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Everything posted by Swello

  1. To be fair - we are linked with any player with a connection to Northern Ireland because (a) Steve Robinson and (b) we emptied our squad and have lots of players to sign, so I wouldn't necessarily read too much in to 'Well being mentioned there...
  2. Ouch - that's a bit of a minter for a new signing - having to order his da to delete his Twitter account Wise move though - and as he is following Craig Samson, he's well placed to be liked by our support (not palming the ball out to an opposing forward in his first game will have him in our POTY nominations)....
  3. I'm actually surprised that Samson got a pretty decent gig with St Mirren as he had a very poor end to the season (although he was good at times before that)...
  4. Just pre-enjoying the Steelmen Online reaction if Carson fumbles one against Rangers....
  5. I guess he can activate the extension (although why we were handing an extension to someone of that age, regardless of his excellent service, is a mystery) - but Robinson doesn't need to play him. A season on the bench wouldn't seem to be an attractive option for Keith either - but he might view it as a year to buff up his coaching CV before making a move to lower division management in 2018/2019.
  6. I'm enjoying the close season more than when we were playing games.
  7. I totally agree that we should offer to make Moult the main man in terms of wages and everything else such is his value to the team on and off the park - but if a bunch of clubs aren't looking at him seriously, then it confirms my suspicion that most folk involved in football are of remedial education level. He's scored 18 goals at a decent level 2 years in a row (in a pish team) and he has scored against every team he's played against for us as far as I can tell. Add to that his attitude, workrate and the ability to give previously heterosexual men impure thoughts (whilst parting with season ticket money) and it doesn't seem to make sense that there isn't a modest queue of modest English Championship clubs at the door... I'm not raising my hopes that he is staying.
  8. I had heard similar from people vaguely in the know (although I've got no idea if it's true or not) - but I guess there are arseholes in every workplace and some of them are very good at their jobs. McDonald came in to the category of someone who was worth putting up with despite being hard to manage I guess. That said, If the summer clearout is a way to improve the overall atmosphere within the dressing room, then that's a good thing.
  9. I'm fucking delighted with that - Ive had a bizarre hankering for a game against Berwick Rangers for years - we better be away for it.....
  10. The best indication of a decent signing is the jilted fans meltdown - thinking of folk like Chris Porter, loius moult and Carol McHugh when the supporters of those clubs were raging that they would sign for diddies like us.... Anyway - encouraging start.
  11. Aye - lazy bastart. He could be sorting the East Staun tannoy or putting bulbs in the scoreboard.
  12. That tweet cheered me up. Mainly because it used the phrase "busman's holiday", which was last spotted in the late 1970's.
  13. I hope so, as every agent knows we need to sign a ton of players, we'll be used for "adverts" when they want to get their clients names in the paper even if there is no chance of them signing for us. And you would hope that we do have our players more or less identified as everyone knew that a clearout was on the cards...
  14. Thank christ for that - Willo flood comes nowhere near fitting the profile of players we need to sign. It's going to be a long summer.
  15. We go back slightly longer than that - he probably saw us play Dortmund off the park in 1994 and we stuck in his mind My first and best European trip...
  16. Is Scottish Football News a credible source? I've never heard of it....
  17. Lionel leaves on good terms - no petted lip - Classy. ETA: Always worth seeing the goals against Hamilton that he mentions in the piece:
  18. When I heard about the idea of paying fees and then selling them on, my expectation was never that we'd be raking in millions - more that we get a slightly better standard of player than our competitors who were only looking at the "free" market (and Johnson and Moult definitely fit that description) - and then make enough in transfer fees to sustain that approach, so that we can absorb a "bowman" or two without losing money overall. On that measure, the policy is already a success - but that is all we should be aiming to do, we should never rely on these transfer fees for the operation of the club as they are not predictable or "budgetable". If we do get the occasional very big fee, then that should be paying our debt off early...
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