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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Decided to start a thread to occasionally post updates & ramblings from my latest FM22 save. I had posted a couple of times in the main thread but rather than consistently posting in there I'll keep it separate in here. After actually getting into the database and seeing just how much was available to me, I was going to stick to touring around Asia, but with further updates to come to the database I will be making it a Pentagon Challenge and aiming to win the top five continental club tournament in each continent. Can't promise to have the patter of some of the other great threads in the section but hopefully the journey is just as interesting. I am into my third season in the save so will do a quick update to bring the story up to date. Season One: Season Two: It took me two seasons to get the Nepalase A Division and the Aaha Gold Cup (always said in an Alan Partridge voice, of course) double with a rag tag bunch of 16 year old regens on £5 per appearance contracts and a small contingent of international players who despite mentioning above that their contracts were due to run out, they stuck around at the club on weekly contracts as no-one came in for them. The A Division is the highest level of the pyramid, however there is a Nepalese Super League which was set up brand new in 2021 along with 7 brand new teams in it, and there is no promotion/relegation to the league. A bit of a dick move if you ask me. So given I'd won all I could already, I handed in my resignation and went back on the job hunt across Asia. I had interviews in Thailand, Vietnam and India, but eventually I was given the opportunity to take over in the heat of a relegation dogfight in the Middle East...
  2. Bradley-Hurst kept it respectable, the only football player in that collection of hatchet men. Clyde toothless and only a silly sending off from Grant brought us out of second gear for the last 10 minutes. Cruised through the game without having to do too much hard work ourselves. Quitongo and McHugh could have had a couple each if not for the aforementioned Clyde keeper. A solid performance and a great debut for Owen Coyle despite not starting his employment with us until June.
  3. Dave


    After my previous post I tried a couple different saves but nothing really took my fancy. But at the beginning of this week I stumbled upon the Around the World database from Dave_The_Editor and I've decided to set up a Pentagon challenge to see what I can do there. Started unemployed with the lowest reputation and loaded up every single Asian league in the database as a starting point. Probably not the best way to go about it but wanting to start off right at the bottom and work my way up to a good team and then challenge so will take quite a while. May start a thread, will see how it goes. After being offered 150 job interviews (almost 100 of which were in the Japanese regional cup tournaments, didn't even look like they were leagues, no time for that) I was passed over on my preferred choice of Mazaaray of Mongolia and have ended up at Sankata Boys Sports Club in the Nepalese Second Division. Game started in January, transfer window is only open in March, the only real players I have under contract expire in June and the league doesn't start until November. I've definitely fucked something up but so far all I've done is manage to bring on board an assistant manager, a coach and a hoard of 15 year old Nepalese regens so it could be a tough season when it eventually gets started .
  4. Dave


    Just finished my third season with Napoli. Rattled through it recently due to completely giving up on Fifa and work IT issues giving me plenty of time to get stuck into it. It wasn't quite as comfortable as last season, both me and Juventus had absolutely incredible seasons but it went right down to the wire...
  5. The Falkirk TV commentators are right greeting faced c***s aren't they.
  6. Dave

    FIFA 22

    Think it says a lot that this years thread is at 17 pages and this date last year the FIFA 21 thread was around page 70... Even if you want to blame lockdowns for the large recent threads, the FIFA 19 thread was around 65 pages long at this point Any time I load this game to actually play it it makes me miserable. Unfortunately I am a slut for icon swaps so I'm back for a couple of weeks to smash these out. Just spent 20k coins on two silver Argentines from the Portuguese league to double up objectives and I hate it.
  7. Dave


    So onto the final match of the season...
  8. Dave


    Finally finished my second season at Napoli, had a rare time of it so feel like posting an update with a few photos. I finished my first season 4th in Serie A, 10 points behind eventual winners AC Milan. I was sitting 2nd with two to go but lost the last two, one against the champions and the final game of the season against Empoli. Thankfully Sassuolo completely collapsed and lost their last 5 to help me stay in the top 4. Lost in the semi final of the Italian Cup to Juventus on away goals, and knocked out of the Europa League on penalties in the quarter finals after a 3-3 aggregate draw with West Ham. I cleared out a lot of dross kicking about in the U20s that were too old to play there and some returning loan players that were no use to me, as well as a couple of reserves who I made a slight profit on. The only notable departure was Dries Mertens who is a club icon, but was in a huff with me in January over playing time and he signed a pre-contract with Arsenal before dropping his complaints. So here's how it went in the transfer window... So here's how it went in the first half of the season... After the World Cup and the return to league action... And then the run in...
  9. Dave

    FIFA 22

    Anyone with any luck today? I'd saved about 60 packs of various sizes and kept them till today as I uninstalled the game at the beginning of the week because I was so fed up with it . Got Jorginho and Hakimi TOTY, and got duplicates of Insigne and Bonucci honourable mentions, as well as a ton of fodder. I'll probably reinstall to see how I get on and may even try my new look team in rivals but that'll probably lead to another swift uninstall. It's definitely the most packable TOTY as mentioned above, I'd never packed any TOTY players and got two today and know plenty of folk in a similar position.
  10. Dave


