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Everything posted by Kejan

  1. Kejan

    Breaking Bad

    Just finished Season 2. Ready for 3 now! About a Teacher who is told he has terminal cancer so decides to start cooking crystal meth to fund his hospital treatment. Brilliant viewing and the cast are all superb. Especially Dean Norris as Walt's Brother in law, Hank Aaron Paul is fantastic as Walt's sidekick Jessie. I think it was on FX or 5 in the UK, It's been on in the US since 2008, but no mention of Series 3 at all being aired by any network in the UK.
  2. Cool man! See you then.

  3. I just watched that a few days ago... still go back to it now and again.. ''You can talk, you can talk''

    and then a few days later

    ''Stop laughing, it's not funny''

  4. Agreed. They scare the Ship (Swear Filter at Work) out of me. I was out Jogging last night, and 3/4 of them were scrawking, swooping and making noises. My pal laughs at me for hating them, but yet he's scared of Spiders.

    You been on the LASH LASH LASH LASH ?

    Any ideas on a return home or moving home?

    Hope all is good on the road.

  6. Might as well blow my own trumpet as no one else who doesn't run seems to understand, but I've managed to mentally GRIND out through the 'Give up' stage of running. When I started running, I'd give up to easy at this Stage and once I got a stitch and heart felt like explodiing, I'd stop for 2mins for a breather and then start jogging again. My Brother who's a good runner and does Marathons told me reguarly it was all in my head etc, and you just need to push through it, I used to think it wasn't and that I would collapse. I have no idea why I'm typing this, but maybe for any novice runners or beginners out there and they constantly find themselves giving up at the ''fukk this'' stage - keep going, push on through it and you'll feel great at the end of it (and possibly like puking too).
  7. Folk on Buses opening Windows when it's freezing. It may be a Blue Sky, but it's about 5 Degrees outside!

    How's China?

  9. What time did you start drinking? It's nearly Sunday morning.
  10. Not so much running tips, but a losing weight tip?I know that you can't really choose to lose weight on your body, but, does anyone have any tips for losing a bit on the stomach and the moobs?I'm down to 12stone - 5ft 10 and want to ideally geto 11 and half stone, and am quite slim but just need a bit of the tittys gone.any good exercises or programs to work on the breasts?
  11. Anyone on here do the Bleep test often, or at all? My brother gave me a download of it and went out earlier tonight, and I did it twice - First time I score 10.7 and second time was 10.1. What's a good score to be getting on this? Is it a good break away from HIIT?
  12. f**k RIGHT OFF VOLCANCO! It's not just petty.. someone start the HUGE f**k OF THINGS that piss you off. I missed a trip a ski weekend the last time because of it, and I'm meant to be goign to Berlin on Thursday. VOLCANO, BLOW YOUR PISH TOWARDS JAN MAYEN OR SOMEWHERE!
  13. Volcanco crap - go away!I missed Norway the last time because of it, and meant to be going to Germany on Thurs.
  14. Ajami - Israeli film about the 5 different Families in a Israeli-Arab suburb of Tel Aviv - loads of Twists. Very good and great ending that cleared up eveything. 8/10
  15. Good on ye, Bateman. I'll need to follow suit with the ''YOU'RE WELCOME'' I'm now going to go looking for buggers just to shout that at them. Another petty thing is saying 'Thanks' to the Bus Driver. I know it's his job but it just seems a bit rude to swan off without even acknowledging him, and the chances are they won't reply much or a grumble of Bye, but at least you've done your part.
  16. Basic manners.What the f**k does it take to say ''Thank you'' If someone holds the door for you?Almost got in a scrap with someone there for telling them to buck up and get some manners. Probably was a bit hasty but it's shocking though, if someone holds a door - then you acknowledge them either by a smile, or a cheers.
  17. I go running about 3/4 times a week - maybe around 4-5 kms per session, but looking at some HIIT stuff right now. Anyone on here do it, and how often do you do it? I'm reading an article write now that suggestes that it'll only take about 15 mins in total, is this right? Does it severly f**k you up for the rest of days? Sounds mental, but mental fun
  18. New member here.I go out about 3/4 times a week - Still nowhere near the standard that most of you are, but run about 3/4 miles every time I go out. Also, anyone got any tips for 'Pushing on' -? More than often, I'll end up stopping every 8mins or so to have a 20 sec breather.
  19. I've not got a day off (apart from the Weekends) until the 12th of April. My own fault, for taking them all in January/February, but its looking like a long, long slog until I'm having a Pint watching Masters Sunday in the Pub, and relaxing on the 12th...
  20. Did she look also like Fabio Capello? There's a Woman I see every morning who is like a cross between a Frog and him.
  21. Super Naive by Erlend Roe. Not bad - Started quite good, but ended up a bit of a drag - even if it was only 180 odd-pages.Mid 20s Guy who drops out of Uni and tries to figure out his life..
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