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Posts posted by theentomologist

  1. You're like the slightly awkward but loveable character is a RomCom that I can't help rooting for.

    Just go for it you big jessie!


    edit: having edited an earlier post. I now see the quoted post doesn't get edited?:unsure:

    also ashton 'fucking' kutcher stole my life and gave it a happy ending. so its no wonder my pain reminds you of a film.

    also this gem tv on itv woman AGAIN. someone shut her up! its not her accent, but she's very nasally and talks as if she's talking to primary 3 kids.

  2. In a non sadistic way, I enjoy reading about your woman woes :lol:

    its not so much a woe. I'll just chalk it up to experience and move on. its just I seem to be binary with woman. it either works quickly, or goes friend zoney and doesn't . there's no middle ground -in my experience, case in point its impossible to turn a friend into a 'friend'. cause I bale to avoid rejection.

    anyhow as I say, you win some you lose some, you learn and move on.

  3. How can you stand up and speak in front of unruly children, but not feel confident talking to this woman?!

    That's completely different.

    Anyway, if they were 'unruly' then I wouldn't be speaking. cause you know, you shouldn't talk when someone else is talking. you can't use your mouth and ears at the same time, 10 second countdown re-enforced with praise and all that.

    they also can't hand you your heart still beating from your chest and then proceed to eat it.

  4. Oh c'mon, he just posted up something which clearly showed him to be less of a human being, and did in such a way that he was expecting people to want to know or to find it somehow cool and dangerous. No. Its scummy, its pathetic, and to brag about it shows that he's basically a poorly educated, borderline feral, miserable speck of pointless existence.

    whilst I'm not quite as pious in my disgust -we all have tbf- the manner in which the information was shared, was a little icky.

  5. Ah her. I was too distracted by her exquisite beating heart procedure :wub:

    For all the obsession with Patsy Kensit (hugely overrated) Holby City has had its fair share of cracking ladies. Always seems to be the consultants and registrars rather than the nurses though. Must be the allure of a dominating intelligent female... :ph34r:

    tbf the petrenko one when she's not dressed as vampires bride, is reasonable, but I see she is now an F1 rather than a sister.

  6. Some of the people at the job centre don't have a clue about what work you are qualified to do. One of them asked me if I wanted to go for a job as a head chef,I told her that I don't have the qualifications to do that job,she told me that I couldn't refuse to apply for the job! :rolleyes::blink:

    this was like 3 months in and they were asking me for a C.V so I said, do you want my non teaching or teaching one? and they went -now given that one of my options is teaching and one is TA -"oh, you're a teacher?!"

    I don't refuse to apply, i just never get them because one look at my c.v. they see my qual. and they think -will ditch it if a decent gig comes along no thanks.

  7. Same here :(

    It's on a par with no getting a response at all.

    I find that really annoying. its almost insulting. I mean even a stock reply like the "high volume of applicants....experience more closely matched....." etc. is better.

    I even had the jobcentre wifey ask me if I thought i was 'overqualified' the other day. and I bloody well nearly went "of course I'm overqualified! I have two masters degrees and a PGCE! You're sending me for basic call centre work! Good grief woman! I could do YOUR job standing on my head! And do it more successfully too!" but I didn't -because I would like their money just now- I just went, " oh? um.....maybe" whilst restraining the urge to rip her throat out.

    actually without insulting the Phoenix and any other similar people. Does anyone else find the DWP's front line employees to be really patronising? Maybe I'm paranoid.

    edit: also now that I think about it. Women who start an msn conversation about lets say, a date, and then half way through the conversation change subject entirely and never return to arranging the date. I mean I don't mind, really I don't if you've changed your mind in the space of the convo, but to NEVER mention it again is both annoying and unclear. I thought I imagined it at first. But I keep a complete convo history in MSN. anyway its very petty but it needed to be aired. I feel better for it.

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