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Everything posted by Dave

  1. The Dumbarton stream website is an absolute shanner. Not showing the live event on the homepage, you can find it by searching for "Queen's Park", however on my laptop it isn't giving me the option to actually start the stream, but on my phone it is. Bad enough trying to watch a zoomed out pixelot camera on a laptop screen...
  2. Dave

    FIFA 22

    Red cards which earned in friendlies but don't appear to be removed by benching the sent off player for a game in friendlies. So stupid.
  3. Dave

    FIFA 22

    Seeing as I can't complain in my WhatsApp chat I'm going to have to vent here. Folk not doing golden goal any more in friendlies is incredibly disappointing. But not as disappointing as realising that red cards now count in friendlies. Genuinely what's the point in that??
  4. Can only echo most of the summaries before me. A draw was a fair result, I'm sure Montrose will probably be disappointed not to get the win given they created a few more chances than us. Smith continues to impress and Fox cruised through the game at the back, and he dug his centre half partner out a couple of times as well. Beginning to get concerned with Murrays slump in form, seems to have coincided with pushing him out left more frequently and I feel that's a waste of his talent out there. Hoping the knocks suffered by Connell, Brown and Doyle late on are not serious. Is it though? Yes being top of the league is nice, but if you look at the other four draws aside from today we should have won each of them, we were the better team in all of those games and yet again today we had the same issues that we have had all season. We are solid at the back, we have plenty of creative midfielders that love having the ball and we are playing some fantastic football, but in the final third we are toothless and continue to waste chances. Murray is our top scorer in the league and even then two of his five goals this season are free kicks. It has to be a concern that we are not converting the pressure we put on teams into shots on target and goals. Given we are top of the league on goal difference at this time, it shows this league is going to be incredibly tight and it's going to come down to who can see out games the best. And we are nowhere near good enough at that yet. I think that some need to realise we are no longer the plucky underdog that should be thankful for every point we get. We are now in a position where, given the resources at the club, we can be disappointed at not taking three points every week.
  5. I've parked on Trossachs Street a number of times this season, you can probably park closer but it's a 5 minute walk from Firhill and I've had no issues at all there.
  6. Dave

    FIFA 22

    I've never really understood the "Road to Glory" patter, especially when you see folk saying they have a "RTG account" as how the f**k do you have the time to play on multiple accounts, but I suppose that's because I got over my FIFA points addiction after FIFA 14. Hopefully more people realise it's absolutely not worth it. This is usually the best time of year imo where folk are just getting started, using what they've got & lower rated players that you don't see as often. Going to make a Scotland team to use for squad battles and will see how my packs go for an online squad but in no rush to play rivals. Edit: I will say so far I've actually enjoyed the gameplay in the few squad battles & online friendlies I've played. I'm sure that will change soon. And I hate the new pack opening sequence.
  7. Quite frankly I'll take the point from that game. We were absolutely horrific today. Long ball after long ball a terrible tactic for today. So many players off the boil as well. We go again next week. Yes he scored two goals but that Goodwillie penalty miss was glorious.
  8. Dave

    FIFA 22

    Only going to buy it if I replicate last year and get a couple of coupons up this month so it can be paid from my winnings. Wouldn't mind playing with my mates in the new co-op modes but not particularly fussed about getting it day one after the overall disappointment of 21. I also watched a video EA posted last night of two pros playing their first game and within 10mins one of them was 2-0 up because of finesse shots from outside the box. Good to see the keepers still look horrible.
  9. I went to school with one of the guys in the video. He has always been a total fucking neanderthal and just an all round hateful guy so quite frankly I'm amazed it's taken this long for him to get "cancelled". Almost a little embarrassed at just how much I've enjoyed him getting caught and getting banned from the only thing he exists to do. Good to see an overall positive response from most Rangers fans but as usual plenty of the takes on Twitter show there is a long way to go before football really is for everyone & anyone in Scotland.
  10. Sorry didn't realise so many people would be upset at pointing out that the quality of the match programme was disappointing. Perhaps my initial tone was a bit harsh but it's frustrating to see such basic errors in the programme where we have a programme editor, who before I'm accused of bullying I have no personal knowledge of and hold nothing against them personally. Go back and look at that screenshot I posted and tell me that it's acceptable. It's a shambles. If someone is putting their name on it then you'd think they would double check basic stuff like layout, spelling and content (Dumbarton had not won their first two league games). Regardless of being a volunteer or not there should be an expected standard of quality and I don't think that's asking much. Also it's a bit ridiculous the club are relying on volunteers at all at this time, I'd hope we're now in a position to be able to fairly compensate anyone working for the club and they shouldn't be working for free. Another argument for another day maybe. And seeing as I'm here a comment on the game. A comfortable win and Liam Brown is an absolute superstar, him and Gillespie in the middle were dominant and long may it continue.
  11. Our "media team" has looked bloated for a while in my opinion, and when you see something like this it makes you wonder just what exactly are certain folk doing there. Mentioned in other threads before there have been other simple spelling errors in previous programmes as well. At least you don't pay for it any more...
  12. On East Fife's Facebook page yesterday afternoon.
  13. Dave

