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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. I'd put this in the Normal Island thread but it seems like it's in Thailand.
  2. oaksoft's main contribution to the forum was absolutely ruining threads. He seemed to mature out of not using the multi-quote and posting five times in a row, but he just posted about everything as contrarily as possible. Anything he'd post about was argued to its tiniest detail and he had to be right, all the time. Threads were absolutely ruined in the process. Worried about your energy prices and want to find or share worthwhile advice? oaksoft's posting endlessly belittling anyone who's not wrapped up like they're trekking to the North Pole, or anyone disagreeing with any aspect of anything he's saying. Same goes for the strikes thread where you might have some concerns about the way things are but no, here are some screeds and some cry laughing emojis if you don't think what he thinks. The fact he claimed to be retired and happy to be without human interaction probably says a lot. He's not gone because people disagreed with the things he said, he's gone because it was impossible to actually have a viable message board if you disagreed with him, because he wouldn't let anything go. The fact that historically the opinions he held seemed completely fluid had no bearing on how vociferously he'd argue them. I don't think he was capable of letting things go and I'm not going to speculate on why that is, but it's not something that anyone should mourn.
  4. I'd just like to point out this was (probably) a typing error rather than an arithmetic error.
  5. Week 51 update Apparently you all picked rich people who can afford to have the heating on. Nothing this week. Don't forget your 2023 teams.
  6. I got the "it's in reverse" part. I liked the soundtrack. I could probably watch it another ten times with an encyclopaedia about it and still not get it. This, Blue Velvet and Dune were on Film 4 last week. Blue Velvet isn't on All 4, the other two are. Cowards.
  7. Mulholland Drive Any of you brainboxes care to explain this?
  8. I think I'll just stick with dying alone tbqhwy this sounds utterly torturous.
  9. Jacksonville - Brandon Flowers Paris - Friendly Fires Lucky Denver Mint - Jimmy Eat World Glasgow Mega-Snake - Mogwai Aberdeen 1987 - The Xcerts
  10. Had a good laugh reading the Sun in work today with one of their "And How Does This Tax Rise Affect These Handpicked And Totally Not Fabricated Persons?" A "model" and "dancer" who earns "£250,000" a year was complaining about the government taking money because they don't do anything with it. Never let it be said that the country doesn't have the government it deserves.
  11. If you're struggling to drive in a bit of slush, more speed is always the answer:
  12. I am up to date. Shannen Doherty's Wikipedia picture has changed and is much more pervy than before.
  13. "Home" shows tweets in a random order based on... something, as well as ones from things you don't follow. I stopped using twitter regularly in 2013 so I don't know when this came in or how it works on mobile, but a similar discussion happened on another board I post on a few months ago. I was absolutely amazed that people used this site where you choose what accounts you want to follow and just let it throw other stuff at you on the main feed. Absolutely ludicrous stuff.
  14. I went looking for something else to post and found this before I got there I haven't listened but based on the name of the video I'm not hopeful.
  15. Tam if you're reading I'm going to listen to Off the Ball on Saturday for the first time in years, I can't wait.
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