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Posts posted by steelmen

  1. San Fran seems possible, particularly if Lance isn't ready to go (as rumoured).

    You'd imagine Green Bay would prefer him to go to the AFC if at all. And certainly not to a divisional rival.

    Problem you'd have at Denver is that division is already stacked, unlike the NFC North right now.

    I am obviously biased towards Denver but it would be amazing to see Rodgers, Maholmes, Herbert, and Carr go at each other during the regular season.

    I do think Denver has the talent on offence to keep him happy and an extremely solid defence. Add to that we now have most of his coaching staff and the money to make it happen.

    My issue is we are back to where we were with Manning. Getting a plaster, albeit a blooming good one, to cover the cracks for a few years. I just hope Paton can plan for the future better than elway did.
  2. I would like to see him elsewhere because as boo says he seems to be no more that Andy Reid’s wingman. Suppose he is also tainted with having maholmes. He seems to make a lot of plays up off the cuff when the planned play breaks down, he won’t get that at the teams looking for a HC

    He’s had so many interviews and for no one to want to give him a chance isn’t a good look. I’m sure it’s not all because he’s black.

  3. I surely can't be the only one thinking if the Max/Lewis roles had been reversed in the championship we'd have stopped hearing about it ages ago right?

    Nah, Horner and Wolff are as bad as each other. Marko would have exploded, he was losing it as the season went on.

    Masi fcuked up and has rightly been removed. He tried to give everyone the finish they wanted but failed to adhere to the set rules.

    I will miss the radio chats between the teams and the director but I am glad they have been put to an end. Some of the moaning was pathetic childish stuff that grown adults should be ashamed for saying.

    I’m not a Ferrari fan but I so hope their out the box thinking on the new rules delivers a car that can compete at the front. A 4 way battle with Mercedes, red bull, Ferrari and mclaren would be great (a proper 10 team battle would be ideal but that’s not happening anytime soon)
  4. 1 hour ago, pozbaird said:

    Decent SB, but as much as I think Jalen Ramsay is a knob, that was as clear a facemask grab by a wideout as you’ll ever see yet wasn’t called.

    i can understand why the ref's never called it. At real speed it looked like there was nothing in it other than Ramsey falling over. Once you see the replay it was an obvious pull. I thought when they reviewed a scoring play they could look if there was a foul in the lead up to it, obviously not.

    the penalties at the end were on the soft scale and i've saw them not given but equally you see them given all the time.

    i just wish the last drive was a bit more exciting.

  5. Pretty good game, Shame it had to end the way it did. Wish the bengals got further down the field to make it interesting. Glad that Stafford and burrow never got seriously injured.

    Half time show was pretty good, pretty obvious they Eminem was miming, he really needs to get lessons from Britney about keeping the mike close to your mouth as he kept pulling it away!

    I watched it on game pass and the amount of adverts for electric SUV’s was unreal. The adverts made absolutely no sense just full of old celebs doing stuff and then at the very end a car would appear.

  6. I would like a 18/24 set up quite simply because i am bored with playing each other 4 times a season. We need a bigger change in the league so possibly 3 teams being relegated (or 2 + the relegation playoff)

    I am not a fan of the split, i don't think it adds anything to the season.

    the playoff are enjoyable but i would tweak it to be more like the English system ie 3rd v 6th, 4th v 5th (or if you like the relegation play off top league v 5th, 3rd v 4th)

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