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Everything posted by kildog

  1. Watching the disingenuous jokers on here try to make out their dead club was treated in the same way as previous liquidated clubs verges on the surreal.
  2. Why is everyone assuming Ashley even needs a team playing out of Ibrox, let alone in the champions league? He can sell Rangers branded tat to the gullible hordes no matter what. another heritage/nostalgia brand to add to the portfolio. That's all they are.
  3. Does this mean we can't take the piss now?!? Cancer is no laughing matter.
  4. How can they print shite like this?! Everyone knows it was the company that was liquidated....
  5. They're being milked mercilessly. This will outsell the "lion brand" shite, by a considerable margin. So the comedy show rolls on.
  6. It's still funny. We all know they died. Why do they keep this petted lip shite going?
  7. He really is the "legend" the fans deserve. A true Rangers man, with only his bank balance and ego at heart.
  8. McCoist is such a cheeky chappie, you have to love him. I can think of 800000 reasons he won't be walking away.
  9. Just remember, the views of Rangers fans are never representative of the views of Rangers fans.
  10. It's a disingenuous turd. Stop trying to engage with it. It's not worth your time.
  11. The Sevco fans on here are just a bunch of obsfucating, disingenuous jokers, stop trying to engage. Just point, laugh and don't stop reminding them that Rangers cheated, then they died. That's all that matters. Updates on the fun and games at Sevco are also welcome.
  12. Your old club will still be dead and Mike Ashley will still have the new one you support by the balls. I'll get the party poppers in. You can buy the jelly and ice cream.
  13. I agree, he is. That's what made him the perfect candidate to take over your old, deceased, cheating club. For £1
  14. I'm here to laugh at the rangers. Not to be a bigot. I have nothing in common with any of you c***s.
  15. Well seen you're defending him. Stop lowering yourself to their level. Depressing as f**k.
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