    FIFA 21

    Quite incredible how dead this thread is compared to this time last year. Apathy levels for this game & franchise at an all time high. If only there was an actual challenger to it and not "eFootball"... I've continued to play a wee bit of squad battles and friendlies over the last few weeks in between a couple other games I'm playing. Summer Stars and Futties has been alright without being as good as Summer Heat last year IMO. Still haven't played a single weekend league this game and zero desire to play rivals. There's an SBC just now to give draft tokens which I've spammed a bit and will do a few drafts to mix things up a bit. Packed Rivaldo out my final icon swaps pack. The Brazil CAM was such a tease as I thought I'd got Ronaldinho, but Rivaldo has actually been decent for the few games I've played with him. Ending the game with a team like this with zero FIFA points purchased and no weekend league and makes me wonder why people waste their time doing either.
  14. This wee Airdrie fan can thank the QP fans for teaching him the words that got him a free home top for this season...
  15. You've actually compared protests highlighting and calling for an end to engrained racism in our society to football fans shouting swear words at a game.
  16. IMO Murray, Brown, Moore, Biggar and Ferrie all played particularly well tonight so there's nearly half the team. Glad Murray got his goal you could see he wanted it, some of his runs creating space for himself & others especially in the first half were fantastic. Ferrie was solid, didn't have too much to do overall (opposite end of the park for the OG so can't comment) but had one very good diving save in the first half. Brown is a fantastic player and if we do anything this season it'll be down to him.
  17. I'm not going to be like Spidersmad and decide who is worthy enough to support our club based on some singing, but I personally wouldn't as I have plenty of fond memories of trips to Annan, and I really like their setup down there. Always struck me as a well run club and welcomed us in their social club many a time with open arms. Annan are basically the exact opposite of Airdrie, so maybe a rendition of "We love Annan" is on the cards? But as long as no-one says or sings anything actually offensive (something discriminatory which thankfully in my 15 years of attending QP games I don't recall ever hearing) I could not care less what others want to say at the football. If someone wants to hate Annan or anyone else in the league, hate away.
  18. A few of the boorish adolescents (thanks for that compliment Spidersmad) heading down tonight to support the team. Hope Annan have beefed up their security detail accordingly to deal with us rapscallions and our horrendous sweary words.
  19. Folk actually upset at a few swear words at the football poor souls.
  20. On the park last night was excellent apart from one defensive lapse as other have said, if we can play like that with a "weaker" squad due to injuries and isolations I can't wait to see what we can do at full strength. Brown and Biggar the biggest standouts for me, Doyle and Murray also very impressive but dare I say we're becoming accustomed to performances like that from the new captain, if it turns out he's not an iron man and ever misses a game f**k knows how we'd replace him. Off the park though still a concern. It was great to be back in the ground supporting the team but there could easily have been another couple hundred of QP fans there if not for the incompetence of the club. And Dempster telling the press "oh yeah we'll tell the fans what's happening in a couple of weeks"... How hard would it be to put something on the website or social media actually directed to fans instead of continuing to give this info to her media pals first?? Those of us lucky enough to get tickets are then the last to find this out because it's on the fucking TV coverage of the game we're attending . Fingers crossed the restrictions continue to ease and there are no setbacks. Salivating at the thought of Annan away next week.
  21. Got to wonder if we'll do the same. Just as well everyone's had plenty of opportunities to get their season ticket.
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