets, therefor can't service their debt as the banks wont allow them to, but that still doesn't make it right for other clubs to do the exact same thing, i still stand by my opinion of what G Smith said to be a good idea, as there are quite a few clubs sailing close to the wind financially. Also it is an unfair advantage to spend millions, or even hundreds of millions you don't have to be stronger than other teams that can't get away with doing so, Livi have done this and paid the price (yes i do realise you and others don't think they have and only our extinction would be of satisfaction) but the likes of Rangers, Liverpool, Chelsea, Man Utd do this season after season, hell even the likes of Dunfermline have been millions in debt for years but escape criticism because they've managed to service it. So to reiterate, it would even up the playing field for said rules to be brought in and may even save some teams from administration.
  13. Absolutely and every team who has overspent and in the red should get the same points deduction to level up the playing field in all the other Div's too, like Man U, Liverpool, Chelsea, Real Madrid, Rangers, etc etc etc. Being serious, G Smith was talking about introducing something like not being able to spend more that 75% of your income on players/wages, this would be a good idea.
  14. Yeah it would be as hilarious as your benefactor pulling out and wanting his money back and puting you in admin.
  15. Feeling sorry for you now that you're answering your own posts. We've just sold a player last month, so that makes at least 1 in the last 5 years. We weren't accepting being in the 3rd Div right enough so you may have us on a technicality for that one.
  16. Really, who have we offered a full time contract since we lost our final appeal to the SFA? that's when we accepted our 3rd Div status.
  17. Behave, Massone would still have fecked the club out of existance even if he got the stadium rent free, he had 1.5 M in other debt, you really think he'd have changed anything about the way he ran up debts and refused to pay anyone till they got the sherfif officers down to the stadium. We all know the council and Ged Nixon/the Trust had a plan together to get rid of Massone, it wasn't a very well kept secret.
  18. Apart from him talking shit why would you be delighted? We're forced to keep players on full time wages as they're under contract, we could always rip up their contracts and not honour them saying we're in admin so they can go on the creditors list but then you'd be moaning at that too, christ we canny win with some folk, damned if we do the right thing and damned when we don't.
  19. Closing this thread would be like shutting down the lottery, bound to be the biggest and most viewed thread on this site, you can't kill a cash cow.
  20. Blackburn, Armadale, Whitburn, Broxburn, West Calder, East Calder, Mid Calder, Bathgate???
  21. Can't see anything in your posts telling us anything, all i see is you trying to be smart with fishing trips.
  22. Whatever floats your boat,mbozza. You certainly get plenty of response to your posts anyway.
  23. I've never seen any evidence of it, only hear'say. The bond itself, 720K(or there abouts), few clubs in the 1st Div could put up that kind of money, but i really couldn't say if the Livi5 did or didn't put it up.
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