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Everything posted by kildog

  1. Being an old firm sympathiser is pretty shameful to be honest.
  2. You wouldn't support a Rangers franchise started by fans of the club, but you have happily given your money and support to a succession of conmen and criminals? I'll never understand... Thank f**k I was never chosen, What a mess.
  3. This is why all right minded fans hoped the gates of Ibrox would be welded shut, after all the cheating and liquidation. Instead we have to continue to live with this shite. I hope everyone at the SFA/SPFL is delighted with the match at the weekend. Dicks.
  4. Is that a genuine DR front page? Looks like one of those piss takes off of the Celtic forums, people keep positing.
  5. If Killie were liquidated I would regretfully have to deal with that reality. I might even give my support to a new, fan led club, risen from the ashes. Then again Kilmarnock FC is just a Football Club, not an ethereal entity, existing outside of time and space, that can be neither destroyed, nor consistently defined.
  6. Why do you care so much about Sevco?? Your old club is dead. Why are you all so keen to attach yourselves the abortion that is currently based at Ibrox??!? Through all of this, that's the part I really don't get.
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