    Ahh ok, didn't know that was a rule, cheers. Obviously conceded a VAR awarded 92nd minute equaliser in that game as well still 5 points clear of third place with two games to go so should be at least qualifying for the next stage, one win will see me top the group. Also sitting 2nd in Serie A on 24pts (8W 3L), two points behind Roma. Going alright so far but the last loss was against 17th placed Torino who then sacked their manager a week later, it was definitely one of those cursed moments when the pre-match review says you can go top with a win... Summer window dealings attached below. Everything after 19/07/21 was me however I will be making Zambo Anguissa a permanent signing as he has been class so far. Disasi and both boys from Bodo/Glimt have been excellent, Berg scoring a hat-trick from defensive mid against Inter a particular highlight. Kept Hickey out on loan at Bologna to give him game time but he's not done very well and lost his starting XI spot.
  11. Dave


    Not had much chance to play this since posting but due to a quiet January on the cards I've started getting stuck into it this week. Currently in late October and I'm wondering if someone can look at the attached screenshots and tell me if I'm missing something obvious here. Playing Real Sociedad in the Europa League, they've made five subs and I've made three, and when I try to make a fourth it says I've used all my subs? How are they able to make two more than me??
  12. Have to disagree with this point, didn't we spend most of the summer complaining about the communication from the club to the point where members actually tried to force an EGM? I've not been following QP as long as some here but in the last 15 years its the first time I remember seeing that happening. The club has been held to a higher standard off the park than before so it goes that the same has to happen on the park.
  13. The only hellishly poor decision made was making Ellis manager in the first place. I hold nothing against him personally and wish him the best going forward but it's been clear for a long time now he's not the man for us. Or are you happy with 8 wins in 26 games? And that's without diving into some of the games we've snatched draws from the jaws of victory. This is professional football, whether you like it or not, and it is a results driven business. Add in everything else being built around the club at this moment in time, and Haughey Dempster & co have clearly decided they cannot be seen to be toiling in the league given the resources we have. It will be interesting to see who is linked with us going forward. Wonder if Marijn will be opening up his address book...
  14. Dave


    My girlfriend got me one of those secret football shirt things for Christmas and I've got this years Napoli away top, so I'm using that as the perfect excuse to head to a country I've not managed in and a club with money for the first time since about FM12. Big fan of this club culture I've got to follow.
  15. Fair play to the fans that have stayed to vent at full time. As hilarious as Falkirk were at the back we've been utterly tremendous. One thing we haven't done since turning pro is put chances away and we done it in style today.
  16. Dave

    FIFA 22

    This is definitely the way to keep what little enjoyment this game gives you for as long as possible. I didn't play a single weekend league last year and probably played about 40 rivals games purely for season objectives and I still ended 21 with a 94/95 rated team. Played two rivals games in 22 so far. SBCs and friendlies are the way to go. I know it won't be for everyone but it's the only way I can stomach playing this game now.
  17. Dave

    FIFA 22

    Glad you said this, I haven't played FIFA for the last couple weeks but jumped on last night for a few games and the game felt absolutely horrible. Was enjoying the overall slower gameplay compared to last year but they've taken it way too far now. If that's how the game is going to play out from this point onwards I'll happily go back to not playing it.
  18. An incredibly disappointing result yesterday. I don't know how many times now we've had Jekyll & Hyde performances where the entire team seems to change mentality after half time, it's a seriously worrying trend, as well as continuing to be absolutely rotten at defending set pieces and the heads dropping when we concede. From that point onwards there was only going to be one winner, and I suppose I should he thankful for the absolutely shocking Pixellot stream for refusing to show us Peterheads winner, as well as missing probably about 10 minutes of the actual game over the total 90, by far the worst stream I've been subjected to in the last 18 months. The questions from the support regarding the manager are completely justified at this time and if the club actually cared then Ellis would be looking over his shoulder. However, in my opinion Ellis is safe for the foreseeable because of the shite spouted by the club at the beginning of the season. McKinnon was supposedly let go because he wasn't given the budget he expected to be able to improve the team (whether the players he would sign would actually have done that is a debate for another time). Ellis was taken on as manager because he was the cheap option already at the club and clearly accepted that smaller budget while Dempster chose to focus on off the field "priorities". Add in the bizarre team selections and tactics weekly leaves me wondering if Ellis is up to the job. Opposition fans wondering if we're overreacting etc. just need to see our recent form to see why we're feeling like this. Without even looking into the manner of some of these results questions would be asked at any club with this run of results, nevermind for our squad which is supposed to be one of the best in the league.
  19. Unfortunately they resolved the stream issues. Furious right now. Another poor performance and another shite set piece goal conceded. We made that so much fucking harder than it needed to be.
  20. Yeah had no sound for the first 5 minutes of the game. I now have no stream at all, lost it just before half time and now not loading at all despite numerous refreshes and even whole computer restarts. Anyone else having issues?
  21. He pretty much did in his post match interview on Twitter. Good to see that sort of reaction from him and I'm sure he and the rest of the squad won't forget this result. Thankfully couldn't make the game or even watch the stream yesterday, but those highlights just confirmed the worrying updates I was getting throughout the game. Don't think I can add anything more to the summaries posted before me. That result has been coming for a while but to do it in that manner particularly hurts. We've struggled to see a number of games out so far this season and it needs to be addressed ASAP. Not sure which side I stand on in this new Muir/Ferrie debate. Muir has been an absolutely fantastic keeper for QP over the years, but there have been a few instances recently that have raised eyebrows whether that be his decision making or shot stopping, and it's a concern. Also doesn't help Muir that for the first time in forever it's not just a warm body as the backup keeper, but a talented player who could arguably start for most teams in this league. I think Muir has to keep his spot for now and get out of this poor run, but we all know professional football doesn't run on goodwill, so maybe a difficult and controversial decision has to be made by Ellis shortly.
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